
Eclipse of Eternity: A Duel of Gods

In a world teeming with dungeons and looming darkness, follow the riveting odyssey of Liam Joseph—a daring adventurer whose journey to become the God of Light takes an unexpected turn as he finds himself entangled in a web of relationships. Alongside battling the forces of evil, Liam discovers the complexities of his heart, forming a harem of devoted companions. As he navigates through perilous dungeons and confronts the shadows threatening the world, Liam's journey becomes a tapestry of both epic battles and intricate connections. Dive into a tale where love intertwines with adventure, and the God of Light finds not only mastery over radiant arts but also the profound bonds that shape his destiny. Embark on a captivating adventure, where the radiance of Liam illuminates the path to triumph over darkness.

Mask_Xd · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs


"Let's go into the dungeon," Arthur suggested. Everyone agreed, and the group entered the dark and ominous dungeon together.

The air within the Tomb Dungeon was thick with an eerie silence, broken only by the faint echoes of footsteps and the distant rattling of bones.

As Liam and his team ventured further, the oppressive darkness seemed to close in around them.

"Morgan, the tier 2 warrior, took the lead, his blade gleaming in the dim light as he skillfully navigated the narrow corridors.

Isabella, the enigmatic tier 2 mage, followed closely, her eyes scanning the surroundings for any sign of movement.

Arthur, who awakened as a D-rank class 'Guardian,' is now an tier 2 at level 30, sporting a confident smirk as he cracked his knuckles, ready for whatever awaited them."

Liam, though not yet an Awakener, moved with determination. His senses heightened, he could almost feel the presence of the lurking monsters.

As they encountered the first group of skeletons, he leaped into action, swiftly dispatching one or two while allowing his more experienced companions to handle the rest.

The teamwork between them was seamless. Morgan's powerful strikes shattered the skeletal foes, Isabella's magic danced through the air, and Arthur's strength was a force to be reckoned with. Liam, despite lacking the awakened abilities, held his ground, learning and adapting with each encounter.

As they ventured deeper into the dungeon, the encounters became more intense.

The skeletons were replaced by ghastly creatures, and the ominous aura of the necromancer's lair loomed ever closer. It was a test of skill and teamwork,.

In the heart of the dungeon, they faced the level 10 necromancer, a formidable foe surrounded by an army of undead minions.

The battle was fierce, and every member of the team played a crucial role. Isabella's magic disrupted the necromancer's incantations, Arthur engaged the minions head-on.

The group approached the ominous boss gate, its dark aura sending shivers down their spines. A momentary hesitation lingered in the air as they gazed at the foreboding entrance.

The energy emitted by the gate was unsettling, a palpable force that seemed to challenge their resolve.

Arthur, breaking the silence, voiced the unspoken concern, "This feels different, doesn't it?" The others nodded in agreement, exchanging uncertain glances.

Liam, feeling a surge of determination, stepped forward, "We've come this far; we can't turn back now."

With a collective breath, they crossed the threshold into the boss room. The sight that greeted them was daunting – the once F-rank dungeon boss had evolved into an E-rank entity, a menacing force that dwarfed its predecessor in power and malevolence.

Isabella couldn't help but express her concerns, "This is different, guys. The aura, the power – it's on a whole new level. Are we sure about this?"

Arthur, cracking his knuckles, responded with a determined smirk, "Well, if it's a challenge, count me in. We've faced tough situations before."

As they stepped into the boss room, the oppressive energy was palpable. The evolved boss, now an E monster, greeted them with an ominous presence.

Arthur, always the realist, commented, "Looks like we're in for a rough ride. Get ready, everyone."

As the team confronted the evolved boss, Arthur, the Guardian, activated his signature skill, "Aegis Shield." A shimmering barrier enveloped the group, providing temporary protection against the monstrous onslaught.

Arthur called out to the team, "Stay close, my Aegis Shield won't hold forever! We need to break through!"

Morgan, the skilled swordswoman, unleashed a flurry of strikes using her unique skill, "Blade Dance." Her blade moved with unparalleled precision, cutting through the ghastly minions that surrounded the boss.

She shouted to her teammates, "Clear the path! I'll handle the minions; focus on the boss!"

