
Break the code

Ichirou spent the night at the hospital. Yui's mother came around 8pm in the night with Yuu. Yui's father couldn't come due to his work reasons. They brought a cake with them and celebrated in Yui's stead. Yui's family know very well about Ichirou so they didn't feel any uncomfortable stuffiness. But instead, they had a happy go lucky kinda atmosphere inside the hospital room.

Ichirou left in the morning after saying his byes. He headed straight to his home. When he reached his home, his sister was sound asleep and his mom was also sleeping. He didn't make a sound and entered the house using the spare key he had and locked it behind.

He went upstairs to his room and threw his bag and went to the bathroom to get freshen up. The warm water made him feel refreshed and reborn. He wore the dress he brought with him from his room and head straight back without making a noise.

And then he stretched his bones a bit and looked out the window. "Alright, let's do this." he said with a smile and jumped onto his bed and started sleeping...

30 minutes later.......

"If you are back then say SOMETHING!" Hikari barged into his room like a yakuza in pajama and started staring daggers at him who was still asleep. "Lew mw swep." Ichirou said something (I can't even understand bit according to the script it should be "let me sleep", I think '-').

"Stop being such a lazy bum and start being useful to the society!" she removed the blanket covering him only to find another layer of blanket.......

"I'm being useful to the society right now by not getting in it's way." He said the words of the wise. Pissed off, she removed this layer of blanket and found another layer......

"Just how many did you use to cover yourself with...." she asked. "Enough to make you quit." he finished with that and went back to sleeping. "LET'S SEE!" she started pulling off all the blankets he had.

Some few seconds later.......

*huff* *huff* *huff* *huff* *huff *huff*

"Vic *huff* Victory!" she did a peace pose with her eyes almost with tears. She clearly did not expect him to be under ten blankets and it got harder to pull as the number decreased. Actually, he had the blankets at his feet but she was too busy pulling blankets that she forgot about that small mount over the leg region.

He pulled one every time when she was about to pull of the current blanket. He called this "The Blanket Escape technique!". And he clearly did not expect her to actually beat his ultimate technique either. A formidable opponent indeed.

He gave up and accepted his defeat. She dragged him down to the dinning table where the was breakfast ready to be eaten, only that a certain someone was missing.......

She face palmed and let go off him and then went back. Ichirou did his best to stand up and reached the chair and started drinking the morning coffee which was prepared for him.

10 seconds later.....

"Get the HELL OFF THE BED!!!!!!!" a demon's raging sound came from the room near the hall. "Sorry mom, she's a demon." Ichirou said with pity and continued drinking. Hikari came back with an appearance what seemed like a real demon to Ichirou's eyes. He almost spat the coffee.

To her side, their mom was being dragged just like how Ichirou was dragged here couple minutes ago. "Son....... Save me...." she said with a dying like voice. Ichirou didn't hear anything or so he pretended that way. With her last resort gone, she also gave up and sat opposite to Ichirou and started drinking her coffee while eating the toast. Hikari also took her seat and started eating her toast and took a sip of warm milk from time to time. A warm atmosphere.

Their mom turned on the TV and switched to the news channel. The news women was standing before the camera and there was huge crowd behind her. "We are here in Akiba where a lot of people are going crazy for the news updates on a VRMMORPG, "Eclipse Online" or "EO" for short, a game where you can be anything or anyone you want! The fans are going crazy! The latest news update was about a duel between two "Legend" rank players! According to the information we got, the ranking system in EO goes like this, Rookie or Beginner is what everyone gets when they begin and then they level up or power up which I don't really get hahaha and then there is Professionalist which means they are stronger than Rookie and then there is Master which is the next of Professionalist and then Veteran, Grandmaster, Mythic and then for last is the "Legend"! And these two guys are Legends, I mean literally! They both rank in top ten and just like how history went down, Japan and China had some bad bloods and in here it was apparently a blood bath! I mean seriously, they had wars fought between them and now it's a duel and guess what? Japan still won! That's right folks! Right in the face! Benkei won all the figh-" the channel was changed by Ichirou.

"Onii chan! Why did you change the channel! Put it back on!" Hikari started protesting. "Hey come on, watch the classic cartoons, I mean seriously? What is in that news that you're so into it? It's only a game and nothing else right? Plus it will be out in two days time so why even bother?" he replied without even seeing her and continued watching Tom&Jerry while eating the toast.

"Just a game? Are you really saying that? Go out and take a look around! Everyone is going crazy for this game! They said there will only be three hundred thousand copies sold! It's hard to get one so yeah, things are crazy." she said as she tried to grab the remote but Ichirou is more skilled than her in guarding the remote.

