
DxD An Alternate Story

An ordinary man dies an ordinary life. A ROB bored out of his mind throws him into another world with a couple cheat level abilities and a few wishes free of charge, no strings attached. Follow Zell in his new life in the world high School DxD R-18 for possible future lemons First fic so feedback will be appreciated. Also wish fullfilment I will be going a little crazy in some parts of the story but pls bear with me. This is wish fullfillment, just let it happen.

NinoWaifuBestWaifu · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
22 Chs

Chapter 16: Departure

The time has finally come for me to leave the Underworld. After 4 months of asylum with the Gremory, it is time to move out.

I had requested Venelana and Grayfia to give me a ride through teleportation to the human world and to drop me off in Japan. At first, Venelana was a little reluctant to let me go due to being so close to her now, but understood that I need to leave and make something of myself instead of hiding away for a long time. She has grown quite attached to me recently, and I mind not one bit.

She agreed to take us to Japan personally and was going to drop me off in the Devil's territory, Kuoh. A little early but it works for me, this way I can possibly make contact with one Cleria Belial, who is still alive, and the future Oppai Dragon and make friends with him.

Don't get me wrong, anime and novel Issei is a wimp with really nothing to his name besides a shit ton of plot armor. That being the case, I don't plan on completely altering the course of the cannon timeline since he was basically the center of it all and he becomes a Super Devil in the future.

I'll make sure to atleast change his lazy mindset of wanting a harem but no not doing anything to achieve it. He should atleast understand that having one means he has to be capable of keeping them or risk getting NTRed.

But if that does happen and it turns out he gets a cuck fetish out of it, I'll be more than willing to help out. But that's for the future, not now.

On the day of departure from the Gremory mansion, everyone I got to know during my stay here came out to see us off. My uncle and cousin Seekvaria, Sera-tan and Sona, Ajuka, Sirzechs, Grayfia, Venelana, Rias, and Zeoticus.

Kuroka and Shirone are of course joining me and are looking forward to seeing the blue sky of the Earth and getting to know some youkai over in Kyoto. Shirone was a little reluctant to leave her new friends, Rias and Sona, but after a box of Strawberry Pocky, she was eager to go. Kuroka just wants to go to Kyoto.

Sirzechs' wife, Esdeath, literally the one and the same for Akame ga Kill, and has the same sadistic personality wanted to come see us off but was in a meeting so she just sent her regards.

It was scary as hell when I met her 2 months ago, she arrived with her killing intent on full blast after finding Sirzechs playing with Rias and beat him black and blue in front of the Gremory mansion in view of the towmsfolk on the other side of the gate before dragging him away for a meeting he tried to avoid. It was funny, but scary as hell.

I got to know her quite well over the last few months when she offered to train me a bit in magic with Venelana and have come to know that she is Sirzechs sole Bishop piece and is stupid OP when it comes to ice magic, she is even stronger than Grayfia in that regard despite the fact that it's Grayfia's specialty. On top of her excellent swordsmanship, she is a walking ice cannon that isn't afraid to stab you.

Grayfia despite this, is still known as the strongest woman in the underworld besides Sera-tan. Sera-tan is just cracked, despite not being of true Leviathan blood, she fucking controls water and ice leviathans of her own making like she was one. Happily spitting on the original Leviathan's Sea Serpent of the End ability and making it her own. Cracked AF I tell you.

Uncle Agares: "If you ever need anything or find yourself homesick, give me a call and I will pick you up in a second. Don't hesitate to contact me for anything, alright?"

Seekvaria: "Hmph, you better call every week. If you get beat up because you're too weak, it will bring disgrace on our family."

My uncle was quite overprotective of me and wanted to send someone to guard me but relented after I secretly showed him a bit of my true strength. Seekvaria on the other hand srill held strong to her tsundere act, but it's how she shows affection so it's cute. Though even with that, I quite liked them, familial affection is quite new to me and it makes me all fluffy inside, I like it.

Serafall: "Zell-chan, if any of the youkai bully you, give me a call and I'll declare war for you, okay?"