Isabella, the enigmatic mage, cast her powerful skill, "Arcane Disruption." The magic disrupted the necromancer's incantations and weakened the surrounding minions. 

As they faced the evolving boss, its skills became more pronounced. The monster unleashed "Dark Nova," a devastating area-of-effect attack that threatened to overwhelm the team. Arthur, shielding his teammates, yelled, "Brace yourselves! I can't block this entirely!"

Morgan, with her swift reflexes, employed "Shadow Parry," a technique that allowed her to evade the incoming dark energy.

Isabella, countering the dark magic with her own, cast "Luminous Barrier" to mitigate the effects of the boss's attacks. She urged the team, "Stay within the barrier! 

The skeletons summoned by the boss showcased their own skills. The skeletal warriors wielded "Bone Shatter," a melee attack that could incapacitate the unwary. Morgan, taking charge, instructed, "Focus on the skeletal warriors first! We can't afford to be immobilized!"

Isabella, adapting to the situation, unleashed "Elemental Burst" to exploit the elemental weaknesses of the minions.

As the battle raged on, the evolved boss unleashed its devastating skill, "Cursed Grasp." Dark tendrils of energy snaked towards the team, ensnaring them and draining their life force. Arthur, feeling the life slipping away, grunted, "This... this isn't like anything we've faced before. It's draining us!"

Morgan, struggling against the curse, gasped, "I can't feel my strength. We're not going to make it if this keeps up!"

Isabella, weakened by the curse, murmured, "We underestimated its power. This is beyond anything we've encountered."

The team, now on the brink of defeat, felt the weight of the curse and the looming dread. The boss, sensing their vulnerability, prepared for a final, devastating blow.

In the moment of desperation, Arthur forced out a strained command, "Hold... hold on, team! We can't go down like this!"

As the dark tendrils of the "Cursed Grasp" reached out towards the team, Liam, without a moment's hesitation, positioned himself between his friends and the impending doom. The malevolent energy struck him head-on, ensnaring him in its grasp. The team, witnessing Liam's selfless act, cried out in shock.

Arthur, his strength waning, managed to utter, "Liam... what have you done?"

Isabella, her eyes widening in both surprise and concern, stammered, "Liam... you idiot. Why did you...?"

Seething with rage at the disturbance of its kills, the boss monster unleashed its next devastating skill, "Dark Nova Burst." The dungeon quivered as dark energy coalesced around the monstrous creature before erupting in a violent explosion. The shockwave propelled Arthur, Morgan, and Isabella through the air, each crashing into the dungeon's unforgiving terrain.

Arthur, propelled backward, crashed against a jagged rock formation. "Aghhhh, I can't move my leg!" 

Looking at the unconscious Morgan and Isabella, Arthur, with his weakened breath, urged Liam to escape while he held on for a bit, even though Liam was still injured.

"I can't, Arthur. Even if I could escape, leaving you guys behind is not an option," Liam uttered, his voice strained with pain.

As the curse tightened its grip, Liam's vision blurred, and the shadows threatened to claim him. In the depths of his consciousness, he berated himself, "Useless... I'm utterly useless. I can't even protect myself, let alone the team."

Liam gasped, "Guys, I'm sorry... for being useless."

As the boss moved in to deliver the final blow to Arthur, Liam, barely holding onto consciousness, sensed a surge of energy within him. At that pivotal moment, he declared with newfound resolve, "Today is not the day. I won't let the darkness consume me

The divine power within Liam erupted, dispelling the curse and pushing back the encroaching shadows. His awakening glow intensified.

As the boss shadow loomed over Arthur, and the inevitable final blow seemed imminent, a mix of fear and acceptance washed over Arthur.

In those fleeting seconds, he contemplated his fate, recognizing the impending darkness about to consume him. However, in that dire moment, as the monster's attack was poised to strike, a radiant surge of divine light emanated from Liam.

As the divine radiance enveloped the once dim and ominous dungeon, Arthur, with a mixture of astonishment and hope, couldn't help but marvel at the spectacle unfolding before him.

In the midst of the luminescent glow.

Arthur's inner thoughts resonated: "What... What is this light? It's like a beacon in the darkest of nights. Has he awakened? Is there still a chance for us to defy the inevitable?"

Liam pov:

[ congratulation you have awakened]