
Encrypted Void

Angels and Demons fought for tens of millions of years that made the beautiful world corrupt and filled with mana from their conflict, because the amount of mana released into the world made humans evolve and use magic to protect themselves. After a long war broke out, an external factor interrupted the battle and made both sides petrified by a strange magic. Millions of years after the war made humans become strong due to their adaptation to the world, but slowly growing evil traits from within humans made the world once again tainted by War, Enslavement, and Murder. Naku, a boy who have lost memory with unknown reason living in a world that is full of cruelity trying to find his memory no matter what it cost.

AimLemon · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
39 Chs

Azure Authority Arc (Part 4)

Lumina was stunned and looked at Naku with a surprised expression.

"Eh...? Hana is... your sister?" Lumina said with a look of surprise clearly visible on her face.

"Wait... thinking about it... I also realized that your appearance is very similar to her... that's why..." Lumina thought while muttering.

Naku suddenly stood up and drew his sword, Naku pointed his sword at the dark alley in front of them while channeling mana into his eyes to improve his vision, Nano then rushed into his bag and Lumina quickly retreated to Naku's side while looking at Naku.

"I feel there is someone at the end of the hall, and his strength is not normal... is he our enemy Naku?" Lumina said while tightly gripping the hilt of her sword, preparing to attack at any time.

Naku frowned and saw a woman in knight armor coming out of the darkness of the passage, beautiful purplish white hair swayed gently with every step the woman took, the woman opened her eyes and revealed beautiful purple eyes in the darkness of the passage, the woman is Flair.

"She's enemy... Lumina, get ready to run... we are no match for her." Naku said while breaking out in cold sweat seeing the mana aura released by Flair. Flair walked and looked at Naku and Lumina with a blank, emotionless look, making Naku feel something strange about her, Flair pulled her sword from her waist and made Naku and Lumina shiver and break out in cold sweat.

"Ugh.. Naku, follow my movements." Lumina said while focusing her gaze on Flair's hand which was holding the sword.

Flair walked and the steps she took seemed to make the entire room around them suddenly crumble under the pressure of her terrifying aura, Flair then closed her eyes and stopped walking.

"Encryption: Eclipse Restriction" Flair said and the blue mana around him was quickly devoured by the thick dark purple mana.

All the light around them was devoured by the dark purple mana, making Naku and Lumina unable to see anything around them. Lumina then creates a blinding white light and grabs Naku's hand, Lumina destroys the ceiling of the passage and manages to get out of the underground, but they see the sun covered by a circle of dark mana creating an artificial eclipse throughout the Azure Authority area.

"Naku! we have to go now!" Lumina shouted before running towards the gates of the Azure Authority.

Suddenly, a huge slash passed through the two of them and destroyed the gate of the Azure Authority. Naku and Lumina turned around and saw Flair walking in the middle of the deserted town with a sword coated in dark purple mana.

"You can't leave alive, Criminal." Flair said without emotion which made Naku even more curious about her.

"You... could it be you're an Ark...?" Naku said while waiting for Flair's response.

Flair didn't answer him and slashed her sword so fast that even Naku and Lumina's eyes couldn't react, the slash flew towards the two of them as fast as sound, but right before the slash hit the two of them, a loud sound rang right in front of Naku and Lumina like steel bouncing off something violently and loudly, they saw Flair's sword slash bounce towards Flair's side.

When the smoke around them cleared, Naku and Lumina saw a man with greenish-white hair walking towards Flair while creating a sword made of mana in his right hand.

"Naku... do you know that man?" Lumina said while looking at Naku.

"He looks familiar... but maybe we should take this chance to run now." Naku said and ran towards the gate of Azure Authority.

Naku and Lumina cut through the ruins of the gate and destroyed it making way for them to leave. Nano, who was in the bag, saw the man and realized that the man was Veil who was in her past memories. Naku and Lumina jumped onto the roots of a giant tree and immediately climbed down to escape into the deep forest.


Veil stopped and saw Flair who was preparing to attack, Veil then dodged her attack and grabbed one of the iron pole attached to the ground.

"Encryption: Everlasting Mana" Veil said and the blue mana around him was devoured by the white mana that continued to evaporate out of his body without limit.

Flair channeled more mana into her sword and slashed it at Veil, but Veil quickly grabbed her sword before she managed to slash it and destroy it.

"?!" Flair jumped back, but her leg was caught by Veil and slammed down to the ground hard.

Flair used her hand as a fulcrum and kicked Veil in the face, but the wound was quickly healed by the white mana around him and he grabbed Flair's leg before then hitting her right in the stomach sending her flying very hard into the Azure Authority barrier. Flair hit the barrier so hard that it cracked, Flair tried to get back up but was kicked in the stomach by Veil and sent her flying out destroying the Azure Authority barrier completely.

Flair was then caught by Revil who was panting, managed to run after her, Flair then stood up and wiped the blood off her face.

"Revil, do you think the two of us can beat him?" Flair said as she entered a knight-like charging stance.

"We can only try, don't die.

"Encryption: Sea of ​​Venomous Roots." Revil said while making a sword from the roots he made.

Veil stood on a tree looking at them from a height waiting for the two of them to attack first, Flair and Revil quickly ran towards Veil and slashed their swords at the same time, but both of their swords were blocked by Veil's hands and destroyed instantly, Revil kicked Veil in the face but was blocked and gripped his leg then throw him at flair who was behind him trying attack him from behind, Flair was thrown away because she was hit by Revil who was thrown at her.

Flair then threw her mana sword towards Veil's eyes but it was destroyed by his grip without any effort at all, Revil who was hiding in his root in the ground was caught by Veil who stuck his hand straight into the ground, Revil slashed his own leg to escape his grip and slashed at Veil's neck but his sword was destroyed with a strong punch from Veil.

"FLAIR!" Revil screamed in panic but he was kicked right in the stomach making him vomit a lot of blood and hit the wall of the Azure Authority.

Flair slashed her sword which was covered in a huge mana aura and the slash was blocked by Veil with his white mana sword with only one hand.

"What..?" Flair said confused looking at Veil blocking her attack with just one hand.

Veil slashed the slash again and reflected it right at Flair, the slash hit Flair without being able to avoid it and hit Revil who was still stuck in the wall of the Azure Authority. Flair and Revil fell to the ground hard and saw Veil walking towards the two of them with a sword made of white mana around him.

"So your Overseer thinks can beat me with just two people?" Veil said as he walked towards the two of them.

"Damn monster..." Flair vomited more blood because the wound she received was so severe, she quickly created a portal around her and disappeared with Revil.

"I really don't intend to kill you guys right now, to track down that damn Overseer." Veil said and released his Encryption.

"I hope they can escape..." Veil looked towards the forest where Naku, Nano, and Lumina fled.