
DxD: Heavenly Spear Emperor

Not much, I feel underwhelmed about the True Longunis in the original novel DxD So I wondered, what if it was explored more? This is the story of the descendant of the Chinese Warlord Cao Cao. Read it for your own sake. https://discord.gg/denoffanfics

_ZAX_ · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
29 Chs


"The best way to attack the castle is on the day." Cao Cao bit his thumb while making a sketch of the Tepes Castle.

It's been three days since he got here in Romania. As much as he wants to stay in London for a while, he knows that he needs to get Valerie out of this place first.

During these days, he had gathered information about not just the Tepes Faction but even the Carmilla Faction. It wasn't hard to get as they are both popular in Romania and they also have their own infamous traits. 

Racism and Sexism that is.

There are people in Romania who belong to a neutral faction and thus act like a broker to reap benefits from both sides.

The two factions are insufferable after all, according to them. 

Whoever wins will not affect them.

The two Vampire Factions, Tepes and Carmilla may have been enemies, but he's sure that if someone were to be a threat to their own respective factions, then they would work together to eliminate it, albeit temporarily.

This may not sound much but this shows that the two factions can cooperate despite their differences… or pride for that matter.

"Basically, don't piss off Carmilla Faction and only Tepes Faction." A loss for King Tepes is a gain for Queen Carmilla. 

"Allright, it's showtime." Burning the map, Cao Cao changed his clothes with an edgy looking robe and a white mask with no holes. 

"Another boring day." A guard yawned.

It's peak noon, there are no guards outside the Tepes Castle as no one wants to get burned by the sunlight. Most of them are inside the place.

Aside from standing here to welcome nobles, most of them don't even need to do anything.

Intruders? No one would be foolish enough to provoke them, and if it's a professional matter, then they would be informed by their superiors.  

"Tell me about it. Hey, do you think that Lord Maruis woul—!" Before the other guard finished his sentence, a torrent of light hit him.


A loud explosion rang, causing the other guards to be alert.




Soon, more explosions followed. As if a bomb was placed all over and detonated.


"It burns!"

"The sun!" 

Screams of agony and despair rang across the destroyed walls of the Tepes Castle. 

"Enemy is attacking everywhere!" One of the vampire guards shouted. The bombs are made of light and it's destroying the castle roofs! 

If this continues, they'll suffer!

"Who is it? Who dares to fight the mightiest Vampire Faction in Romania?!" The guard's furious voice fell on deaf ears. 

"Retreat! Get inside!" Giving his commands, the guards heard and hurriedly followed. This is a bad situation

"We have to inform King Tepes!"

While this is happening above, Cao Cao is sneaking underground. From what he gathered from the information he got, most prisoners are kept in an underground dungeon. 

Makes sense but it's also a good thing. Vampires and their prideful nature wouldn't allow them to stay in the dungeon just to guard, especially the ones who are part of nobility. It made things easier for him.

"Good thing old Sha knows how to make sealing Talismans." Cao Cao flicked his wrist and a talisman with Chinese symbols appeared. This is an item meant for sealing, not just other items but even elements.

Sealing the light elements of True Longinus and attaching it to various roofs, he created bombs that will not only be fatal to vampires, but even destroy their protection against the sun.

Imagine having a dumb weakness, can't relate.

"There we go." Patting the dust in his robe, Cao Cao surveyed the area before walking around. 

He saw various prisoners, from those pale looking zombies which he assumed to be ghouls, other vampires and…werewolves?

Continuing to look around, he's starting to think that he was in the wrong dungeon. 

The Hero Descendant shook his head. It's not possible, he doubts that Valerie's brother would let her stay somewhere far away from their castle, he may disdain the dhampir's human blood but no way would he let such a precious tool outside of his reach.

Still not giving up, Cao Cao stumbles upon a weird looking door. It has various markings and is tightly locked.

Without hesitation, he summoned the True Longinus and slashed the door open.

Going inside, he saw a cage, it was different from others. There were a lot of what seemed to be a glass of human blood and bottles of wine?

This is not what captured his attention however, but the girl sitting inside the cage. Her crimson eyes illuminating the darkness and her pale blonde hair is visibly seen. Although he can't see her face directly, he can see the piercing glare that she's giving him. 

Did he do something wrong?

"Is it one of Maruis' slaves again? I already told them that I'm not interested in blood." Her cold voice traveled in his ears. There's no doubt who this person is.

The only daughter of the King of Tepes and the possessor of the Longinus: Sephiroth Graal, Valerie Tepes.

"Are you deaf? Perhaps you would understand if I draw pictures?" The Vampire Princess didn't stop her vicious tongue and from the looks of it, this is not the first time she did this.  

Clearing his throat, Cao Cao began to speak, "I apologize if my entrance came off as rude but I'm not here to force you or anything, I'm here to take you away from here."

"I see, so I'm gonna go to another dungeon." Valerie indifferently said. It seems like she was used to this kind of treatment.

Cao Cao smiled wryly under his mask. Truly a pitiful girl, she doesn't acknowledge that someone would rescue her.

"No, I'm here to rescue you." After saying that, Cao Cao destroyed the cage she's in and recalled his spear back.

Although it was only in the cage, Valerie felt the immense holy aura of the spear. 

"What's that?!" Ignoring that the person in front of her just set her free, the Vampire Princess hissed, showing her hostility.

She can feel and smell something burning when she is near that weapon.

"I'll tell you all about it later, for now the most important thing is we get out before the others come here." The hero descendant offered his hand to the dhampir.

Valerie looked at his hand, that weapon gives her goosebumps. Can she trust him?

"You want to do something in the outside world right? And even if you don't, it's much better out there than this cold dungeon." He doesn't have much time, they need to get out of this place, fast!

The Vampire Princess' eyes flickered. Nodding, she took his hand albeit reluctantly.

He's right, she has something to do outside.

Finally holding her hand, Cao Cao immediately carried her and started bolting out of the place.

'Those explosives would at most distract them, he needs to put Valerie somewhere safe before he can fight.'

Without further thinking, the hero descendant left through the path he came through.