
DXD : Ray Gremory

Hello, I am Ray Gremory, and I think... I killed Rias Gremory... I am the second son of Duke Zeoticus and Duchess Venelana Gremory. I apparently was born when Rias should have been. I am the only other child my parents have, so that is why I said I killed Rias Gremory. Oh, and my older brother is the Devil King, Sirzechs Lucifer, that I am constantly compared to because I was also born a Super Devil, sigh. How do I know I took Rias's spot? Because when I was 4 years old, I was kicked in the head by one of our family camels and regained a few of my past life's memories. Damn, I forgot most of the story-line of my new world, so nothing is going right in my new life. "Please God help me..." *PAIN*... "Ouch, Damn you God

Katahama · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
54 Chs

Chapter 1: A Prince is Born

7:10 pm, April 9th, 1990 AD. Exactly 18 years before the start of 'supposed' canon events.

In the Underworld, the city of Lilith. The current Capital of the Devil King territory ruled by Sirzechs Lucifer. In one of the most advanced hospitals, named Serafall Memorial Hospital.

A flaxen (brown) haired woman is giving birth. Many doctors and the head maid of the Gremory Clan, attended the delivery. The woman is the Duchess of the Gremory Clan, and her violet eyes focus on the final steps of the delivery. Thankfully, she has gone through this once before around 550 years ago with her first son, Sirzechs Lucifer.

The female Doctor delivering is grasping the child about to fully emerge and then said.

"Duchess, one last push, just like that, Ah, here it comes! Congratulations Mrs Gremory, he is a healthy looking baby boy!"

The Nurses scramble to help with the umbilical cord, as the child has finally come out. One nurse uses a soft cloth to clean the child, while the Doctor cuts the cord. The child had not cried yet, and after cleaning its mouth, she gently spanked the bottom to get it to cry. Smack!

"Waaaahhhh~!" "Oh, no... Everyone get back quickly!" "He-He is floating!" "T-That is the Power of Destruction! Move now..."

After the spank, the child's body floated in the air, transformed into a mix of black and crimson demonic energy, with two red pinpoints of light for eyes.

It was only a child shaped mass of radiating Power of Destruction that slowly ate away the bed, tiles of the floor and ceilings, and anyone who does not have the Power of Destruction.


As the baby's cries continued, more and more uncontrolled power leaked from the small baby. With a smile, the baby's mother reached up and cradled the small mass of demonic power, and held it in her ample chest, gently speaking to the baby to calm its fright. She said,

"My beautiful baby boy, mother is here, just sleep my love. That is right, relax and rest, you did very well, and mother is pleased."

At this point the silver haired maid called in the two nervous people who only saw the event from the door frame when they heard the Doctors panic.

"Sirzechs and Duke Gremory, please come in and see the new son."

Sirzechs Lucifer (formally Gremory), the Devil King of Domestic Affairs in the Underworld (hell), is a handsome looking man with long crimson hair and blue-green eyes. He looks to be only in his early 20's. He is also the husband to the silver haired maid that called him to come in. Not only is she his wife, but also his Queen.

The next man at Sirzechs side is the father of the child, Duke Zeoticus Gremory. His long Crimson hair flows down, and his light blue eyes scan his wife, and then the small child in her arms.

He smiled seeing the child covered, no, made of pure Power of Destruction, like his oldest son had been at birth, and knew his second son was blessed by the Morningstar himself. (the 1st Devil who made all Devils)

The maid and sister-in-law to the newborn baby is named Grayfia Lucifuge. Her silver hair matches well with her silver eyes, giving her a very pure and mature charm. She was stripped of her noble privileges during the Civil War and entered the services of the Gremory Clan, then becoming Sirzechs Queen and then wife. Sirzechs has no harem (unheard of for noble Devils) due to his position as Devil King, and only has Grayfia.

As Venelana calmed the child, it's aura began to recede. And soon, as the baby's eyes slowly started closing from all the exhaustion and crying, the Destructive Power fully changed back into the body of a healthy baby with a dash of crimson hair and blue green eyes trying to understand what it was seeing. Venelana said in her soothing voice.

"My little Prince, just sleep, and have sweet dreams, mother will protect you."

Sirzechs who saw the birth and the baby's transformation, now knows what his own birth looked like. He now understands his fathers stories about the mess he made. Most of the objects in the room had parts of its matter obliterated to nothingness. Then Zeoticus Gremory asked his wife, while kissing her forehead.

"Dear, what name will you give our son?"

Venelana kissed the top of her baby's head and told everyone.

"His name will be Ray Gremory. He is my Ray of Hope."

Everyone looked happy with the name, and both men gently pinched the cheeks of the now sleeping child. Sirzechs sighs and says.

"Sigh, I am both thrilled and disheartened that Ray is also born a Transcendent Being. This now makes 3 Super Devils in the Underworld. The Great King Faction will not be happy with Ray being as strong as I was."

Duke Gremory nodded to his son's deduction and asked.

"Will you tell Zekram Bael now? I will tell his son Lord Bael."

"Yes, if grandfather finds out from the grapevine and not be informed, he might feel more slighted. But I know Lord Bael will be extra upset, now that both of mothers children are so strong at birth, sigh."

Grayfia adds.

"Serafall's sibling will be born in June, and Lord Bael's child in August. So many of the next generation youth Devils are being born so close together, like it is a sign of good fortunes to come. I will call Devil King Serafall Leviathan, about Ray the young Master."

Venelana says to them.

"Alright all of you, Ray and I need to sleep. Dear Zeo, please give me the Phoenix Tears so I can recover my body."

He then pulled out a small red crystal vial, and dropped the magical dew onto his wife, whose body glowed and returned to a state of not even having a child. However, the magic cannot recover spent Stamina or Demonic Power, so Venelana needs sleep.
