
Not a Chapter

I just wanted to apologise for the abrupt Hiatus... I honestly didn't have any ideas how to progress for a bit but after going over the story so far and a draft that's been sitting here for ages I've at least got another chapter in the works

(note I upload every finished chapter)

And I'm struggling for ideas

I'll be honest though going into my writing space and seeing this is my most popular work brings tears to my eyes and I'd just like to thank you all for reading this and being patient (though there was that one guy who through a tantrum because Leon/Ajax was "Useless" in his opinion... honestly he's a child of course he'll be weak at the start) of course I welcome any and all suggestions and ideas... I'll be honest going into this I wasn't planning on Harem but I got convinced when everyone was asking who would be in the Harem, so I'll reveal the races of 3 Harem Member's for you to think about

1. Nekoshou

2. Devil

3. Angel

and because I'm feeling benevolent here's some potential races

1. Fallen angel

2. Dragon

3. Youkai

again I thank you all for reading and being patient and don't forget to Comment (Leon/Ajax's fate depends on it) and even leave a Review