
End Of Paradise

Zoro falls in love with the mysterious Sanji Vinsmoke. Unbeknowest to him, that chance meeting changes the course of their lives and destinies forever and everyone else around them gets affected as Zoro has to protect Sanji from the sins of his past and the many threats in the Mafia world

MarbleRose12 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

Chapter 1



I must admit, I've been skating on thin ice of luck. My old man, Mihawk, kept me sheltered from the gritty underbelly of the mafia scene for ages. Sure, I knew what pops was up to, but I minded my own business. Getting tangled up with those unsavory types was never my cup of tea.


Or so I told myself. Then along came Sanji. Curse that stupidly handsome Sanji. The day he sauntered into my life was etched in my memory like a tattoo; September 15, a day to remember.


Everyone in the hallway stopped dead in their tracks as Sanji strutted past, paying no mind to the gawking masses. Confidence dripped off him like sweat on a summer day. And why wouldn't it? He was hotter than a furnace. Decked out in rebellious glory—long tees, shredded leggings, boots bedazzled to the nines, and a touch of eyeliner that screamed rockstar.


Silent as the grave, too. Almost eerie. Rumor had it some poor soul ripped his tongue out for getting too cozy with the wrong girl. To add to the mystery, nobody knew a lick about him. He was a lone wolf even during lunchtime.


Intrigued, I decided to play detective. During class, I'd catch him shooting glances my way, a smirk playing on his lips. Was he interested in me, or was I just imagining things?


The mystery deepened during lunch one day. My buddies and I had just polished off our meals when I spotted Sanji slipping out the door.


"Where's he always sneaking off to?" Luffy wondered aloud, his gaze following Sanji's disappearing act.


"Maybe he's a loner," Robin mused.


"Yeah, noticed how he shies away from girls," Nami chimed in.


"Maybe that tale about some dude punishing him over a girl is true," Usopp shrugged.


"Alright, let's play detective," I declared, rising to my feet, Luffy and Usopp trailing behind me.


Call me nosy, but I had to uncover the mystery behind that blonde bombshell who'd been renting space in my head for weeks. Why'd it always have to be blondes, anyway?


But as I followed him, I stumbled upon something I hadn't expected. An older man, stepping out of a sleek red sports car, escorting Sanji away without a word. The sight left a bitter taste in my mouth. Was this guy Sanji's sugar daddy?


Sanji's POV


Leaving school midday was always a gamble, especially when my dad summoned me with a text during lunch. Being the Consigliere of the Mafia, though, it was par for the course. While others in the gang had their roles, there were certain tasks only I could handle. Maybe it was because I was the youngest member, or maybe it was my knack for blending into the shadows and slipping through the cracks.


"So, what's my mission, Pedro?" I asked as our car sped away from the school.


Pedro, my silent companion and fellow spy, glanced at me from the driver's seat. "Your mission this time is to infiltrate the Charlotte's party."


Years ago, Pudding had played me for a fool, her deceit staining our once-promising connection. Now, Dad spoke of arranged marriages and alliances as if my heart were just another piece on his chessboard.


But this party—just the mention of Blackbeard sent a chill down my spine. His name carried weight, a dark cloud looming over even the toughest of us.


"Blackbeard," I repeated, feeling the gravity of his influence.


Pedro nodded gravely. "It's risky, Sanji. But your father insists."


"This is going to be one risky assignment. But we have no choice here. I don't know what Father's intentions are, but there's only one way to find out."


As we returned home to prepare for the mission ahead, I braced myself for the storm brewing on the horizon.


Father greeted me with his usual stern demeanor, and I steeled myself for the conversation to come.


"Did Pedro brief you?" he asked, his eyes piercing through me.


"Yes, but I'm still unclear. Why him, Father? Going after Blackbeard will only stir up more trouble for us."


"Indeed, but I've made a shocking discovery, son," Father began, his voice low and intense. "Remember your accident years ago? Turns out that bastard was keeping tabs on you."


He handed me a document, and as I scanned its contents, my blood ran cold. "Your mother was informed by her sister, Isolde—part of the Italian Mafia, by the way—that Blackbeard wanted to kill her as punishment for a bad trade."


