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  • 1 Chs
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What is Enpécé

Leia o romance Enpécé escrito pelo autor Olivermaister publicado no WebNovel. ...


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Constantine Speranza, a parentless Junior at Red Bullback High School, had a bleak outlook on life He considered his life just being a small gear in a grand mechanism that gave way for others. Continuing his days being friendless, ostracized, and feared in his School because of his eyes, he continued the monotonous activity of attending School, going back home, eating, sleeping, and then repeating. Again, and again, he continued this cycle, hoping that something, anything, would someday change. And one day, something did change. During another tedious day, he was drawn towards the empty janitor’s closet where on the wall, lay a glowing blue circle riddled with lines and words he could not understand. Hesitantly, he poked it with one finger, and was grabbed and pulled into the glowing blue circle. When he awoke, he found that he had been transported into a grand room along with a few others. The room was filled with hundreds of people dressed in fancy clothing that were adorned with gold and other expensive products. After scanning the fancy room, a man and a woman that were adorned with more jewels than the rest appeared, walking out of a large door towards them. They were the King and Queen of the kingdom, and they told Constantine that he and a few others have been transferred to their world filled with dazzling magic, grand kingdoms, and ferocious beasts to become fantastic Heroes! Despite the weird events, for once, Constantine was excited for something new. Something other than staying in a bland classroom all day. He wanted to explore the world, become strong, become a Hero! He wanted adventure! Alas, it seemed that fate had other plans for him.... During a test to see his prowess in magic, it was revealed that.... he had none?

BuffDumpling · Fantasia
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Pertaruhan Terakhir

Berlatar disalah satu dunia fantasy, dimana sihir dan kekuatan saling beradu untuk membuktikan siapa yang terbaik. Didunia dimana makhluk makhluk mitologi seperti Naga masihlah ada. Didunia dimana didominasi oleh yang berkuasa. Perang abadi meletus dengan begitu sengitnya. Semua suku berebut mengklaim diri mereka sebagai suku paling berkuasa. Sama seperti namanya, perang itu abadi, tak tahu kapan dimulai dan kapan berakhirnya. Bercerita tentang Mika atau biasa dipanggil M karna ia adalah satu satunya orang dari suku M yang selamat. Ia bukanlah orang yang kuat, ia hanya orang biasa yang sedikit punya kekuatan. Tapi meski begitu ia memiliki otak yang encer. Ia bertahan hidup hanya dengan keterampilannya memanipulasi orang lain dan melarikan diri dari masalah. Tapi selamanya ia tak bisa berlari dari masalah. Ia harus menghadapi masalahnya saat ini. Masalah pribadi yang mempertaruhkan keselamatan seluruh Klan. Seorang pria, dengan tubuh ditutupi jubah hitam datang padanya dan berkata kalau ia akan menghancurkan seluruh Klan itu dalam waktu satu tahun kedepan. Tapi ia menawari M bergabung kedalam permainannya, menjadi musuhnya. Bukan menawari, dia mengancam M dengan membawa bawa teman dan adik perempuannya. Syaratnya mudah. Hentikan dia dengan kemampuan berpikir dan manipulasi M, kalau M menang maka perang abadi ini juga akan berakhir. Tapi kalau M kalah maka ia akan kehilangan segalanya. Bisakah M mengalahkan pria itu dengan manipulasinya? Bisakah ia melindungi dua wanita yang berada dalam hatinya?

jalonis446 · Fantasia
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10 Chs

