

unknown_20281 · Anime e quadrinhos
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126 Chs

Chapter 36


For Su Mu, who holds the card "World", the entire world is actually equivalent to a machine.

And now, he just tapped pause.

And it is different from a simple time pause.

The correct sequence should be because the entire world has been pressed the pause button, so the time inside the world is also stagnant.

In this still world, only Su Mu can act.

Su Mu didn't waste time.

"World" is a powerful card, and the consumption of spiritual power is also quite terrifying.

If you don't act quickly, this card's drain can drain him quickly.

Realizing this in his heart, Su Mu suddenly stepped on his feet and appeared beside the lost priest Freed with a roar.

Afterwards, he stretched out his hand, snatched the blood-stained sword from the priest's hand, and returned it to him.

The blood-stained sword pierced through the chest of the lost priest with a slanted posture that widened the wound, and entered his heart unceremoniously.

Then, Su Mu embraced Aisha and pulled away from the lost priest Freed.

After this, the world was hit with the "play" key.

Time begins to flow.


The first thing that sounded was Freed's painful scream.

The wound that penetrated the heart instantly spurted out a lot of blood.

"Huh?" Looking at the sudden change in front of him, Luffy Pendragon quickly showed a confused look.

Just now, she was still unable to do anything, and it was too late to take action, and Aisha took the initiative to slam into the enemy's sharp sword.

But now, why has everything changed all of a sudden?

She looked at the lost priest who "Plopped" on the ground, and then at Su Mu who was holding Aisha in his arms, her face gradually shocked.

"Could it be, is it magic about time?"

The face of the English witch in the middle of the country showed an expression of shock and admiration.

Afterwards, she stared at Aisha in Su Mu's arms again, her expression a little tasteful.

She wants to be hugged too!

Su Mu exhaled slowly.

It was only a few seconds, and nearly 80% of the spiritual power in the body was directly consumed.

The power to control the world is really not so easy to play.

Su Mu could only sigh in his heart, but fortunately, his actions didn't falter.

Otherwise, if you use up your spiritual power in the middle, you will just fall exhausted in front of the lost priest...

That's not to save people, but to send people's heads.

The world stands still and sends people's heads, no matter how funny you think.

Thinking so, Su Mu raised her hand and gently patted Aisha in her arms.

At this time, the poor nun didn't know that the crisis was over, and she still closed her eyes tightly, her whole body trembling.

On her white neck, the extremely small sword marks were still bleeding.

It seems that she is actually not that courageous.

However, she is obviously such a timid and cowardly girl, but she can resolutely slam into the enemy's sword when faced with that kind of situation...

It has to be said that Su Mu himself cannot do such a move.

Hiding in Su Mu's arms and shivering for several seconds, Aisha still didn't dare to open her eyes until Su Mu raised her hand and patted her on the shoulder again.

"It's alright, open your eyes."


Hearing the unfamiliar voice, the blond nun opened her eyes in a daze, and her light green eyes blinked at a loss.

"Sir, is this place... hell?"

"And..." Aisha's face gradually faded into a faint blush, "Is it a special etiquette in hell to hold it like this?"

Su Mu heard the words, blinked his eyes, and then silently retracted his hand.


"Ugh!" Aisha cried out in a very humiliating manner, her eyes filled with tears, "It hurts! This gentleman, even in hell, can't forget the Lord's teaching, can't Feel free to hurt others!"

"I'm still alive, I'm sorry." Subconsciously came a sentence from the Internet, Su Mu spread his hands indifferently, "Obviously, you are not dead. However, if you let the blood flow on your neck for a while, I'm afraid not necessarily."

・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 0

"Hey, am I still alive?"

Elsa said dumbly.

Then, remembering what Su Mu said, he raised his hand and touched his neck.

Then, looking at the blood on her hands, the dumb nun shivered again with fright.

"Aisha, don't you have the artifact 'The Smile of the Virgin' on your body? Can't you just use it to heal yourself?"

Luffy came over and reminded a little angrily.

"Ah, I was so scared that I forgot..."

Aisha raised her hand again in embarrassment and touched her neck.

With a light green light on the palm, the bloodstain soon formed a blood scab, and then the blood scab fell off and healed.

There was no trace of injury in the place where the bloodstain was left just now.

"Aisha, you're so brave."

Luffy Pendragon pouted and sighed.


Luffy was still a little worried about the fact that she was hugged by her idol just now.

"There's no way." Aisha smiled helplessly, "Even before, when I was able to comfort myself 'the Lord will bless me', I would be afraid of anything, let alone now."