"You want a copy? Just say it and stop nagging, it's annoying." Ichirou said lazily. "You can get one? How? Does one of your friends play the beta?" Hikari looked at him with sparkling eyes. Every time, every single time when she wants she does this and Ichirou is helpless against this forbidden technique of hers. "Yeah....... Something like that so you don't have to worry about it." he said while averting his eyes.

"Yay! Thank you Onii chan! You are the best! I'm gonna go tell my friends!" she quickly ran off without eating her potion. "Can you actually get one? I mean I'm not doubting it's just that if you can't get it at the last minute because your friend can't give for some reason or stuff means she will be sad you know? She won't listen to whatever you say to console her, so don't make empty promises." his mother said.

"No worries, I got it covered." Ichirou answered with a smile on his face. His mom didn't press on. Yui returned after having a full fledged conversation with her friends and her expression was that of prideful. They finished their breakfast and Yui tugged Ichirou's hand before he was about to go to his room. "Onii chan.....you will get me one right? Because I bragged too much to my friends that if I don't get one then I will be a laughing stock in my class....." She asked him. That pitiful puppy eyes with stars shining is too much for a normal Otaku like Ichirou. 'Is this a manga or something? Change the goddamn script!' he screamed in his mind.

"Have some faith in your Onii chan, I may look like this but I can do stuff you can't even imagine, so stop worrying about things like this alright? It's simple as breathing for me." he rubbed her head with a smile and went to his room. Hikari smiled sweetly after his assurance. Even though he maybe a useless piece of carp or so what he looks like from the outside, he never lied about anything he can't do to her, only the stuff he can do. So if he says that he will get her one then he will no matter what, he will always keeps his promise and it has always been that way.

Ichirou entered his room and closed the door. He was about to hit the sack but his phone began ringing. Walked up to it and attended the call. "I DID IT! I FINALLY FUCKING DID IT! FUCK YEAH!" the guy on the other side of the phone started shouting like it's the end of the world or something. "Fucking tune it down will ya? I only have two ears and zero spares so lower your voice." Ichirou said.

"Sorry for that dude, I cracked the Matrix! This shit is military grade dude, very hard to break." Gravity said with pride all over his voice. "What did you find?" Ichirou was interested. His sleepiness flew away after hearing the news.

"Numbers, alphabets and coordinates." Gravity replied. Ichirou thought for a bit and said. "Send me those, I'll figure out what to do." He said. "Dude, why bother? Just send this to those bastards and put an end to this." Gravity said.

"If we get a job then we do it fully, not half assed." He replied. "Fine, fuck it." Gravity said and send everything he got.

Ichirou took a look at it and apart from the coordinates, everything looked like something made especially for the ones wasting their time reading this look like idiots. "Smart ass." Ichirou smirked. "Find something?" Gravity asked.

"Yeah, look at how they are sorted, this might look like random shit at first but it is not, I mean look at the format of this! One is date and the other is clearly name! They tried to camouflage it with words for date and numbers for name, smart but not smart enough." Ichirou explained as he was trying to decode it in his mind. "This is old school shit, they still use this? Man they need to update themselves." Gravity said in a mocking tone. "Exactly because this is old school they chose this method, who would even think someone would even use this kind of method? No way in hell the govs would, they would not have declared that this is a waste of time and useless shit." Ichirou answered.

"Oh? Then what does it say?" Gravity's interest in this began increasing. "Leave coordinates aside, letters for numbers and numbers for letters, that's how this works, for example, "010418151305040" means a name since it's all in number." Ichirou said as he took out a paper and a pen from his table's drawer.

"Like? I'm not well versed in this course you see, I don't really get this......." Gravity said.*sigh*. "Fine, I'll explain but make sure you listen carefully." Ichirou said as he began writing alphabets in ascending order and their number on the side. "Roger teach." Gravity said in a laughing tone. "First, English alphabets have 26 letters and each letter have their own number in the order, second, syllabify the numbers in two digits, third, match them with their respective letters, fourth, join them and we get "ADROMEDA", got it?" he asked. "Ah, we do get a name if we use this method huh? But this name.... What the hell is this?" Gravity asked.

"Not our problem, we just give them what they want and yeah, give me the account number and I'll transfer the money." Ichirou said. "Right away." Gravity sent the account number and Ichirou transfered 50,000$ to his account. "Oh yeah! You coming GnG? I still need help with that mission you know? It's pretty hard." Gravity asked.

"Later, I'll call the two of them and call you before joining you, I got somewhere I have to go so I can't now, sorry pal." Ichirou apologized to him. "It's ok, we can play later, just hit me up Kay?" Gravity said and hung up. Ichirou smiled and called Viper. "I've sent what you need, name, date and coordinates, now leave me alone or your govs top secret files will be sent flying like flyers on Internet, so watch out and don't call me again, goodbye!" he hung up without even waiting for an answer.

He stretched his body a bit and looked at the window.

"Now then, let's go."