Miss zodiak

hai! aku Aileen. Aku baru saja menyelesaikan studiku di SMA beberapa bulan yang lalu. Karena kecintaanku terhadap dunia zodiak, dengan mudahnya aku mendapatkan pekerjaan sebagai penulis di rubrik astrologi di majalah "Hola, Ruby". Target market pembaca tidak dibatasi umur, mulai dari kalangan pelajar, ibu rumahtangga, bahkan para pria juga tidak jarang konsultasi. Karena selain menulis artikel, aku juga menerima konsultasi bagi yang ingin diterawang. Baik lewat email maupun langsung face to face. Pernah juga diundang di salah satu channel TV swasta membahas seputar zodiak. Tanya jawab online juga aku jajaki. Pertanyaan dari penggemar, atau lebih tepatnya para klienku menanyakan hal yang sudah biasa aku tangani. Mulai dari masalah karir, kehidupan percintaan, kepo tentang karakter doinya gimana, bahkan ada juga yang bertanya gaya busana andalan yang matching untuknya seperti apa. Emang bisa? Tentu saja bisa, apapun pertanyaannya bisa dikupas tuntas dari sudut pandang astrologi. Seperti yang sudah aku katakan sebelumnya, untuk saat ini, aku belum berminat menjejakkan kaki ke perguruan tinggi untuk meraih gelar sarjana. iya, aku paham, sangat paham, hidup di era persaingan, lulusan SMA mau jadi apa. bukannya tidak sanggup, akunya aja yang bebal menolak mentah-mentah untuk melanjutkan pendidikan yang lebih tinggi lagi. Orang tua juga sudah berlepas tangan menghadapi kelakuan jahannamku. Inilah kehidupanku, aku yang menjalankannya. Akulah si anak kepala batu. Mungkin diantara kalian, ada yang menduga-duga apa zodiak yang aku sandang jika dilihat dari perangai burukku. Zodiakku terkenal dengan kemisteriusannya, misterius? aku nggak merasa tuh! Tapi orang-orang disekitar sangat sulit memahamiku. Bukankah tiap manusia itu unik?! Aku cukup open minded terhadap lingkungan sekitarku, tapi tidak untuk hal-hal pribadi. Bagiku, membuka rahasia kehidupanku seperti aib. Iya, hidupku tidak untuk dijadikan santapan, bukan untuk digembar-gemborkan. gimana nih, sudah ada yang tahu belum aku bintangnya apa kira-kira. kalau ada yang menebak zodiakku Scorpio, empat jempol untuk kalian. Tapi kenapa ya, sebagian orang-orang memandang sebelah mata, atau justru lebih menghindar untuk tidak dekat-dekat dengan golongan kalajengking ini. Mendengarnya saja, pasti terlintas dipikiran kalian sosok hewan beracun, mematikan, dan gelap. Sesuai lambangnya, berarti para kaum Scorpio itu... menggigit? NO, kami tidak seperti itu. Asalkan kamu nggak pijak, kami tidak akan menyengat. memang terkesan pendendam, tapi naluri itu sudah tertanam. Mungkin sebagian para kaum Scorpio mengiyakan asumsiku, sebagian lagi?? menolak mentah-mentah, beranggapan kalau itu sungguh perbuatan tidak terpuji. Bagi yang spiritualnya tinggi, menjadikan ia sebagai orang yang pemaaf, tapi tetap membekas dalam ingatannya terhadap orang yang sudah bermasalah dengan manusia Scorpio. haha... Yang punya doi, atau mungkin ada diantara kalian punya sohib Scorpio, wajib kudu tahu seluk-beluk perangai mereka. yah, setidaknya untuk meminimalisir masalah diantara kalian. So, disini akan aku paparkan lebih jelas lagi. Scorpio itu, hmm... gimana ya menjelaskannya? Oh ya, satu kata untuk mereka. Rumit! Soalnya golongan ini unpredictable, sulit dimengerti, juga membingungkan.

Sonia_Nas · Fantasia
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The Golden Bride

An ancient statue of a beautiful girl comes alive one certain night. With the new world around her, Juliet must face the difference between her life in the kingdom as a princess and now the new modern world. Therefore, she must find her way back home to her kingdom soon enough. However, her only problem, she didn't have the crown that was needed to go back home. With no choice left, she has to learn to adapt to the new world and hide her identity until she finds it. But, nothing was going to be easier for her from the day, Adrian McCain found her. He took her home that night. Not knowing her real identity, he tolerated her stupid questions. And he also tolerated her eccentric nature. She felt safe there but she knew she couldn't stay too long. She realized, Adrian had a problem too. His annoying grandfather. But he hid it too well from the people around him who thought he was another rich CEO. Juliet found about an agreement between Adrian and his grandfather and decides to help. But, whatever help she decides to do soon makes her question herself, if the decision she took was right. With an unexpected arranged marriage, Juliet becomes his bride and is pulled even closer into Adrian's world. And soon enough also finds the secret plan Adrian had in his mind. A plan which Adrian didn't know would bring more chaos than ever. Because, once secrets spill, nothing will be the same for them again. Since both their goals seemed to be the same thing, getting the crown. Click the story and enjoy an amazing adventure, a swoon worthy romance and a wonderful fantasy with some delightful humor. You won't regret it for sure. Go in and enjoy.

