
Entitled In A Scandalous Way

"Mam! Please Look Here!!" "WAH!!! You Are A Picture Perect!" "Miss Zhao, Look this side as well!!" "She Is A Scorching Beauty! Perfect from every angle!!" Zhao Yuhui mailed her brightening smile at the cameras as she waved at them, which travelled through lenses and wireless connection as an arrow of love all the way straight at the hearts of countless males. They say little girls with dreams become women with visions when they grow up and...where is the lie?? Zhao Yuhui spent her whole childhood dreaming about becoming an actress, her teen years preparing for it while her university days working for it. Coming from a middle-class family, only she knew the hardships she had to endure to get here only to get into... "Bruh, she is the only woman with no scandals! Her future husband is going to be so lucky." "What it has to do with you? She will surely not marry you! Period." And just like that, a week later the trending articles were- "The trending beauty was captured in several photos with a mysterious man!" "The photos were posted with the caption saying- During the risky scene, Miss Zhao's boyfriend jumped right into the water to save his precious beloved *heart heart*!!!" "It was just last week she was seen in year-end awards where she was even praised for not being in any relationship!" "Could the current most searched actor be lying all the time when she denied having any boyfriend?" But a statement released by the company extinguished all the fire, "Well, in response to the 'rumors' surrounding our actress we only have one thing to say, it was merely a security man doing his duty!" And without any need to mention, the 'security man' in the picture just wished to bang the head of his friend onto the wall after reading the reference. Days Later. Trending articles were- "New photos of Zhao Yuhui were released last night but this time with a new man in black-suit!" "Zhao Yuhui in the arms of another man!!" "The face of the man is hidden but looking at the posture, they could be predicted to be gazing deeply in each other's eyes!" "Has Zhao Yuhui finally immersed herself in the ocean of love?" Zhao Yuhui: "..." What ocean of love! Only if she wasn't held by her company to not respond personally. Not to miss the top comments- "I am no expert but why does the profile of this man looks similar to the profile of previous man?" "Now that you mentioned it, even I can find the similarities!" "His back profile is the only thing visible but dude...look at those broad-shoulders!" This time, in response a paragraph was released by her agency, "These photos are from the banquet she had attended couple of months back and the man in these photos...is just a bodyguard. He was only catching her when she slipped, ignore the angle at which photo is taken! This was clicked right after the accident so this man is the same security guard who was promoted to a status of bodyguard as a result of his excellence." Bodyguard? Qin Lixin stared at his friend with a stare as good as a piercing knife. "Qin Lixin, glad to know about your promotion!" *laugh* "You were the only one who ordered to protect your identity. This was the only thing I could do." The great friend in the question replied as he brought his hands up in surrender. "I asked you to stop all these baseless rumors with that girl not to change my profession each time!" Qin Lixin growled as he held his forehead. "What if it reached my mom?" "It won't, trust me." However... "Assistant Fang, get Qin Lixin here and also the girl." The Vice-President of Qin Industries ordered while throwing daggers at the photo lightening the phone screen. -*-*-*-* Instagram - bellzla.za Cover is not mine. All rights to Original Owner/Creator.

bellzla_za · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
50 Chs

Something Was Weird.

"Fun, you said...like what kind of fun?" questioned Zhao Yuhui awkwardly. She still didn't understand.

"For ragging."

Zhao Yuhui's eyes almost popped out. "You mean bullying?" The possibility had crossed her mind hearing the word 'fun', but she had rubbed that out the next second.

All the universities fear for their reputation, especially the top ones. The way they value the name of their university, it was impossible for them to let such a possible stain be around.

And this stain was bullying, nothing else that too!

"Shhhh! You can't say it that bluntly! But yeah, that's more like that." The little junior actioned her to lower her voice. She was panicking to even let out the words here.

"You do know what you are saying, right?" It was one of the top universities in the country and if the word went out, the honour and status of the university would be degraded.

Wasn't it too much of a joke?

For sure, she didn't believe the junior. She didn't think that authorities would let such a thing happen at the university. It was like putting the reputation of the university at direct risk.

The little junior nodded frantically, looking a bit helpless. She should have known that it was going to be hard for her to make Big Sister understand.

"A whole different building is built to carry out such a thing and management didn't have any problem?" scoffed Zhao Yuhui unbelievably.

"The next generation heirs of a few of the conglomerate families had this place built because the university is owned by one of the families."

"So, was this building specifically built for this kind of activity?"

"Kind of, I guess."

The seriousness evident on the face of junior eventually faded her scoff. Zhao Yuhui stared at her for good ten seconds and then chortled. Just when her junior had thought Zhao Yuhui had finally started believing her, she ended up laughing loudly.

A little bit of ragging happened everywhere and Zhao Yuhui was aware of it but having a wholesome different place built, specifically for it, simply didn't make sense. What a joke!

Zhao Yuhui brought her hand to wipe the tear from her eye while laughing. When her laugh had reduced, she said. "I know you are joking around with me, but let's drop the act now before someone hears us and mistakenly actually believes it." With that, she patted the shoulder of her junior and turned to leave. "Let's go."

The little junior pressed the front region of her temple, trying to cease the headache from appearing. Everyone in their department was aware of it except for this senior. If not completely, they at least knew it wasn't a joke and would prefer to stay away from this place.

She gave up. Knowing that she can't do it, the little junior decided to let the matter go. Right. Senior hadn't come across any inconvenient situation in the past three years, so it can't be that she would get into one in the upcoming year too.

She was just worrying a lot for no reason.

Finalising this, little junior followed Zhao Yuhui out and that's when she heard her say. "This place is quite good though, I should visit often."

"Eh? You didn't in the last three years!"

"That time I wasn't aware, now I am."

The little junior halted at her place remembering something and called, "Senior Zhao!"

Zhao Yuhui, who was ahead by a couple of steps stopped and looked back with a raised brow. "What?" She was still having a small smile intact on her face.

She saw her junior running over to stand right in front of her and met her eyes with a newfound determination. "There is something I have yet to show you."

"Even I would like to stay but I don't think it's possible right now. Only forty minutes are left for the match to start, I need to hurry back." Zhao Yuhui checked her watch and smiled apologetically.

"I promise it won't take long, just about five minutes." The little junior brought her hand to display the five fingers as well.


"Don't worry, I just want to show you that!" With that, the junior pointed at the huge display screen on the other side of the swimming pool. They had come to stand on one side of the pool.

Zhao Yuhui followed the direction of her hand, but instead of looking at the display screen, she ended up noticing the large windows behind it.

"Follow me!"

Thinking she wanted to show her the view out of those windows, even if wishing to deny the offer, Zhao Yuhui unwillingly went after her. It was just one thing left, she shouldn't erase the excitement of her junior.

As soon as her junior got to the display screen, she pressed a button behind it and took the remote control kept there. The black screen became coloured and she shuffled through the controls.

Hearing the sound, Zhao Yuhui got confused and unknowingly pointed at the window. "Why you turned that on? Weren't we going to look through the windows?"

"No." The little junior didn't say anything more. Soon, a video started playing on the screen with loud cheers and hoots being the background noise.

A boy, around the same age as her appeared on the screen. Instinctively, Zhao Yuhui came closer to watch the video. He was enclosed in the glass wall while the balls from the shooter on the opposite end were automatically being thrown at him.

It was the games room they just had been to!

A small crowd was gathered outside the glass wall, happily watching it. Though bewildered, Zhao Yuhui intently focused on the video.

The smile on her face slowly converted into a frown within the next few minutes.

Something about the whole situation occurring in the video appeared weird.