

fairycairy · Celebridades
Classificações insuficientes
53 Chs

Enthralled 32

Felix's POV

"I want to protect the princess from you"

"W-What? Protect the princess from me?" Kali looked at me

"Remember what you told me?"

"What?" Kali

"You told me that we will kill the princess"

"A-And you did tried to kill me for the princess?" Kali stared straight to my eyes

I nodded "I-I know I was wrong"

"You are really wrong, Felix. I trusted you so much and you just tried to kill me. I guess the princess is much important than you" Kali removed my hand from her wrist "And I do really want to kill the princess. She is weak and she doesn't know how to rule the two Kingdoms"


"She is weak, Felix. If she is really the princess, she should do something for her own Kingdom. She shouldn't hide and show herself when everything's done" Kali

"Y-You are wrong. The princess is not weak. She is strong and she doesn't want to hide. It's God Thoais and Goddess Etris' decision to hide her. She doesn't have any choice but to obey her parents' order. How can you say she's weak when she doesn't even has the chance to prove herself"

"I thought you like me? Why are you defending her?" Kali looked at me

"The thing is, it's the princess that I like. I don't like you, Kali. Maybe I was just confused but I like the princess. You are like a friend to me and that will never change"

"You said you will protect me-" Kali

"Yes, but seeing the others, I know that they will protect you and will make sure you are safe. You need them more, Kali. And the princess needs me more"

"You will be in danger because of her! Didn't you heard?! A lot of people from Kunora and Xiya died because of her?! Because those people tried to protect her 'till the end. And you know what she did?! She just hid herself knowing that the whole Kingdom is being attacked! Did you know that the God Thoais and Goddess Etris died because of her?! She will put you in danger! You can't like her! You can't go near her, Felix! You have to hate her!" Kali shouted as tears started falling down her face "P-Please, stay away from the princess"

"Kali, I am sorry to disappoint you. But I promised my Kingdom to protect the princess no matter what happens, even if I need to sacrifice my own life to save her, I will do it"

"A-Are you doing this because you like her?" Kali wiped her tears

"I am doing this to help her. The princess needs someone beside her through ups and down. And I am willing to stay beside her and do everything for her"

"You didn't even saw her. How can you like her, Felix?" Kali

"It doesn't matter if I saw her or not. I just want to protect the princess, the hope of our Kingdom"

Kali nodded and wiped her tears "I guess you really want to protect her. I am glad you now know what you want to do. If you ever need my help, I am always here. You can always ask for me"

"Thank you, Kali. I want to say sorry for earlier. I know I am so wrong and I should've not done that. I am regretting my actions"

"It's okay. I understand what you feel. You want to protect the princess from anyone who will harm her. I am proud of you, Felix" Kali smiled

"I hope you are not mad at me"

"I'm not mad. I really understand what you want to say" Kali smiled once again

"Thank you" I said and watched her wipe her tears "Let's finish this mission together, Kali"

She nodded and smiled.

"Kali! Felix! We have a problem!" Jisung shouted as he ran to us

"What is it?"

"Changbin is not waking up and Jeongin caught something" Jisung said and ran, we quickly followed him and saw the others trying to wake Changbin "Look, he is still sleeping even though we tried to shake him up"

"Maybe he is tired? It's still dark"

"No, that lady is saying something and I think she is crazy" Jisung

"Who are you?" Kali asked

"Did you cried, Kali?" Jeongin asked

"No" Kali answered

I saw how Hyunjin and Minho glared at me when they heard Jeongin ask if Kali cried.

"He is not going to wake up, Hahahaha!!!" the lady inside the barrier started laughing like crazy

"Do you want to die?" Kali asked

"H-Highest rank?! No! I'm sorry! It's not me!" she cried

"Who did it?"

"It's me! Hahahahaah!" she started laughing again

"I think she's crazy" Maya whispered to us

"What did you do to him?" Kali asked as her eyes' color changed "Do you want to die here?"

"I just kissed him, that's it!" the lady shouted

"Then, why is he not waking up?" Seungmin asked this time

"He is too handsome!" the lady answered

"Does that make sense? He is not waking up because he is too handsome?" Jeongin asked confusingly

"Iogjarol" Kali whispered, the barrier disappeared and the lady is now on the air and struggling to breath "What now?"

"H-He is cursed! The one I kiss will not wake up forever!" she shouted

"Then?" Kali

"Only the witch can lift up the curse!" she shouted


"Yes! Inside that cave!" she shouted again

"Drondia Kalibsus" Kali whispered and the lady started disappearing and explode "I need to find the witch"

"You can't be alone, Kali" Maya said

"I'll come with her" Hyunjin said

This is it. I love how they tried to get Kali's attention.

"No, I'll go with her" Minho

"You two stay here, they need you" Kali

"I am here and besides we are enough to beat someone. So, bring them with you. We need to be sure that the witch won't harm you"

Minho and Hyunjin both looked at me at the same, and I saw how confused they are.