
DXD:Secrets of the Void: Dimension Journey

In a world where the concept of family was merely a distant dream, Aiden Drake lived a life filled with solitude and longing. At the age of sixteen, his life is tragically cut short, but his story does not end there. Encountering the enigmatic deity Rob, Aiden is granted a chance for reincarnation with four wishes that will reshape his destiny. 1.High school Dxd Donate to me on Patreon here is the link: https://patreon.com/Marshall303?utm_medium

Void_6766 · Anime e quadrinhos
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20 Chs

"Sea of Consciousness and the Great Shock"

Chapter 13 "Sea of Consciousness and the Great Shock"

Pov:Third person

In a world where technology has surpassed all boundaries of human imagination, a great tower rises above dark clouds shimmering with electricity. The mechanical fortress stretches with its sharp towers and rigid angles, complex machines buzzing in every corner, and metallic surfaces reflecting the dim lights cast by sensors monitoring every particle of movement in the sky. The walls, despite being made of steel, have intricate engravings that suggest a civilization beyond the limits of time.

Inside this fortress, in a vast hall filled with oppressive silence, a servant wearing glasses walks with mechanical coldness. His eyes gleam behind the lenses as if analyzing every step he takes. The servant stops in front of a massive metal door that opens with a screech resembling the roar of an ancient beast. Inside, the throne is shrouded in darkness, and sitting on it is an unknown figure, barely visible as a shadowy outline, though his presence imposes a sense of dread in the room.

The servant stops before the throne, bowing slowly before saying in a serious tone:

"My lord, the sensors have detected the same strange energy that was sensed five years ago in the world of dragons."

The echo of his words spreads through the hall like dark whispers. The figure on the throne moves slowly, as if he is part of the darkness itself. His voice emerges, calm and filled with anticipation:

"Have you found the exact location? And the information related to that energy?"

The servant adjusts his glasses with a professional touch, and the lenses glint faintly, just like in anime scenes that give characters an air of intelligence and mystery. He responds coldly:

"Yes, my lord. The energy fluctuations are coming from the underworld, specifically from the demon region. As for the spies, they claim that the eldest son of the Devil King, Sirzechs Lucifer, is the one who emitted that energy."

The servant taps on a small device, causing a hologram to appear before the throne. The image that appears is of a handsome child with angelic features, his red hair glowing like embers and his red eyes holding an innocent and mysterious calm. That was Aiden.

The figure on the throne scrutinizes the image carefully, raising his hand to grip the armrest of the throne tightly, his voice lowering to a sinister whisper:

"Philip, do you know what all creatures fear the most?"

Confusion shows on the servant's face. He wasn't expecting this question. After a moment of hesitation, he responds in a trembling voice:

"No, my lord."

The figure on the throne tightens his grip even more, his voice becoming colder and more brutal:

"The unknown, Philip. It's the unknown. This energy comes from something of unknown origin... and I feel that this child will become an obstacle in my path to conquering his world."

A moment of heavy silence ensues, then he adds in a soft voice, carrying a clear malevolent intent:

"And any threat, no matter how small... must be eliminated before it grows. Bring him alive. We need to study this energy... and if you feel he's a danger... destroy him before he can grow."

The servant senses the determination in his master's words. He bows deeply before turning and beginning to leave. He says in a voice filled with submission:

"Yes, my lord."

The figure on the throne turns toward the surrounding darkness, then mutters the last words, in a tone that's almost a mix of passion and rage:

"And contact Rizevim. I will need his help... in this."

Aiden had no idea that he had been targeted by a cosmic emperor from another world.

POV: Aiden

Aiden found himself in a place so dark that he couldn't see anything but the darkness surrounding him. The air was cold and damp, and the ground beneath his feet seemed to be made of something strange that he couldn't quite identify. Panic began to creep into his heart, and his thoughts started spiraling out of control.

"Did... did I die again?" he muttered to himself as he sat on the ground, hugging his knees like a scared child. "This is a joke, right? I die and come back? What kind of stupid life is this?!"

Then he suddenly stood up, punching the air as he said, "Isn't there a worse way to die?!" He sighed heavily and started talking to himself sarcastically: "I'm back in the darkness again! As if life isn't ridiculous enough... I miss my family. Will they miss me?" He sighed once more and looked at the void around him, saying with a sigh, "What about Rias? Will she miss me, or will she just take my room?"

As the feeling of despair slowly crept in, he heard a light laugh that was all too familiar. A laugh that seemed to be watching Aiden's self-mockery with amusement.

"So, this is what you do when you panic? Interesting," said the voice from afar, though it sounded close at the same time.

Aiden froze in place, his eyes widening like plates. "Ro... Rob?!" he shouted in surprise before blushing uncontrollably. "S... Since when have you been here?!"

Rob smiled, that familiar smirk Aiden knew all too well, and said simply, "From the beginning."

Aiden's face was now as red as a tomato. "Oh my God... How stupid did I look?" he muttered as he tried to hide his embarrassment.

The situation didn't get any less awkward; the more Aiden tried to compose himself, the wider Rob's smile became. Finally, Aiden asked in a quiet voice: "Am... am I dead?" His tone was funny, and the attempt to hide his confusion was obvious.

Rob smiled cheerfully and said: "No, you idiot. We're in a place the Chinese cultivators call the 'Sea of Consciousness.' It's dark here because you have an affinity for the void."

Aiden froze again, hesitating. "Wait a minute... if we're in the Sea of Consciousness, why did you give me a weak body? I feel like I'm about to explode like Deidara!" he added in a comically frantic manner, extending his hands as if expecting to blow up at any moment.

Rob looked at him with that gaze that implied he knew something Aiden didn't, and said, "Why do you think that?"

Aiden's brows furrowed in confusion. "What?"

Rob smiled and said, "Your body isn't weak. It's made of the void. What you're seeing now is just an outer shell. Your real body wants to be free." Rob paused for a moment, then added in a scientific and philosophical tone: "The void doesn't follow the known laws of physics. Your body is a means of controlling chaos, and when you're freed, that energy will become part of you."

Aiden stared at Rob in astonishment: "All that worry for nothing?" He thought for a moment, wanting to curse the person who told him he might explode... but he suddenly remembered that person was his mentor Ajuka, which left him speechless.

Rob continued speaking with a slight smile: "However, the seals placed on your body had benefits. Now, you have two bodies."

Aiden was utterly perplexed. "Two bodies? What do you mean?"

Rob explained more professionally: "Your outer body is the form of the demon, but it's just a shell to protect the inner body. Now, because of the seals, you've managed to achieve balance between the two."

Aiden was trying to process this information. Two bodies? Sea of Consciousness? Chaos? It was all very confusing, yet at the same time incredibly intriguing. Suddenly, Rob smiled and said: "I came this time to tell you that your body and soul are now synchronized. But you can't unlock your full powers yet; your body needs to adapt. It will take a year at most, but for now, you can access your Sacred Gear."

Aiden felt overwhelming joy as the timeline shortened, and he could activate his Sacred Gear: "Really? Just one year?!"

Rob continued with a smile: "Yes, and you'll see your Sacred Gear at its full potential."

Aiden couldn't contain his excitement; his face was beaming with joy. But he noticed that Rob was slowly starting to fade. "Time to wake up, Aiden," Rob said quietly.

Aiden felt sadness seeing Rob disappear. But before he could drown in his sadness, Rob, with a mischievous smile, said something that made him freeze in place.

"Oh, before I forget... Congratulations, Aiden. Your void body is now... female."

Aiden's face turned red with fury, and his eyes bulged. "What?!" Son of B*tchhhh

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