
Ch 5 Flight

The next morning Alex woke up with a splitting headache.

Alex: " Ughh, my head. As much as I love Pinkie Pie, she is really loud."

Alex gets out of bed and stretches as his head continues to throb.

Alex: " I wonder if there's any Tylenol in this world."


Alex walks through Ponyville searching for a place to get something to eat.

???: " Watch out!!"

Alex looks up just in time for Rainbow Dash to crash into him sending them both tumbling down the street.

Rainbow Dash quickly returns to her feet, rubbing the back of her head sheepishly.

Rainbow Dash: " Hehe, sorry about that."

Alex slowly returns to his feet.

Alex: " Morning Rainbow Dash, nice to see you too."

Rainbow Dash: " Sorry to crash and run but I gotta go! See you later Alex!"

Rainbow Dash quickly flies off.

Alex shrugs his shoulders and continues on his way.


Alex enters Sugar Cube Corner and walks up to the front counter, not seeing anyone around.

Alex: " Umm, hello. I'm pretty sure the sign said open."

???: " Hi Alex!"

Alex: " Ahhh!!"

Alex quickly turns around, only to see Pinkie Pie standing there with a big smile on her face.

Alex: " Pinkie? You nearly gave me a heart attack!"

Pinkie Pie: " Silly! You can't die yet, we're only 5 chapters in!"

Alex: " What are you talking about?"

Pinkie Pie: " Never mind! How can I help this fine evening customer!"

Alex: " Do you guys sell donuts here?"

Pinkie Pie: " Yep! What kind would you like, filled or not filled, chocolate or peanut butter?!"

Alex: " Uhh, chocolate not filled, please."

Pinkie Pie: " Coming right up!"

Pinkie Pie dashes into the back and returns with a pink box held in her mane.

Pinkie Pie: " That'll be two bits please!"

Alex grabs two bits from his saddle bag and gives them to Pinkie, receiving the box in return.

Pinkie Pie: " Thank you please come again!"

Alex: " See ya later Pinkie!"

Alex makes his way out of the bakery and down the street, when a pretty bad idea popped into his head.

Alex: ' I wonder if I could fly like Tails.'


A few hours later and Alex found himself standing in a wide open area, ready to test his theory.

Alex: " Alright, let's see if this works."

Alex concentrates, chaneling his spirit magic into his tails, he then spins his three tails as if they were a helicopter blade. Slowly but surely, Alex began to lift off the ground.

Alex: " Hahaha, this is awesome!"

Alex attempted to fly forward, but instead he crashed to the ground.

Alex: " Ow, I'm gonna need more practice. Maybe I can ask Rainbow Dash to teach me?"

Alex returned to his feet, hoping that no one saw that.

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