"Oi, please don't. I'll call so please don't"

My brow twitched a little at her words. Sera-tan likes to joke around to ease the mood but I feel like she'll actually do what she says this time and that's a big no no. Even the other 2 Satans' brows are twitching, it looks like they also believe she'll actually do it. Sona is just panicking because she truly believes her sister would do it.

Rias: "It has been a pleasure to get to know you, Zell. If you ever need any help, you will have the Gremory family supporting you all the way. And do visit, I enjoy our debates on the seasonal anime."

Rias, although a lazy bum she is, is slowly, so very slowly starting to change even if just a tiny bit. Atleast she is growing into her role of future Duchess of Gremory early. Zeoticus, not being all that close to us, Grayfia, and Sirzechs just nod in assent to Rias' words.

Ajuka: "Do keep me posted on any changes happening to your pieces, it is valuable research material and I wish to see what you can achieve with them."

I nod to Ajuka, I won't tell him everything that happens of course, but I'll say enough to sate his curiosity.

Venelana: "Well then let's go, shall we?"

Kuroka, Shirone, and I give our final goodbyes to everyone seeing us off before walking towards Venelana who has a teleportation circle ready to go. We step into it and after a flash of bright light, we dissappear.


We reappear in a large open room with a magic circle drawn on the floor. Nothing too special about the place besides the fact that there is a bit of residual Devil aura floating around, though it's very faint.

Venelana: "We have arrived in Japan. I'll be taking you to meet an old friend that was assigned to oversee this area for the sake of receiving more clients for devils contracts. Her name is Cleria Belial, cousin of the current Rating Game champion.

Until you figure out the direction that you would like to go from here, you can stay with her in this mansion. I've already spoken to her and she has already prepared your rooms."

The 2 nekoshou and I nod at Venelana before she leads us out of the room we teleported into and down the large hall.

"If you don't mind my asking, how were the devils able to aquire and rule this area as one of their territories? Last I heard, youkai and Devils didn't have the best relationships."

I need to know since I never found out how or why the devils ruled Kuoh.

???: "The devils payed a hefty sum and gave up a lot of recources to the leader of the youkai faction, Yasaka-sama amd to Amaterasu-sama. Though there are a great many rules still in place against the devils going anywhere in Japan, they are not attacked by the youkai faction unless they do something stupid."

A pair of double doors opened up a few meters infront of us and a soft and warm voice drifted out, giving a prompt answer.

A beautiful young woman who appears to be in her 20's with shiny grey hair and bright green eyes. She has soft feminine curves of premium quality and has the bearing of a kind hearted princess.

???: "Greetings children. I am Cleria Belial, it's a pleasure to meet you. As Lana might have already told you, you will be staying here for as long as you need while you get your bearings. Until then, please make yourselves at home."

The now named host introduces herself with a polite curtsey and warm smile. It looks like Venelana hasn't informed her of our current situation so I'm thankful for that, I'll be able to relax even if only a little while we're here.

"Greetings, Lady Belial. My name is Zell amd these two are my companions, the black haired girl is Kuroka and the adorable one is Shirone. Thank you for agreeing to house us temporarily, we will be in your care."

Kuroka's brow twitched at her introdcution but still bowed towards the woman along with Shirone.

Venelana: "Cleria, how are you? It's been too long since we last got together. I hope your enjoying your stay in Japan?"

Cleria: "Lana, I've been fine. Japan has been quite fun to put it simply. So much culture to explore and the food is amazing. I do enjoy my occasional outings as well."

They speak a few more words to eachother and after deciding to meet up in the underworld next weekend, they end their talk and Venelana turns back to us.

Venelana: "I'll be leaving now, I'll miss our little training sessions Zell. Do visit often, there is still so much of the city I haven't showed you or Shirone."

Venelana is still a little reluctant to part with us, more me than the girls, but reluctant nonetheless.

"Don't worry, I'll visit every 2 weeks or so, I refuse to miss out on your homemade meals afterall. Also can't wait to explore the rest of the city with you. I'll miss you Venelana."

I give her my best smile while looking into her beatutiful purple eyes to show her my willingness to spend some more time with her.

