
Why are we in the latrines?

"And then the boy would wake up in the middle of the night screaming his head off about giant spiders and whatnot" The elderly man said as he was telling stories of the protagonist to his parents as they all chuckled at the story

"Old man, you saw those damn spiders! They weren't normal!" complained the silver-eyed crimsonette

"See this is why you should clean your house more often or else the spiders will come" The silver haired mother in a maid outfit scolded as the protagonist just covered his face

"Don't worry Aversis, I don't much like spiders either" the older red-head said as he empathized with his son

Ever since a certain black cat tipped off to Grayfia that her son took her to see the man who raised him. The maid immediately grabbed her husband off to meet their wayward child and demand to meet the old head captain.

"I'm just gonna go out if you guys are just going to embarrass me here" Shiro said as he started to leave the room

"Don't get lost dear! And be careful of strange people!" the mother called out

The young shinigami didn't respond as he just flash stepped out of there

"It's official, I'm lost." the crimsonette said out loud as he swore he was in the current area before

It wasn't his fault, Soul Society was just huge! Sighing he turned his attention to a tap on his shoulder. The man he saw looked like some type of yakuza thug with a distinctive hair cut and shades.

"Hey you! You're the head captain's kid right?" he said as he extended an index finger to point at the red-head

"Uh, I guess so?" Shiro replied unsure of his status in soul society

The yakuza thug smirked and pointed his thumb to himself

"The name's Tetsuzaemon Iba! Vice-Captain of Squad 7. And I am here to invite you to join the Shinigami men's association!" He said dramatically as he introduced himself

"Shiro Aversis and men's association?" The crimsonette questioned as he tried to remember if there was a thing like that

"That's right, all the coolest people are in it! So what do ya say? You get your own pair of shades free of charge!" Iba said as he pulled out a pair from nowhere

Shrugging his shoulders "Eh sure, I don't have much else to do right now" Shiro said as he didn't want to admit he was lost

"Great! Come with me." the yakuza said as he handed over the shades

Within the room were a group of crouched men wearing shades. Their hakamas were opened to be worn as capes exposing their chests.

"Gentlemen! Today a new member joins us. This is Shiro Aversis!" Iba presented as cheers and calls of welcome were going around

The crimsonette's eye twitched as he looked around the room. He recognized some of the people in the room such as vice-captains Kira Izuru, Hisagi Shuhei, Marechiyo Ōmaeda and surprisingly even Captain Jūshiro Ukitake was here. He didn't recognize the vice-leader or this other member. He believed the last member was a guy who worked under Captain Mayuri but he wasn't sure. But his main question wasn't their identities at the moment, it was something much more important.

"Why are we in the latrines?" Shiro asked as he took in his current location. They were definitely in a public restroom. Stalls and urinals filled the sides and the sink was surprisingly well kept and clean.

"Well... the Shinigami woman's association took our last room and are using it for storage purposes" The yellow haired vice-leader admitted as everyone had serious looks on their faces remembering being kicked out of their room

"Well why can't you guys just get another room?" the silver-eyed red-head asked as surely any other room would be better than this

"We would! however..." The man with the numbers 69 seemingly tattooed on his face began

"The Shinigami woman's association also cut our budget so we have no funds" the man named Akon said as he finished his fellow man's sentence

The protagonist was dumbfounded as he looked around the room. They literally had a captain, multiple vice-captains and a scientist in their midsts yet they were reduced to squatting in the latrines.

"Why didn't you guys just use your own funds to get another room?" Shiro questioned as surely they got paid

"Ah, well most of my money goes towards buying medicine for my illness" the long haired captain said

"My captain would kill me if she found out I was using my funds for this" came the reply of the large vice-captain

"Our money went to repairing things we broke" came the voice of another vice captain

The excuses continued until Shiro just facepalmed

"Alright enough!" the protagonist yelled to stop the train of excuses

"We just need to do something to come up with the funds then" he said as everyone's eyes were on him

"But what would we do?" came the question of the unknown shinigami as the leader of the men's association listened closely

The crimsonette smirked as he said one word


"Modeling?" everyone repeated as a question

"Exactly, you guys are pretty high up in your own squads, I'm sure some females admire you guys so we take some good pictures and have them posted in magazines and calendars! We even have a Captain here so it makes it even better!" Shiro exclaimed as he presented his idea

"But we would need funds to begin with if we do this" commented the scientist

Turning to look at the rich large man who gave an excuse of his captain killing him if he were to waste his money on the men's association

"Omaeda..... Just tell Captain Soi Fon you spent money on business!" Shiro said

"Business? I suppose this would count as business. Alright let's do this!"

Everyone got up and roared with cheers as the crimsonette had a smirk and took out a camera preparing to take some risque photos for a certain group of the female shinigami demographic who are into the more 'extreme' variety of pictures.

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