

" cheers !" We exclaimed while pessing our glasses against each other. Then everyone shallowed their drink at one shot except me . I was holding the glass near my mouth, thinking if I should drink .

It was my first time being in a bar as well as drinking alcohol. I don't know if I could handle the alcohol. And the main Thing is the thoughts of my mother was coming in mind . I'm a high school student at a nearby high school and my mother is a principal there . So , Everybody knows me as a good boy which is actually I am . I pass half of my Day in studying rather than hanging out with friends . But can you believe that good boy got rejected by his crush and ended up coming in a bar with his friends to forget the fact for a while?

My friend was comforting me instead of teasing me since the incident happened . And they should ! They knew how heart broken I was . I'm actually so lucky to have them as my friend. They were always there for me when I needed them .

"Ethan !! Stop thinking and drink it already". I heard Beomgyu told me .

" Yeah . I'll take you at my place if you get drunk . my mother isn't at home anyway." Owen told me who lives next door . " You don't have to worry about your mom . She won't find out ".

I nodded .

" DRINK ".


" DRINK ".

They started to cheer me up . without thinking I closed my eyes tightly and drank the glass of whiskey. I automatically did a Yuck sound realizing how bad the taste was .

" You did it "! I heard Asher clapped . " Another glass , human". Asher added and Henry poured whiskey in our glass.

" Cheers !" We again exclaimed and Pressed out glasses against each other and drank . After a couple shot , we were feeling little bit dizzy . I was the one who got drunk first . Owen and Henry was still drinking while asher was looking at his phone screen . I rested my head on the table feeling a lil bit sleepy .

But then those thoughts of Yumi ( my crush ) rejecting me came back .

" Why did she rejected me? Aren't I handsome? Aren't I cute"? I kinda whispered to myself but enough for Asher to hear who was beside me . He then looked at me with a frown eyes .

" Of course! You're handsome ! You're the cutest one here tbh . She just got bad taste ". Asher replied and I nodded .

" Ethan!" Henry called me still drinking . I rose my head from the table and looked at him " Should we do something to help you to forget your crush"?

" What should we do "? I asked with confusion .

" Let's play dares and I dare you to kiss that girl ". Henry said and I looked at the way he was pointing . I saw a girl . She was sitting at the drink counter and drinking alone . Her back was facing us . She have short hair and it was dyed in ocean blue . She was then wearing a t-shirt and blue jeans with sneakers .

I looked back at henry. I wasn't surprise at all because he give me this kind of dare more often but I leave them incomplete. Henry don't mind . He respects my decision . I once completed one and that was the same dare as it. But that time I kissed Yumi , my crush . She's from my class and that was how we first meet .

" Piece of cake ". I said and rose from my chair .

" Best of luck buddy". Owen said .

" Sit back and enjoy the show ". I said and winked at them .

" That my bro "! I could feel that Asher and Henry hi fived.

I went to that girl and put my hand on her shoulder. She then looked at me . She was heavenly beautiful. She was wearing glasses . I froze there for a minutes , don't know what to do . My eyes were locked with her eyes . She was so pretty , cute , hot . I couldn't look away from her . My head stopped processing for a bit . I was lost . My eyes were closing and opening slowly . I wanted to go back to my table but her lips were attracting me . Her lips was so kissable that I wanted to kiss that lips and without knowing I kissed her . Yes, I did! Her lips were soft and tasted like Pepsi so I wonder he was drinking Pepsi . My lips were motioning on her lips slowly . My eyes were closed so I didn't saw her reaction .but I bet she was shocked. My hand travelled to her neck while kissing . Her glass was hitting the side of my eyes but I ignored . For some reason, she didn't pushed me . Maybe she liked it . A smile appeared in my lips between the kiss . Then my tongue slipped into her mouth . I sucked her lips .

Suddenly, she pushed me and wiped her lips with his hand .

She was shocked . That shocking face couldn't ruin her beautiful features anyway . I froze on my track totally forgot to apologize for my sudden action .

" Are you out of your mind"? She asked me .

Yumi also had this reaction when I kissed her . I smiled a bit but When I thought of Yumi , reality hits me like a truck .

" I'm sorry ma'm." I said and bowed . " I'm really sorry for my sudden action. It was just a dare ". I continued . There was an awkward silent. She didn't said anything so I came back to my table as fast as I can . I didn't looked back at once .

" Congratulations bro ! You have completed your dare ".Asher said .

" One toast for Ethan ". Henry said and rose his glass full with whiskey . We did the same and drank .

" So , how does it feels "? Owen asked .

"Not bad but I don't think that helped me a bit to forget Yumi . it reminded me of Yumi despite of forgetting her . " I said .

" I see ". Asher said .

" But that girl was hot ". I continued .

" Really "? Henry asked and I nodded.

" Do you like her or what "? Asher asked .

" No , no . I'm just saying." I said and they laughed.

" I know , I'm just teasing you ." Asher said

" Shit "! Owen said and hide under the table . I looked at owen's chair but didn't found him .

" Owen ? Bro"?! I called .

" Here ".

" Where "? Henry asked .

" Under the table". He replied and we looked under it .

" What are you doing"? I asked with confusion.

" Sssh"! He made a hiss sound while placing his index finger over his lips .

" What happened"? Asher asked.

" We should get out of here ! Fast! ". He replied and I asked the reason .

" Stupid !! Stop asking me questions. Do as I said . We are in big trouble". Owen said and we nodded .

we left the bar as soon as possible. Owen looked like hiding from someone .

" What happened"? I asked after exist the bar . " Why you dragged us out "?

" ACTUALLY , THE GIRL YOU KISSED ETHAN ...." he said and we became more confused .

" What's wrong with her"? Asher asked .

" HE'S MY SISTER."He said and I felt like a thunderstorm fall over my head .

I couldn't believe my ear . The girl I kissed unknowingly was his sister. the girl whom the four of us used to call " IRON GLASS "for her cold gaze . There was an awkward silent .

" You must be kidding "? Henry said while laughing awkwardly . " How came your brother will be here "? His smile faded way when Owen replied .

" he was said to come back from Japan tonight ". Owen said .

" Shitttttt! What I did !!!! " I moaned miserablely .

" Will she tell your parents about it"? Asher asked .

" Maybe or maybe not ". Owen said and my head was hurting . I started to thinking what if my parents knew that? I'm not afraid of my mom because I can explain to her but my father! I'm afraid of my father . He's so strict and I forget my words infont of him . What will I do ? I was crying inside .

suddenly , I couldn't stand properly . My vision was getting blur & blur . I felt myself falling on the ground . Owen , Asher and Henry was shocked. They came to hold me and everything went black .