
The Demon Goddess' Anger I

[Grayfia's POV]

Right now, I need to resist the urge to freeze everything.


My aura is being released inadvertently, once again... I'm unable to control my powers completely. Sirzechs and I were heading to the courtyard to a private spot where he could have the conversation he 'desired'.

"You have no idea how much I have missed you Grayfia, our promise".


"It took you too long to come and when you do, it is with this... surprise, I don't know what to say".


"Have you ever thought about me, all this time we were away from one another?"

Think about you? all I can think of is how much I want to kill you, Sirzechs... because you were too stubborn to let me go; causing suffering to my younger sister. How many years of striving to get into your eyes while you wasted your time and energy with many other women, just to drown in pleasures and forget that you lost me?

Because you couldn't move on... my big sister is now pleasuring my master, and I can't do anything; he is enjoying it.

As his maid I can't deprive my master of his desires, and as much as I want to reject what's happening... I can tell he is into her and vice-versa. Master is an emotionally complex dragon but when it comes to the bed... he is relatively easy to satisfy, I could only curse the citizen in Helius for being so... uncultured. A mere display from Layla and she has already gotten his attention and lust.


Sirzechs frowned when he saw the storm looming around like a blazing blizzard with lightning and darkness, this is as much as I can suppress my aura. He awaits my answer, but there is only silence as I lead us upstairs.

While you think about what words to tell me to get me back and love you again... I can't think of anything else other than what I'm going to do to please my master tonight; to remain as his number one.

Thanks to you Sirzechs... I now have competition for master's affection and you're going to pay for it.

But first... I have questions.

"Before you tell me anything, Sirzechs... I have a few questions regarding the Devil Supremacy Faction and the Devil Conservative Faction..." we reached the courtyard, and I could already feel Serafall, Ajuka and Falbium preparing in case anything was to happen, and if they dared to help him, I'd take them on too.

"Why all of the sudden? we don't have much time, Grayfia" The satan tried to appease me, maintaining his distance but I can tell he desires to talk about other matters, sadly... I don't care about those things.

"This is important to me. So, if you want anything from me then answer these questions. What is the purpose of those factions? devil supremacy and conservative... why are we still divided as devils?!"

It was my last question, something everyone seemed to be avoiding eerily as if it was yet another taboo topic during the banquet. I know Bael, Lucifuge, Sitri and Gremory belong to the conservatives while Agares, Astaroth, Glaysa-labolas and Phenex belong to the supremacy... yet aside from the treatment they gave my mother's servants and the Nephilim girl, I could feel no difference in their reasoning and relationships.

Then again, this is a nobility banquet, their expertise is to make facades and conceal their true faces.

Sirzechs frowned and turned around casting a barrier and looking at the raging blizzard as the rain fell on us. The same rain that was falling on my master and my sister.

"The Devil Supremacy Faction was first mentioned by several families from the council such as the Belial and Barbatos after the end of the second war. It was simple; seeing Lady Calliope's overwhelming prowess and the position in which we devils were placed in the supernatural community, they... wanted more" He sighed.

"..." I remained silent, awaiting the rest of his explanation.

"Ajuka and Falbium supported them; that created a drift between us as Serafall instead had an ideology like mine; we didn't want war no matter the cost. We didn't even want supremacy as devils... it was all Lady Calliope's initiative. She took angels, fallen angels, Gods... and brought them into the underworld, I believe her original intention was for all of us to coexist peacefully as she only used violence when necessary... more than take them as hostages, she invited them into the underworld with a little insistence..."

'That's no different from kidnapping them...' I thought.

'But... as devils as we are; most of them took it the wrong way, thinking that Lady Calliope's intention was to slave the supernatural world and place us in the apex. The fact that the Biblical God -who is dead- didn't go against her actions, further enhanced their bravado. By that time Lady Calliope had already disappeared, the devils went rampant and her lack of action was only seen as approval and support, many misunderstandings that we couldn't stop, otherwise, we'd expose ourselves... Ajuka tolerated it in order to create a wider gap between the devil and humans... he is supported by those families even now but he and Falbium don't share their beliefs, taking Sandalphon as his wife and having Albedo as his daughter was merely one of his methods to suppress the anger from the supremacy, it failed".

"Things have changed compared to a few centuries ago when you would see angels being walked on the streets like dogs, humiliated... coerced to sin until they fell".

"Disgusting..." I remarked; contorting my gaze in disgust. I hate angels and fallen angels, but during our war, neither party slaved or humiliated one other. Only fallen angels engaged in such practices against both devils and angels, eventually, they stopped when angels and devils moved on against them; decreasing their numbers heftily.

To know that devils engaged in such practices at some point massively, filled me with disgust.

