
Ghoul 32

Victor looked at the moon from the window, the fake body he had prepared to replace Elena by now would have been cremated. And no mortal being would imagine that she was not as dead as she should be. The sun was going to rise in a few more hours, he was supposed to go to sleep, the day was approaching and Eleonor like practically all the other vampires would only wake up when night approached again.


Elena woke up again, this time she seemed to be alone, the room was still dark and the curtains were closed, but she could see perfectly. She was in a luxurious room, the furniture resembled that of the captain of the ship's private room, but better, as the chairs and armchairs were purple, which scared her a little, she remembered that even Clara that was the princess of a small country had only a few purple dresses and scarves. The purple color usually belonged only to the highest nobility, the price of the dye was too high, and even then, who would dare use the dye for furniture? She remembered the silver eyes of the man she saw earlier. Who was he? The woman gets up from the bed and walked just three steps before falling to the floor. Her entire body ached and her legs could not hold up perfectly, she didn't have enough space to walk. Did she look at her hands and notice that her nails were black when she painted them? Didn't remember ... Did that man paint her nails? She shivered and tried to stand, she had to get out of there as soon as possible.

No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't get up, Elena looked around and noticed a bell on the wall. She had seen this type of bell before, it is used to call house servants, usually for cleaning or bringing food etc. She remembers that some ships also have this system, it was impossible to count how many times she and Arthur would run from side to side serving dinners, delivering paperwork, she gave a mocking smile, those memories, wonders if Arthur also remembers how much they suffered together.

The woman crawled over to the wall and shook the little bell. She might want to run, but without even walking what else could she do? Her belly was snoring and even if she was kidnapped, in this type of room they would at least have something to eat. Then she could think of a solution.

Soon a woman in black dress came in, she was wearing a Victorian blouse with a corset and skirt. Her black hair, straight and short, in her hand a silver tray. She calmly placed the tray on the table and only then turned on the lights in the bedroom .

"Madame, your food is ready." The woman looked at Elena impassively. Elena represented that her eyes were ruby ​​red. "Today's meal consists of foie gras mats"

"Could you help me get to the table?" Asked Elena. Before anything could be say, the thin, small woman take her as if she were a feather and placed her on the chair.

"The Master will accompany you in a few minutes." She then leaned against the wall and closed her eyes.

"Is your master the man who was here before?"


"What's your name?"

"Madame has no need to know the names of the servants."

"But do you have a name?" The woman stared at her with empty red eyes.


"Can you tell me about him?"


"So what's your name?"

"Madame has no need to know the names of the servants"

Elena felt at a dead end and decided to eat the expensive meal that was offered to her, foie gras is a dish she never offers to eat. The goose liver was delicious, but the apples were a little disgusting. She coughed and when she put the napkin in her mouth, she spat out the apples.

The door opened and the mysterious man entered. He laughed when he saw her putting away the apples on the plate. "Apparently you tried to eat the decorations." He placed a bottle of wine on the table.

"Who are you? Where are we? What are you? And what is her name?"

"My name is Victor Fernsby, we are in the capital of the great empire, I am like you a vampire. And her name ... ghoul 32? It's not like we need to know her name."

"What ... vampire? Are you kidding? Ghoul?"

"Why do you think you can only eat the liver on your plate? And why does everything else look disgusting?" He poured what was in the wine bottle into the glass that Ghoul 32 placed on the table. He looked her in the eye and said "Now drink some"

"Liver? Didn't you even study the legends before trying to play a prank? Don't vampires feed on blood?" It doesn't fit that her hand instinctively approached the cup. A sweet taste entered her mouth, it was the best thing she had ever taken in her life. "What is that? It doesn't look like wine."

"As you said, blood is our best meal. But we can also eat meat from a variety of animals, drink water and distilled drinks."

"Wait ...." She pinched her arm to see if she was dreaming. "Did you ... did you say the capital of the Empire?"


Vicent was looking the stars and beside him were Clara. They still couldn't believe that Elena was gone.

"Do you remember when you rescued me from the empire's soldiers?" Asked Clara. "I was so confused, not knowing who the enemy was, where I was, what was going on. She helped me to ..." Clara sobs covered the rest.

"Do you mean when my aunt ... cof cof ... I mean, when the captain accepted the job of kidnapping the youngest daughter of a small country, by the king of that same country, from the hands of the empire?"

Hii!! Thanks for reading!!

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