
earl of bastards

With the great development that Sky City has witnessed recently, it seems that discovering the secrets of the Dark Age is no longer just wishes and illusions. An invisible hand from behind the curtain of time sends fate to a lost soul. Lorad had no choice but to find himself facing internal struggles, prophecies, and gifts from Lord . With the help of his gift, if it is considered a gift at all, he will face the unknown to reach the truth.

Mr_w28 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs


The air inside the dimly lit room was heavy with the smell of despair and decay. A single candle fought the darkness and cast frightening shadows on the worn wooden floorboards.

" Huh ..." In the corner of the slightly spacious room, Lorad, who was lying on a messy bed with a shaky, sagging, and full mattress, sighed.

"A cursed place" , he completed his sentence, which refers to his body that is in pain and his exhausted soul because of the constant despair that surrounds him.

Lorad was a 19-year-old young man. His face was affected by what he had been through so far, and it turned pale white. His once bright gray eyes had become dull and lifeless.

He had been trapped in this abandoned house for what seemed like an eternity. He had lost count of the number of days he had spent in this house for a long time,The outside world was just a memory that he didn't really want to remember.

After a few moments of contemplating the ceiling, he began to imagine shapes forming in the cracked thief above him. The dim candlelight played tricks on his mind, casting distorted shadows that spread throughout the room.

" come on , not again " Being alone for so long had a really bad effect on Lorad, both psychologically and mentally, so the forms he imagines are the simplest thing that could happen to him.

Trying to stay calm, Lorad hissed through his teeth and closed his eyes stubbornly. He was a little comfortable, on his bed, and at this moment everything in the world's problems seemed less serious and difficult to him.

The world fell into silence for a moment.

"Ergggre" While Lorad was gradually moving away from reality and feeling the breeze of sleep taking over him, he heard a terrifying and strong sound echoing throughout the room.

" Damn everything" Lorad cursed internally and got up from the bed and walked past the cracked and dilapidated walls towards the window, which was closed incorrectly because part of it had broken and scattered on the floor to take a look at what was going on.


Outside the house, the moon hung high in the sky and two monstrous images appeared facing each other. The first was of a monster with a huge body and its dark colors were like the color of absolute darkness, with its red eyes radiating with anger and its long fangs laden with poison. It was moving very quickly, avoiding the strong attacks directed at it , The second was of a monster with a flexible, transparent body. It had a unique ability to vanish in the environment around it. Its pink eyes shone with ingenuity and caution, and it directed its attacks with infinite confidence.

The two creatures exchanged blows with great speed. The chance of winning was equal between the two before the balance began to tip towards the monster with a huge body.


lorad carefully watched the display in front of him with some annoyance. Despite his anger at not being able to sleep because of the noise, the latter was his only means of entertainment in such a place.

Lorad did not wish to face one of these horrors currently fighting outside under any circumstances, but since arriving at this abandoned house he currently resides in, many battles worse than this had occurred, but none of the creatures dared approach the house; So he made it an entertainment show. He faces terrifying isolation.

" Come on you can, you big guy " Lorad called out in a loud voice as he cheered for one of the two brutal images with great happiness, but his enjoyment was not complete this day because the battle began to move away little by little until it disappeared into the darkness into nowhere in front of him.

Lorad stared at the scene before him sadly. Today's show has ended. The view outside the house was particularly dramatic as there was literally nothing there. The ground was completely flat with gray soil. There was not a single thing in sight except a single house rising diagonally from the ground, as if an earthquake had struck the area, causing it to lose its balance.

The strange house was made entirely of shiny black stone. It stood as if it had been fighting this emptiness for thousands of years. The walls made of shiny stone had mostly lost their luster and the gray color entered with a little black remaining, forming an inexplicably beautiful pattern.

The large windows made of cracked and broken glass open an enchanting view into the dark interior of the house, which consists of two floors. The first contains just old, broken furniture distributed among three different rooms with unknown designs. Lorad was not able to determine its exact function. As for the upper floor, there was one room where lorad is still staring out the window.

"What nonsense do I expect every time I look outside? Will something change, as if an angel from heaven will descend to save me from this hell?" He paused before a dark expression appeared on his face. "Hope is the worst thing ever."