Jazqelle_ks · Fantasia
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2 Chs

The Billionaire Model

Nate, one of the presenters of the TV station, conducts an interview with famous billionaire Zoe, who is also a model at age twenty six. As a woman billionaire and a model, Zoe's coronation was ruined twice. The first time was when her mother, Connie, bribed the judges to ensure that her daughter is crowned Miss Atlantica when she was 21. While Zoe was being crowned, her mother was arrested together with two senior judges she bribed to raise her daughter's name. After she was crowned, she was divested, and for the next five years she was prohibited from taking part in the Miss Atlantica pageant. This vile act of castigation was witnessed by millions of Atlas city TV viewers and audience members. The second time was when her ex-boyfriend, Jasmine, surprised her shortly after her coronation at the age of twenty six with an engagement after five years without competing in the pageant since she was banned. Her boyfriend, Leon stopped Jasmine before he could engage Zoe. Zoe tried to run away, but slammed into the speakers and fell, passed out, and woke up in the hospital. The nightmare struck Zoe and the interpretation predicted the death of Jasmine and it was so. Zoe found new love with Earl, the son of the priest and owner of the Atlas city shopping center after breaking up with her current boyfriend. The strife between Zoe's Ex-boyfriend and her current boyfriend led to the her Ex-boyfriend. An illegal protest was organized against Zoe by her fellow models which meant to manipulated her reign as Miss Atlantica. The organizer of the protest, Naomi was imprisoned and charged with theft, illegal protest, and sabotaging the suburb and the house of the Zoe. The models later reconciled. Zoe’s love affair with Earl was successfully established with marriage plans involved. Her father, Frank and her sister, Menander were supportive to her until the end when she married to Earl the same night of her third coronation which she celebrated.

Mlamleli_Zide · Urbano
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27 Chs

Why 'The Records' broke

The beginning marks the end. A story untold as it never ended, a story broken as it never got the chance to heal, a story of the stars and a story of the world abandoned by fate. People live by desires, dreams, motivation and undying crave for something. Everybody want something in life, something that they want to achieve no matter the cost. But how about those who don't? How does it feel to not have any dreams? How does it feel to not have a single thing you are interested in? How does it feel to not crave for anything? Life goes just like the flow of the river with nothing so ever happening in your life and meet the Sea as in Death. What would happen if an otaku character travel beyond the Milkyway Galaxy to the world of magic? Rudra the main protagonist travels with the Emissary of the Destructor to the World of magic. Faced with the Trial beyond the limits of his own, Rudra fails to overcome the Trial. But the Destructor grants him another chance because of the transcending power he posses ' Authority'. Two years after the Trial will be held again to test the successor of Shadow God, if he fails to overcome the Trial again then not even Death can save him. Rudra ends up on the planet Seed in the Reedreada Galaxy as per the Destructors wish. There he joins the famous Star Verse Academy to train himself and overcome his limits and face the Trial with everything he got. But will that be it... English is not my native language, so there might( must) be some mistake, please inform me through comments. Text me on Discord if you have any advice or opinion Discord- Ether7#2296 And lastly, of course, cover page is not mine. If you want me to remove it( Which I am sure no one is interested in) I will remove it.

ether7 · Fantasia
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44 Chs

My Ex-husband And I (Warm his bed)

Her life was once filled with pure sweetness, bees of fortune flies around her as she glows in wealth. She was a queen, a boss. she commanded thousands of people and even more. Hundreds of slaves she owns. She lived lavishly but, that was then... That was when she was still the wife of Mr Grayson. The perfect rich gentleman. He's a dream of any woman. Mr Grayson showered her with love and care. Anything she demands he gives her, she lacked nothing. Love, wealth, protection, prestige, reputation and respect. She had all this given to her by him before things changed that night. It was the night Mr Grayson had returned from his business trip, he had freshen up and even performed his duty as a man in her. Apparently that would be the last, as he sent her packing with a divorce letter she was forced to sign. She saw the other side of her man and so her dream shattered. When she had noticed the only hope she had. Mr Grayson baby! She had a miscarriage and this time her whole world crumbled completely. All hope lost. Nowhere to go because her family won't take her back. She dosen't know why all this had happened to her. Her man, her love, and, her family. Everything she once had. She grew determined to survive and over the years she worked hard but nothing to show for it. Till that certain day, a new business proposal from her neighbour. It was a rich man in need of a PA. But, what happens?! Her Ex-husband becomes the rich man. He wants a PA that works for him privately. He wants her to warm his bed, to work for him in his bed with her body. However.... The rich man has a new wife now and she turns out to be her stepsister.

Fadipe_Ifeoluwa · Urbano
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  • Taxa Geral
  • Qualidade de Escrita
  • Atualizando a estabilidade
  • Desenvolvimento de Histórias
  • Design de Personagens
  • Antecedentes do mundo


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