"I know... it was only when Serafall and I pressed forward... when the prospect of war became more tangible than ever... that they decided to relent. Ajuka made it up that he had met with Lady Calliope and she requested him to pull back, something that seemed to convince his side of the council albeit reluctantly, it was hard to believe them that Lady Calliope accepted such, but once again, her lack of response served as an affirmation, they thought if Ajuka was in the wrong, he'd be stopped by her. It was then that Angels and Fallen Angels were allowed to walk freely in the underworld or leave if they so desired, sadly... Nephilims didn't have that same fate, even today they're hunted by rogues and racists... Albedo-chan is a huge exception, as Ajuka's daughter her protection is naturally greater than most of them, she was lucky".

My mind drifted towards that girl, there was a mixture of reactions towards her at the party, most looked at her with palpable disdain, and according to master she was also hiding her strength, 'Could it be-'


"I created the conservative devil faction in order to protect the fallen angels and angels and also to stop the quenching hatred against the devils in the world from increasing further. Our main supporter is Lady Lucifuge; as you see she turned her castle into an orphanage of sorts; for a long time she has held many races such as Nekoshou, Angels, Fallens and Mermaids... they eventually leave upon reaching adulthood, either staying in the territories of the conservative devils or heading back to their respective domains, assisted by us... the conservative devil faction exists merely to keep the devils at a bay... did that answer your question?"

Sirzechs sighed and turned towards me again, having finished his explanation.

I don't know what to say, the underworld has gone through so much in merely five hundred years of my absence, it almost feels like a different place. I really don't belong here anymore.

'Whatever happens here... shouldn't be my or my master's business'.

"Was there anything good out of all of this, is it worth it for the Devil Supremacy Faction to keep existing?" I asked, merely for the sake of a last confirmation. If there was a last thing I could do for my race to ensure peace, I'd do it before departing now that I have the power to do so, even if it means erasing a whole faction by myself and becoming the enemy.

"I can't tell you for certain, Grayfia... the current underworld is the result of the Devil Supremacy Faction... the technology, the organisation... the fact that other supernatural communities can come here unlike before and our wide connection to the humans that we didn't use to have... everything is thanks to them, to Ajuka... my devil conservative faction has only suppressed the families' greed... were we not here; the earth would have already turned into hell. There are constant fights between factions happening on the earth to the point humans have developed their own forces to repel us. Some of them work together with the supernatural, others against them... in the end, from a devil's perspective, they're a necessary evil" He concluded.

"Thank you, Sirzechs..."



My aura released like a huge freezing shockwave that disrupted the storm for a moment, I'm ready now.

"Now clench your teeth... because I'm not going to be easy on you!"

"Grayfia?" Sirzechs regarded me with a confused expression, walking back a few steps as I walked forward.

"I, Grayfia Lucifuge, as the First Apostle of Primordial Gold; challenge you to a duel, Sirzechs Lucifer"



Author Note:

Just wanted to tell you guys that I'm going to start another fanfic, I already published a single chapter but that's about how much there will be for now since I have to publish in Pa-tre-on first.

High School of the Dead: Zombie World with a Gacha.

And it is about as how it sounds. MC's personality is anti-hero... there will be crossovers of stories zombie-related, so far aside from High School of the Dead, the other one I have in mind is 'My Girlfriend is a Zombie' but I'm accepting suggestions.

That said, go to my profile, give it a like and take a look at the first chapter of the fanfic.

My schedule of one chapter a day is going to be enforced now since I'm writing two stories and editing one. If you want extra chapters, get the stones coming.


Now, about Golden Peerage. The relaxing days will be ending soon, the plot will be nowhere close to the original of DxD. And I mean not at all; Kokabiel is going to die soon and that should tell you a lot.

This arc is going to have MC playing more of a Saitama-like role where he will only fight when necessary, the main focus will be on the growth of the characters that are going to be under him in the future... they're going to be with him when he returns to Helius to fight the Primordials that fked about with him. Sirzechs needs to live, but you won't be dissatisfied with how he's going to end :) a hint is: it has to do with Crush.

Hope u enjoy it so far.

You can already find up to 30 advanced chapters on my Pa-tre-on: [pa-tre-on.com/photosphere]

Novel King Tier - 10 chapters.

Novel Emperor Tier - 30 chapters.

Subscribe and you will also get the same amount of advanced chapters in my other fanfic:[A Vampire in My Wife is a Beautiful CEO] check it out!


Look at the novel's synopsis or my profile to find the discord link, also hit the heart button while you're at it <3 all the illustrations will be there from now on.

Leave your comment in the Golden Peerage general chat to get the [@Golden Apostle] role.


The schedule is one chapter daily, with no chapter during the weekend except extra chapters.

600 stones - 1chaps.

900 stones - 2chaps.

1200 stones - 3chaps.

1500 stones - 4chaps.

2000 stones - 5chaps.

Photospherecreators' thoughts
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