She smiles happily in return and crouches to envelops me in a small hug. My face is burried in her massive mommy milkers and I can feel the softness of it all and smell the sweet scent of her body. I freeze slightly and burn the sight, smell, and feeling of her milky mammary heaven into my mind as I hug her back, lowering my arms a little to avoid copping a feel of her milky mammaries and hug her slim waist.

Can't cop a feel yet or risk destroying what I so tiredly worked for over the last few months.

She releases me after a few seconds and goes over to Shirone and glomps her as well. She has grown on Shirone and absolutely adores the tiny neko girl. Shirone though, struggles a bit being enveloped and suffocated in the milky heaven and is finally released after a few moments.

Venelana: "Take good care of yourself Shirone, and try to eat less snacks or you'll get fat. And if you get fat, then Zell and Kuroka won't give you any more snacks."

As she's panting and recovering her breath, Shirone opens her eyes in horror at her words and nods rapidly while giving Venelana a military salute.

Venelana smile at her one last time before standing back up and going over to Kuroka. Kuroka wasn't all that close to any one so Venelana just pat her head and told her to take care of herself and Shirone before backing off.

She waves once more at us before she turns back and walks back to the room with the teleportation circle.

A few minutes of pleasantries and introductions later with our host Cleria and we were in my assigned room discussing what our next course of action is.

"Kuroka, I need you to begin collecting intel on the town. A map of the area, what supernaturals dwell where, local gangs, all that good stuff.

I'll take a look around of my own and see what I can find on my own. Shirone, here is 3 boxes of strawberry and caramel filling chocolate bars and brownies. Read your manga and watch anime or something, but don't leave the house. If Cleria asks, we went out to explore a little.

We will only stay here for a little while, we'll be going towards Kyoto to meet the youkai and get you girls proper teachers for senjutsu and youjutsu and maybe even meet more nekomata while we're there. I have a plan or two to put in motion while I'm there so we'll be heading over very soon."

Kuroka nodded at her orders before she asks curiously.

Kuroka: "Sure nya, but what will you be doing in Kyoto though?"

"I want to see if I can learn Touki." I say as I turn towards her.

Kuroka nods her head before giving Shirone a small hug and jumps out of the window. I don't know why she'd do that, but whatevs. I give the white haired loli her boxes of chocolate and manga before patting her head and leaving out the front door like a sane person would.

Cleria is in her office doing who knows what so I just slip out of the mansion and head into the town. I need to think of a way to prevent Cleria's death and hide her so that I can gain Diehauser's aide in the future.

It's not that I don't want to get her in bed, medium is premium, but even I can tell she is extremely devoted to whoever she is seeing, if the love struck rosey and healthy glow on her cheeks is anything to go by. In this case, it would be her church lover.

I ain't getting in the middle of that, I still have some morals, so instead I'll try to save them both. A union of a devil and a church member would set a precedent for the future alliance between the 3 factions, what the results of peace would look like. Though it will bring it's own share of trouble, it would be something that benefits the alliance in the long run.

But enough of that, I'll cross the bridge when I get to it. For now I need to find me the future Oppai Dragon and I also want to see how the guy grew up to be such a pervert. He supposedly meets some old guy in a park at some point that preaches the Art of Perverts to the kids and he became hooked on it.

If I can find him before he meets the old pervert, I can probably get the kid to become more of a doer than a dreamer and instill some common sense into him. If I find him after or during his introduction to perversness, I'll just hypnotize him a bit. I'm not about to waste a fuck load of time trying to change his new personality.

I won't go around hypnotizing everyone and everything to get my way though, apparently if I do it too much, I get a bounty put on me and supernatural bounty hunters go after my ass. This is to avoid supernatural entities from abusing their powers in the human side of the world for their benefit, apparently one of the only thing agreed on by all the factions.

I don't know how the supernatural factions find out about the hypnotizing, but I don't want a target painted right on my back.

Thank you Mommylana for the info, according to her, there are quite a few Ultimate class beings that work as bounty hunters and I don't want to step on their toes.

But whatevs, off to look for a future pervert.