1 ~"Hey"~


The day for me to return to Japan has finally come. Don't get me wrong, I like Canada, I've just been looking forwards to going back to Japan, so that I can see the rest of my family again. I miss them. A lot. Though, I will miss all of those that I have made friends with. That's exactly why I hate moving, it always ends up with relationships being torn due to the distance.

I stand up, trying to forget all of my previous thoughts. I pick up my phone from my bed, and check the time.

"4:29pm, huh. Time must've gone faster than I thought it would. Oh well, guess I better pack all my shit." I say, to no one in particular, and approach the red suitcase, lying on the ground waiting to be packed.

I look at the wall beside my bed, and than it hits me. How in the hell am I supposed to pack all of my skateboards? I'm sure as hell not about to leave years worth of memories here, that's for sure.

"DAD! Can you bring another suitcase up here? There's not nearly enough room in this tiny ass suitcase to fit all of my skateboards, and I ain't leaving them behind, that's for sure."

"Language Y/N, and okay, I'll bring one up in a little bit."

I start taking the skateboards off my wall. Overall, I had about 7 decks that I kept nailed onto my wall. When I was putting them up on the wall, it almost hurt me physically to hammer a hole through them, but you gotta do what you gotta do, right? Anyways, I slowly removed them from the blue wall, one by one. I take a second to look at each of them. My favorite one of them, was the one that was blue, with a simple yellow smiley face on it. It was my favorite for two reasons. One, because I liked the design and two, because I got my all time high-score while riding it.

I continue to take the decks off my wall, and place them on the ground stacked on top of each other. I continue to grab my other skating things, such as medals, and tools for fixing my board. I also take the board that I'm currently using, and put it all beside the other things.

"Here ya go kiddo. That's a lot of stuff you got there." My dad said, with a chuckle at the end.

I smile at him, and watch as he walks back out of my room.

I stuff all of my skating things into the bag, and close it. I than start gathering all of my other clothing and start placing it neatly into the suitcase. I finish putting in all of my clothes, except my PJs and clothes for tomorrow, because I'll need that. I see that there's still a but of room in the bag, so I chose a few things like my sketchbook and pencil crayons and place them in the empty spot. I look around, and see just how empty my room looks.

I plan on spending the rest of my day at the skate park, since it was most likely going to be that last time I would get to skate there. I practice all of my usual tricks, and my routine from my last competition. People truly do underestimate how much hard work this takes. It took me years to get to the level I am at, yet people still call me "immensely talented", when my skill comes majorly from hard work. I mean sure, I have a bit of talent but more than anything, I put hours and hours of work into sharpening my skills. I've poured my sweat, blood, and tears into this, quite literally. Night's of crying myself to sleep from frustration and blood from continually falling. But the pain is worth it, if it means I get to skate. There's nothing like the amazing feeling of landing a hard trick for the first time...

I finally finish practicing, after about 2 hours. I was too tired to walk home, so I called my dad to pick me up.

Time skip to Y/N being at home

I'm pretty tired and tomorrow is the flight to Japan, so I decide to go to bed early so that I'm not tired tomorrow. I gotta say, I'm pretty excited for the flight. I'll finally get to see my family, more specifically, my mom. I haven't seen her in a while, since when we moved to Canada, she couldn't find a job. So, we decided that it would be best if she stayed there while we moved to Canada.

I close my eyes, and get into a comfortable sleeping position. I try and calm myself down, and quickly fall asleep.

The next day

I wake up to the excruciatingly annoying sound of my alarm, and quickly hit it to make the noise fucking stop, because if I have to listen to it for one more second, I think I might go crazy. i look up to my ceiling, and remember the upcoming events for today. I get up, slouching due to fatigue. I stretch a little bit, and start to walk out my room, towards the kitchen.

"Rise and shine!" Says my dad, much too energetically for this time in the morning.

"It absolutely shocks me how one can be the energetic this early in the morning."

"Come on! I thought you were excited to go to Canada." He says, facing me with a smile.

"I am, but damn it's early."

"It's really not that early Y/N, it's 9:30am."

"Well, I consider that much too early to be awake."

"Suck it up buttercup. Here, have some toast, maybe that'll get your energy levels up."

I take the piece of buttered toast, and take a bite out of it. It doesn't taste the best, but it'll do. My dad than gives me an apple, along with a glass of strawberry milk, 'cause that shit is good. I thank my dad for breakfast, and I walk out of the kitchen. I start to get dressed, wearing black sweatpants, a white baggy Santa Cruz shirt, a red beanie, and a pair of red converse. I walk out of my room, and see my dad getting the last of his things into the car, so that we can go to the airport.

Time skip to the airport

I help my dad take out the many suitcases, and drag them inside the airport, where it was much warmer than outside. We get through all of the security, and are finally waiting for our airplane to be ready. I was excited. I don't know why, but being in the an airport brings a strange feeling that I can't seem to be able to explain.

After about 30 minutes of waiting, the airplane arrived. We quickly board it, and before I know it, we're in the air. I'm a little bored on the plane, since I already watched a few movies, so I start looking at the people around me. I know it may seem a little weird, but hey, it helps kill time, am I right? I look around, and I spot a tall, pale, boy with light blue hair. I look over beside him and see another person, who has short brown hair, and 2 ear piercings. I keep looking around at other people, until I get bored of it. I quickly take out my phone, and start looking at all of the skateboarding TikToks that I've saved onto my phone. At this point, I've probably saved over 100. I really like them, and post some myself. I don't have many followers though, only about 200.

I keep doing random things like that, until I decide to go to sleep after having one of the airplane meals. I really can't decide whether I hate, or like the airplane food. Maybe it's both, is that's possible. It took me a long time to fall asleep, but eventually I do.

Time skip to the car ride to your new house

I stare out the window, and look at the plain landscape. House, after house, after house. I see nothing that was interesting, so I decide to visualize what I want to decorate my room like. I might paint onw of the walls, either the color blue or red, I haven't decided yet. I think over stuff like this, until we reach the small, white house with a driveway made up of many pebbles.

I get out of the car, and decide to walk around the house a bit. My room was just how I saw in the pictures, though it was a little bit smaller than I thought it would be. Though that doesn't matter much, because it's still rather large. I make my way down the stairs, to get my suitcases, and than climb back up, trying to to fall back because of their weight.

I unpack a few of the things, and leave it all lying there. I decide to go skate a little, just to get a look at the neighborhood. I take my phone out, and press on the app labeled "Google Maps". I quickly search up the nearest skate park, and find one just 20 minutes away. I ride around the neighborhood for about 5 minutes, and Start to make my way to the park.

I reach the park, and to my surprise, there's already someone there. The person there is a boy, that looks around my age (13). He has brown hair, and dazzling, emerald green eyes. Wait a minute- did I just call his eyes dazzling? Never mind, I think nothing of his eyes. They're totally normal, and do not stand out anymore than someone else's eyes would. Totally not.

Anyways, the kid looks like he know what he's doing. Just from watching him, I can easily tell that he's been skating for at least 2 years. I take a look at his board, and I see that it has a unique design. I like it. I take a look at the boy himself, and it seems that he finally noticed that I'm here.


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