
First Party Enters

A carriage traversed the winding path through Argor forest. A young man sat inside while trying not to stare at the aloof young woman across from him.

"It's a perfect dungeon for beginners Miss Lana. I can assure you. My father took me when I turned fifteen. Although it's just goblins, they don't gather in large numbers which makes it easy to work your way through."

"I am aware." She said while staring out the window. "Uncle Gilmore thoroughly investigated once you recommended it."

"Ah, of course, of course. I made sure to pack every supply we could possibly need in the dungeon. There is no greater pain than realizing that a problem could have been easily solved with sufficient foresight."

"Mmm, I brought my own supplies."


Lana Winters was trying not to get upset with the young man across from her. She knew it wasn't his fault. Her father, the Baron of Dullo, sent her to the countryside to experience her first dungeon. He had wanted to join her but with the situation in Dullo he was unable to leave.

He sent her with her uncle to visit their old adventuring companion Halbin Titters. Titters was now a lord on the outskirts of the Barron's land. With Gilmore accompanying them there was no need for the lord himself to join them. There for he sent his son Rod who had been to this particular dungeon many times.

Lana wanted to snap at the young man who was only a year older than her, but he was just trying to be helpful. She was a bit anxious and nervous to be going into her first dungeon. That wasn't his fault. She just wished he would let her sit in silence while she tried to calm her nerves.

"Huh, what's that?" She heard him mumble. "Stop!" He shouted to the driver.

Lana opened her eyes as Rod stepped down from the carriage. She pulled the curtain back to see the Rod pointing the side of the nearby mountain while speaking to a young man on a horse.

The young man turned and ushered his horse towards the mountain.

Rod returned to the carriage.

"My apologies Miss Lana but I saw a glint of light reflect off the base of the mountain. I have traveled this path several times and never noticed it before."

"It is no problem. I believe it will be a good chance for me to get up and make sure my legs do not fall asleep." She said as she stepped down from the carriage and stretched her back. They had traveled most of the morning and they had planned to stop for lunch soon. Perhaps this would be a good opportunity for a break. A young woman on a horse pulled up beside Lana and dismounted.

"Young Miss, would you like me to prepare you a snack."

She decided to wait for the moment, but she was getting hungry.

Several minutes later the horse rider returned to the carriage.

"Young Master!" The rider called as he neared. "You won't believe it. It's a new dungeon."

"Oh." Rod said with some surprise. "And what did the system report."

"Level 10. Difficulty: High. Threat level: Low. But it had the most beautiful doors I have ever seen."

"What do you think Miss Lana? Would you like to take a look? The goblin mines are still half a day away."

A dark figure rose from Lana's shadow. The man dressed in black stepped forward beside her.

"Perhaps I should investigate first." He said.

"It should be fine uncle. Besides if you go in first, we will have to wait for tomorrow for everything to respawn. The goblin mines are level 10 and have a Threat Level: Moderate. You were fine with Rod and I entering there without you. This has a lower threat level. It obviously new, so chances are it isn't very developed."

Lana could hear her uncle sigh.

She turned and put on her cutest puppy dog eyes. "Please Uncle Gilmore? I have your talisman in case something goes wrong."

"Ugh, fine. But you kids are eating lunch first. I won't let you go in on an empty stomach."

"Yes!" She said excitedly. "Let's go." She said while excitedly jumping to the carriage.

It took several minutes to get to the dungeon. Along the way, Rod told her of the supply he had brought. This time she wasn't annoyed and shared what she had brought as well.

"Wow!" She said when she saw the large decorative doors.

Gilmore was a bit unnerved by the doors. They were far too expensive for some half-finished upstart dungeon. But he confirmed it himself. The threat level was low.

The group set up a temporary camp and quickly prepared lunch.

The four that would be entering sat together talking over their plans while the driver tended to the horses.

Gilmore was up in a nearby tree scouting the area.

Lana and Rod had each brought their trusted campion servants. Together the 4 of them made a somewhat decent group.

After lunch, Gilmore gave the group a 30-minute lecture on expecting the unexpected and not letting their guard down before he let them enter.

The 4 used the system to start a proper party.

Rod and his companion Dirk had been to a few dungeons before. But this was the first time he had seen instructions to knock.

He grabbed the head of the hammer that hung on the door. The base of its handle was fixed high overhead. It pivoted as he pulled the head away. He let it go and watched it swing towards the door.


The group held their equipment and steadied their nerves.

The large door suddenly creaked open but they could only see darkness inside.

Rod took a deep breath and then step forward.

"Follow me. And remember, when we enter, the first couple feet are a safe zone. As long as we don't move far, nothing will attack us. This is universal to all dungeons. Let's take a look and get our bearing.

The others nodded and silently followed him in.

Gilmore wished the group luck as the door slowly closed behind them.

[Level 1 Fey Night]

[Suggested level: 10]

[You have entered a dungeon instance that will allow a maximum of 5 people.]

[Current Party]

[Rod Titters: Level 9 (Axe Master)]

[Dirk: Level 8 (Archer)]

[Lana Winters: Level 7 (Mage)]

[Silvia Cotton: Level 9 (Shield Maiden)]

"Wow." Lana whispered.

"This is definitely not some fresh upstart dungeon." Rod said as he stared at the twinkling stars in the night sky. "Stay alert."

Silvia nodded and moved closer to Lana. She held a large shield in her main hand and a small hand hammer in the other.

Dirk quietly pulled an arrow out of his quiver and nocked it on his bow so he would be ready to draw in a moment's notice.

Rod checked the straps on his breast plate one last time, and then made sure his hatchets on his belt were in position before taking his large axe in both hands.

Lana gripped her staff nervously and started to mutter the incantation for mage armor.

When she finished a soft gentle blue glow covered her battle robes. Rob took that as the signal to begin.

Up ahead they could see a forest of pine trees.

There was grass on either side of the path that led up to it. Dirk kept his eyes vigilant but didn't see anything dangerous. Thankfully a large full moon was hanging overhead otherwise it would be hard to see much at all.

But it seemed that he was destined to have trouble seeing far anyway. As they approached the pine forest, fog began to slowly roll out.

The 4 teens tried to calm their beating hearts, but it was no use.

As the fog slowly closed in the group could hear the soft flapping of insect wings.

Before the entrance of the forest the group found a wooden sign attached to a post.

[Beware travelers, you seem to have fallen asleep on your journey. They say on the night of a full moon it is possible for weary souls to cross the borders into the land of Fey. Tales have been told by those who were invited into their celebrations. But for those who trespassed… BEWARE!]

"I… I am not so sure about this." Dirk said.

Silvia agreed. "I don't know if this is just to set the mood, but we certainly weren't invited. What do you think Miss Lana?"


"Miss Lana?" Silvia said, turning to her Mistress.

She saw the young mage staring in the direction they had come from.

"I don't know if we have a choice." She answered.

The two young men turned around and saw what the women were staring at. The fog had encircled them. But through the fog they could see trees in the direction they had come from. That shouldn't have been possible since they hadn't entered the forest yet.

"What do you think Rod?" Asked Lana. She knew he had the most dungeon experience out of them all.

When Rod turned forward again. He let out a short laugh. "I think somebody is trying to set the mood. Stay sharp and be ready."

They saw what caused his short laugh. The sign now had a different message.

{Sometimes the only way out, is through.}

The others steeled their nerves. They couldn't go back. Each put on a brave face while telling themselves that the threat level is Low.

The group of 4 stepped into the forest.

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