"You're so timid, yet you're so reckless!" Hearing this, Luffy seemed to be a little angry, raised his wand and banged on Aisha's head, "Don't you think I threw away the wand, That guy can beat me, right?"

"I didn't believe us and made such a dangerous move! It's not that I couldn't save you! If it wasn't for the seniors, you would be dead!"

"Whoa, sorry—"

The two girls quarreled for a while, and Elsa walked towards the lost priest Fried, who was lying on the ground, with a look of pity on her face.

Freed, whose heart was pierced, still had the divine light in his eyes gradually extinguishing.

Seeing the faint shadow walking towards him, he cheered up.

"'Witch' - shouldn't you even feel pity for my death?"

The lost priest reluctantly pulled away his vicious smile and laughed.

"The wicked shall be caught by his iniquity, and he shall be entangled like a rope by his iniquity."

Aisha said softly, and then closed her eyes, completely losing her natural look.

Although she is a kind-hearted nun, she does not feel pity for the death of the wicked.

"All I have regrets is that as a priest, I fell into a bad way."

"Tsk—" Freed's face was full of disgust, "Disgusting witch."

Elsa didn't say a word, and crossed lightly on her chest.

Although she bears the name of a witch because she has saved demons, she doesn't want her to end up like this.


Please subscribe! There are four more nights. and.

Chapter 73 I'm Greedy For Your Brain (4/6)

"Luffy, didn't you say you want to capture all these fallen angels alive?"

After praying, Aisha looked at the corpses of the fallen angels on the ground with a puzzled look on her face.

"But looking at it now, it seems that these fallen angels are...well, there is one alive."

"Uh, so these fallen angels, are you going to capture them alive?"

Su Mu was stunned when he heard the words.

At that time, he saw that Luffy was chasing the fallen angels in the original book, and he directly shot and killed them all.

But, I didn't expect Luffy to actually want these guys to be useful?

"It's not actually—"

Luffy Pendragon immediately wanted to deny it when he heard the words, but facing Su Mu's slightly serious gaze, he nodded honestly.

"Hehe~" The English middle school witch waved her wand gently in her hand and smiled awkwardly, "Anyway, it's a fallen angel who should have died a long time ago, so this matter doesn't really matter."

"The reason why we want to capture them alive is just to take these guys to meet the host of this place, "Seven-two-seven"."

"As far as I know, a lot of people have come to Kuwang Town during this time, but there shouldn't be a few to say hello to Gremory's house and Sidi's house?"

Su Mu said in surprise.

Unexpectedly, the purpose of them wanting to capture a few fallen angels was to give them to Rias or to Zhique Canna?

You must know that although a lot of foreign forces came over during this time, at most they just abide by the tacit understanding and do not make any troubles here at will.

That's all, for the sake of the two demon kings of the underworld.

You must know that among the people who came here during this time, there are various forces.

It is impossible for them to say hello to the two young demons, or to report in the past.

"There's no way." Ruffy Pendragon's face showed a somewhat embarrassed look, "Before I came here, my brother told me that someone would introduce me to a place to live."

"But after arriving here, I found that the contact person seemed to have just disappeared."

"If I continue like this, I'm afraid I won't even have a place to live."

"When I asked my brother what to do, my brother told me to try to catch a few restless people."

"So, I'm going to catch these fallen angels who have always done evil in Kuwang Town, and give them to the host here in exchange for their help."

Saying that, both Luffy Pendragon and Aisha lowered their heads with embarrassment on their faces.

"I originally wanted to live in the church temporarily, but now... I always feel that there is always a lingering stench in this church, and it is really difficult to sleep peacefully here."

Saying that, with a slightly annoyed expression on the face of a certain middle school student from the magical country, he kicked several fallen angels lying on the ground.

Ah, two of them are really "lying dead".

"Now, these two guys are already dead anyway, so it's the same with taking the corpse over there?"

Luffy Pendragon scratched his hair in annoyance, then said.

Then, she nodded lightly to herself.

Su Mu suddenly felt a little speechless.

He was silent for a while, then spoke slowly.

"At this time, both Rias and Zhitou Canna are devastated by the chaos in Kuwang Town. If someone can capture the troublesome existence and send them over, then as the host here, they must be sympathetic."

"From this point of view, what Brother Ling said is correct."

However, if the corpse of the troublemaker is directly sent over, then the meaning of the representation is different.

Among them, there are obvious demonstrations and provocations, or it is tantamount to accusing the other party of incompetence, and the chaos in their own territory needs to be solved by others.

In addition, it also has the meaning of murder and blame.