The revelation ignited a fire within me. "What's the plan, Father?"


Normal POV


Sanji arrived at the party venue dressed in a sleek black tuxedo, his disguise of choice for blending into the shadows. It was situations like these that made his job as an assassin all the more convenient. After all, who would suspect a blonde teenager of harboring such deadly secrets?


That's why they called him the Angel of Death—his presence unnoticed until it was too late. It was his double life, navigating the treacherous waters of high school by day and the dangerous underworld of espionage by night.


Being homeschooled had shielded him from prying eyes, but now, as he mingled with the crowd, he couldn't help but feel exposed. His father's decision to send him to high school had seemed odd at first, but then he met a certain Marimo—a certain Zoro—who added a new dimension to his life. But thoughts of Zoro had to wait; now wasn't the time.


To protect his family's secrets, Sanji had adopted a facade of silence, distancing himself from his peers. So imagine his surprise when he spotted Zoro standing next to who he suspected to be Mihawk Dracule—his own father. Mafia ties, it seemed, ran deeper than he'd realized. His mission to observe Blackbeard suddenly became more complicated.


As Zoro's gaze met his own, Sanji felt a flutter in his chest. What was he doing here? Before he could contemplate further, Mihawk approached him with boisterous greetings.


"Ah, Sanji! Look at you, all grown since the last time I saw ya!"


Zoro's glare didn't go unnoticed as he questioned their connection. Sanji, deciding it was time to drop the act, revealed his true self.


"Our fathers know each other. No big deal," he said with a nonchalant shrug.


Zoro's surprise at hearing Sanji speak was evident. "Why the silence in school, then?"


"Some secrets are best left hidden."


Zoro's attempt at lightening the mood with a joke about "sugar daddies" earned a chuckle from Sanji, though he quickly corrected the misunderstanding.


"Dad's driver, Pedro, is hardly a sugar daddy," Sanji retorted, the tension easing slightly.


Their moment was interrupted by the arrival of Helmeppo and Pudding, casting a shadow over the conversation. Zoro's protective gesture didn't go unnoticed by Sanji, who appreciated the support.

"The only losers I see here are you and your companion. Seriously, that suede suit? It's so outdated, it hurts my eyes. And don't even get me started on that princess outfit—it looks like something a child would wear to a tea party. Do yourselves a favor and upgrade your wardrobe, pronto."

With a well-timed insult, Zoro deflected the awkwardness, leaving Pudding and Helmeppo fuming as they retreated.

"Thanks," Sanji murmured, a hint of gratitude in his voice.

"Don't mention it," Zoro replied, the tension between them momentarily forgotten in the heat of the moment.

"You know, you clean up nicely in a tux," Sanji observes. Zoro chuckles. "Funny, considering I despise formal wear. But since Papa Hawk insisted on dragging me here tonight, I had no choice."

Sanji nods, suspecting that Zoro's father wants to gradually introduce him to the Mafia world. "You look stunning tonight, Curlybrows. Quite the departure from your usual rocker look at school."

Sanji laughs, knowing Zoro would bring that up. "Oh, this? I enjoy dressing up. I don't attend many events like this, but when Dad needs a representative, I'm the go-to person. So I make sure to look my best."

"Your beauty truly shines when you're all polished, with minimal makeup," Sanji smirks. "Is it just me, or do you have a soft spot for blondes?"

"Maybe," Zoro replies.

Pedro watches their interaction with a grin. Compared to the other potential matches Judge had suggested for his son, this one feels different. The fact that Sanji chose Mihawk's son over the others is significant.

He always knew Sanji had a type, but he never imagined it would be Mihawk's handsome son. He immediately informs his boss.

"Boss, I think we might need to reconsider marrying Sanji off to that girl."

"Has someone caught his eye?"

"Mihawk's son Zoro. He's at the party, and he and Sanji seem to have great chemistry."

"Is that so? Perhaps we should invite Mihawk and his son over to solidify the relationship, then."

At that moment, the party's host arrives, and fear grips Sanji as memories flood back, overwhelming him until everything goes blank.



This is the first part of the story. Things are heating up as you can see.