
Elf: Tree Fruit Dessert

Qewa · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

Chapter 2

"Xiao Mao, is there really a carp king in a place like this?"

Ash scratched his head and looked into the dark depths of the forest... He looked a little timid... He had just watched a thriller movie about a little girl who drowned and turned into a vine monster and then attacked children.

Then the day before yesterday, I watched a horror movie in which Pikexi turned into a Gengar after his death and then ate people...

Now he is a little scared when he sees the dark place. Even if he wants to see the Carp King... he will still feel scared. If he has a choice, he still wants to go to the Carp King in that big brother's shop...

"Trust me! I'm grandpa's grandson, how could I lie to you!"

Xiao Mao was a little unhappy, but the main thing is... Xiao Zhi doesn't believe him, this is his wife... Bah, although he doesn't admit it, he still regards it as a friend in his heart, now this guy actually doesn't believe him... This is How to make him comfortable.

"I believe in you...but..." Of course, Xiaozhi believed in his friends who played big, but he was embarrassed to say that he didn't go in because he was afraid...If he said that, Xiaomao would definitely be ruthless mocking him...

"If you believe me, then follow me!"

Xiaomao grabbed his fishing rod in one hand, and Xiaozhi's little hand in the other, and trotted all the way to the depths of the forest...

"Shuaibi, the fruit-picker, trotted all the way to the forest..."

Lian, carrying a large backpack, humming cheeky words, ran towards the fruit trees in the forest.

Tree fruit is still easy to find, especially blue orange fruit, which is very common, so Lian still found a blue orange fruit tree very easily.

"Okay... let me shake it!"

Lian faced the blue tangerine fruit tree with a thick bowl, and then pressed both hands against the trunk and shook it vigorously... This is the time to test the European qi... Let's see how many blue tangerine fruit can be shaken down...

The tree trunk was shaken vigorously by the lotus, and a few scattered blue and blue oranges fell down... scattered on the ground.

"These should be enough..."

Lian Ma immediately collected all the blue tangerine fruits on the ground, piled them into a small handful, and then threw them into her back basket one by one...

"Tsk, blue orange fruit..." Lian took out her phone, opened the only APP on the desktop, and clicked on the option of the tree fruit illustration...

The blue tangerine fruit has a super hard taste and contains a variety of flavors. It is suitable for making Pokémon food of various flavors... It is a taste that can be accepted by most Pokémon.

"Can you make most acceptable flavors..."

Then, a page popped up on the screen: Tree fruit ingredients were detected to blue orange fruit. Since the Pokémon Food Guide is 0, a blue orange fruit recipe will be given randomly.

Lian took out a small chopping board, a fruit knife, and some messy tools from the basket...

After all, he can't waste his energy. If he returns with a basket full of tree fruits, the food he gets in the end is useless at all, then it's blood loss!

So he wants to get some out first, and test the effect on the wild Pokémon in the back mountain. If the effect is really good, he will really get a lot of tree fruits and go back to do it slowly, and solve the food problem of the carp king first. , and then take it out and sell it, it is basically zero cost, and it is not a loss.

Thinking of this, Lian started to use a fruit knife to cut those blue oranges into small pieces...

The moment she picked up the fruit knife, Lian even felt that she was possessed by the soul of the young master of China, and for a moment she felt that she was the red-haired medicine king among the halberds...

"Hmph... This is the real sword skill..." Lian held the fruit knife high, and then slashed with all his strength... Then the fruit knife bounced off perfectly...

"So hard?"

Lian looked at the intact blue tangerine fruit... She took out her mobile phone and looked at the information on it... Sure enough, it clearly stated that the taste was super hard...

"I don't believe it today!"

Lian quickly swung the fruit knife on the blue orange fruit, and the afterimage of the blade even produced a whistling airflow...

However, the blue tangerine fruit on the small chopping board has not changed in any way... It lay there intact, and now it is a mockery in Lian's eyes...

"I won't break you today..." Lian took out a hammer, looked at the blue orange fruit angrily, and then slammed it down...

Under the squeezing of the heavy hammer... the blue orange fruit was quickly squashed by the hammer, and then bounced directly, and bounced the hammer back...

The blue orange fruit bounced high, bounced to the side, and then rolled into the grass beside it...


A Pokémon poked its head out of the grass... I looked around curiously, and then saw the blue orange fruit in front of me...

"Xiao Mao, where are you going to take me..." Xiao Zhi was dragged away by Xiao Mao unilaterally, and there was no room for resistance... But Xiao Mao had been walking for a long time, but he didn't mean to stop...

rustling... rustling...

A rustling sound suddenly appeared in the grass, and Xiao Mao and Xiao Zhi suddenly stayed where they were, not daring to move... Could it be... Is there any wild Pokémon coming out?

It shouldn't be some kind of vicious Pokémon, right... According to my grandfather, there shouldn't be any particularly vicious Pokémon in this forest, so he usually dares to come in and play... But, In this pitch-dark environment, I'm still a little scared to hear such a voice... Xiao Mao thought...

"Xiao Mao... Do you think... is it the kind of vine monster that is rumored to eat people..."

Xiao Zhi was covered in cold sweat... The man-eating vines in the movie were hidden in the depths of the forest... Then they quietly grabbed passers-by with the vines and dragged them in to eat them... It was so scary...

"Stop talking about these idiots... The movies in the movie are all lies, and Pokémon generally don't eat people..."

Xiao Mao refuted Xiao Zhi, but he was also covered in cold sweat and looked like he had no confidence. Although this is true in theory... But after all, he is a child, and his subconscious will still show that kind of terrible scene in the movie...

After all, the horror movie of the vine monster is quite famous, and he has seen it too... so he is afraid of it now...

"Xiao Mao, if I die here, I'll give you the kibbit doll under my bed..." Xiao Zhi was sweating profusely, and was already starting to shiver... He was really scared.

"Don't be silly, that doll was originally given to you by me..."

When Xiao Mao was afraid, he didn't forget to dismantle Xiao Zhi's stage...

The sound of the woods rustling became louder and louder, and it seemed that the Pokémon was getting closer and closer to them.

"Xiao Zhi, although I have been hurting you all the time, you are still my friend..." "Xiao Mao, in fact, I stole the croquette that was missing in your lunch box that day..."
