

fairycairy · Celebridades
Classificações insuficientes
53 Chs

Enthralled 18

Hyunjin's POV

I woke up when someone tried shaking me. I saw Jisung sitting on my bed.

"I just want to ask something" Jisung said


"Let's talk outside" he said and left the room

I wore my shoes and came out of the room "What?"

"About earlier. Is it true?" Jisung asked

"True? What?"

He looked around and whispered "That you like Kali?"

"Nonsense. Is that what you want to know?"

He nodded

"I like her. What's wrong with that?"

"A-Are you sure? Wow. I never thought you will like someone. And I never expected that it's Kali" Jisung said and nodded

"Can I continue sleeping now?"

"Okay! Sleep well. I'll just look around" he said and walked away

I went inside and lied down on my bed again.

Is it shocking that I like Kali? Can't I like her? And I never expected that Minho will continue to like her too. He promised not to like her anymore but what now? He is ready to fight with Felix anytime soon. He even ended our friendship because of a girl.

"Hyunjin! Where is Jisung?" Jeongin asked as he came out of the room on the left side

"He is looking around"

"Ah, the royal maids said not to go anywhere. The dinner will be ready soon. I'll see you later" he smiled and walked away

I walked to the 6th floor's training room where the highest ranks are training. I slightly opened the door and saw Kali sitting at the side. Is she crying? I can clearly hear her sobs. Even though we are in the same Kingdom we barely see each other. She's always out alone or with Felix. She never watched out training or battle, not even once. I carefully closed the door tried not to make any sound.

"Why are you here?" Felix asked

"Can I say it?"

"What?" he raised his eyebrow

"I went here to see Kali. Why?"

"Ah hahaha. I never thought you will have the guts to go here just to see her. You are really unbelievable" Felix smirked

"Am I?"

"Leave this floor" Felix said and tried to open the door

"You can't enter"

"Why can't I?" he glared at me

"I know I am being rude but you can't enter. Someone is using it and you should respect her privacy"

"This is our training room" Felix

"I know but I told you Kali is using it. If she wants to train you she would've called you. Don't you think? So, better back off and don't even try to disturb her" I glared at him and left him alone

Why cry in the training room when she has her own room? I almost got myself in trouble. Fuck it. I walked to our room and entered. Chan and Seungmin are talking.

"Where did you go?" Chan asked


"The dinner is ready. Let's go" Seungmin said and I nodded as answer

We went to the dining room. Everyone is there including the God and Goddess. The three of us vowed and sat with our teammate, Jisung.

"Where's Felix and Kali?" God Thoais asked

Minho looked at me but I just looked away. What does he want now?

"Sorry, I am late, your highness" Felix vowed as he entered the door and sat on his chair

"Where's Kali?" Goddess Etris asked him

"I don't know, your highness" Felix answered and looked at me

"Shall we start eating?" God Thoais said

We all started eating and I can feel Felix is looking at me from time to time. Is he triggered about what I told him? I am right, Kali doesn't want to train with him and if she wants she will call him. Why is he acting like that? Dumbass. He thinks he can scare me if he will look at me like that.

"I want you all to congratulate because you are all going to carry the biggest mission" God Thoais

The royal maid entered and vowed "The highest rank, Kali. She's not in her room and we looked everywhere but she's not here"

"She's in their training room"

"We looked there but Kali is not here in Xiya Kingdom. We sent people to look at Kunora Kingdom but she's not there as well" royal maid

"I saw her earlier"

"You mistook the trainer for Kali. It was the trainer who's inside the room where you looked at earlier" Felix said

"Huh? She's wearing a purple and blue dress-"

"You mistook her for someone else" God Thoais cut me

"I think so, your highness"

I really saw Kali wearing the purple and blue dress inside the training room. And why are they acting like that? I clearly saw Kali wearing a dress while crying. There's no way I mistook the trainer for Kali. I have a clear vision.

"What happened?" Chan whispered

"I really saw Kali"

"How are you sure it was her?" Seungmin asked

"Her blue hair"

"Anyway, let her. She will come back later, maybe she went out to train" Goddess Etris said

"Yes, your highness" royal maid said and left the room

I am not fucking blind. It's really Kali. I saw her wearing the dress and even her hair not tied like she always does. Wait- No, that can't be. The princess is hidden and there's no way she'll be in the training room.

"Hyunjin, are you okay?" Goddess Etris asked

"Yes, your highness"

"Are you sure? I think you are in deep thoughts. May I know why?" Goddess Etris smiled

"No, your highness. I was just confused maybe I really saw the trainer earlier"

She smiled and continued eating. Felix looked at me again. I sighed and continued eating too. What if Kali started the mission all by herself?

"Let's talk about it later" Chan said

I nodded as answer.

Am I seeing things?