
Participating in the Upcoming Festival

Mandy recovered fast that she entered the class in the next morning. Most of them never bothered her again, meanwhile Leah still have some bandage on her arms. She would looked away when she meet Mandy's eyes.

Mandy was glad about it, also no one dared to came near her or talked to her. They were too cautious around her, since they all witness her fight with Leah, wary if she would retiliate towards them, since they've supported Leah.

Mandy never thought about that, she just want them to let her be. She does not want anymore trouble come in her way and live with them peacefully. That's why she must fully gain their trust towards her.

In the mean time, their adviser was discussing about the upcoming festival of the school. It is the founding days of the school since the new society has been built. Along with the few special guest, the event was made to surpass the last year preparation, so the event was prepared uniquely according to the newest trend of style for the year.

Some of her classmates were excited from it, since they were expecting so much from the event. Most of the alumni from the school will gather, as well as the leaders of the monster society will be there.

Mandy on the other hand was trying to know more about the event, but surely no one still yet will welcome her. She was planning not to attend the said event, rather continue her practice. She still has a long way to master her capabilities and she must know how to use it before it could cause trouble in the future.

"So, have all decided on which group you'll participate in, for the event? Remember its a part of your requirement to join the event and give an essay about the it. The essay should be hand written with a minimum of ten pages. If you already have your decision please write on a sheet of paper which of the activities you'll enter so that I can now expect what type of essay you will write."

"I have mine, Ma'am." a girl stand and walk to the front and gave her paper. The other student followed to pass their own also. Mandy stay still on her seat, since she did not expect its going to be part of the requirement of their subject. She was no where to go, she has nothing in mind to participate on the event, not to mention if there was any of them will accept her. But in the end, she stand and walk towards their teacher and gave her paper. Their teacher has a different reaction from her other classmate.

"Are you sure about this Miss Frost? Its a lot hardwork in this committee, is that your final decision?" Mandy just nod to answer yes, their teacher just smiled and keep her paper.

"I think you've all passed the papers of your decision, now, class dismissed" she head out, and leave the excited student in the room, which they started talking as she was gone.

The activities or events for the festival may include spectator or participatory variations of one or more of the following types of events or activities, among others like Ceremonies, Concert, Music, Competitions, Contest, Dancing, Games, Fair/Booths, Lectures, Parades, Performances, Races, Singing, Sports and etc.

But most importantly, this things would not be successful without the construction committee, who will be the one to construct some of the facilities needed for the event. Since most of the construction work can't be handled all by the assigned student, they would also lend a hand to help them. The event was extravagand, so the setting should be well manage and organized. Mandy thought about it, since it might be her chance to prove herself.

It was lunch time, when their teacher instruct them to visit the office of each committee they were going to participate. She hardly find it since the place was far from their building. Until she arrived infront of their door, she knock trice before opening the door.

"Ah, excuse me, is this the construction committee?" she spoke out as she entered the room, but she did not saw anyone inside the room. The whole room was a mess of papers and machine, the place was chaos.

"Am I in the right place?" Mandy can't help to question herself.

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