
Druid From Marvel

Move to the Marvel world, as a Druid from the Legendary Game "Diablo 2". Previously, a Chinese man moved to the Marvel World, with the abilities of a Druid character which had been filled with various cheating things, with these abilities he only intended to remain humble, but problem after problem came and made it impossible for him to remain humble. Can Alvin overcome all problems? Watch! Give the Power Stone! and add it to the Library! Support me: Patreon.com/Alex_Fabianoki ko-fi.com/alexfabianoki

Alex_Fabianoki · Anime e quadrinhos
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62 Chs

Chapter 52 Will You Underestimate Me?

The entire one-sided massacre scene ended quickly.

Alvin looked around, then he climbed onto the Serigala and didn't stop, he hurriedly went out, heading towards Tony Stark.

Alvin intentionally held a digital camera, he ran into the cave, wanting to go to the birthplace of Iron Man, and take a photo together.

When Alvin arrived at the prison gate, Alvin also saw the black leader who appeared in the movie. Now Tony Stark used his armor to create abstract paintings and hung them on the stone wall inside the cave.

After taking some photos in the prison, Alvin slowly left the cave.

Meet your school's big sponsor, Mr. Tony Stark.

From a distance, it was known that Tony Stark, who had previously fallen, still hadn't gotten up.

Alvin, feeling that something was wrong, hurried over.


At this moment, Mr. Stark bowed his head with his right foot in a completely impossible position.

His right hand holding the shield spun strangely.

Seeing the external framework on his body, smoke came out of all the joints, clearly something was wrong.

Another unlucky thing was physicist Dr. Yinsen, who was embraced by Tony Stark with his left hand, attacked with the shield.

At the moment, the man was almost out of breath. It could be that in the final attack, the machine gun bullet from the boy penetrated the thick shield, and Yinsen, who was held by Tony Stark in his chest, was shot in the waist.

The powerful bullet penetrated Yinsen and entered Stark's abdomen.

Quickly separating the two unfortunate men, Alvin was glad he didn't explore the cave for the time being.

Otherwise, it would be time for a memorial ceremony for these two people.

Dr. Yinsen wasn't in bad shape, but he was stunned because he was choked. Alvin carefully observed his stomach. Fortunately, the wound was through and didn't injure his intestines.

The corpse vine tree transformed into a thick vine and attached itself to Dr. Yinsen's stomach, and red energy was injected into his body.

Even if it succeeded in saving him.

Tony Stark was even worse. Broken bones and dislocations could be healed, but there was a large hole in his abdomen and his intestines were ruptured, which was very troublesome.

First, the corpse vine tree separated a branch of the vine tree and attached it to Stark's stomach to save his life first.

Roughly, Alvin put Stark's right foot back in its proper place.

Then, like an experienced scavenger, Alvin broke the external framework on Tony's body one by one and set them aside.

This object could be taken back to see if Tony Stark was willing to fix it and make it his own collection.

After a while, Dr. Yinsen woke up first. The man felt his body carefully and found that he wasn't dead. The gunshot wound on his stomach had been closed.

Dr. Yinsen saw a Chinese youth squatting in front of Mr. Stark, staring at his decaying stomach with confusion.

Dr. Yinsen struggled to get up, walked towards Alvin, looked at Stark's stomach, and said, "This will be very troublesome."

"Dr. Yinsen, see if the Operation can be performed on Tony."

Dr. Yinsen looked while thinking at the vine plant on Stark's stomach, and said, "Maybe I can try it." Then the man ran back to the cave and went to get something.

When Dr. Yinsen came back carrying a box, Alvin asked curiously, "I heard you're a physics expert, why are you still performing surgery on humans?"

Dr. Yinsen smiled shyly and said, "I usually like to be called a doctor because I have a doctorate in high-energy physics from MIT, and I only have a bachelor's degree in medicine and a bachelor's degree from Harvard, so~~"

Alvin heartbroken, looks at others, then looks at himself, what's the difference between illiterate and colorblind.

People from Harvard Medical School are too embarrassed to get a bachelor's degree.

At that time, Alvin was accepted into high school, while Yinsen...

It's very embarrassing.

After some busy work, Stark woke up during surgery. Seeing Alvin's half-smiling eyes and his rotten stomach, he felt fainting was a good choice.

The rescue operation that Tony arranged himself, unfortunately, Tony encountered some problems in the end.

Originally wanted to use it, to present the most wise and divine figure appeared in front of Alvin.

Let Alvib know that he, Tony Stark, will be fine without him, just to mess it up again.

Alvin smiled and said to Stark, "Well, you look really bad, the ending shouldn't be like this, you said?"

Tony Stark adjusted his expression harshly to make himself look a little dignified, and said, "This is an accident, have you ever seen the combat armor I made?"

Alvin nodded rarely in agreement and said, "I have to say that we have the same taste in the appearance of the mecha you made. It's very tough and powerful."

Yinsen Stark proudly said, "Yes, I am the only one in the world who can do it, oh, of course, it also received help from Dr. Yinsen."

Dr. Yinsen smiled shyly and said, "Mr. Tony Stark, I suggest you just faint. The anesthesia here is not enough, and its effect will soon disappear."

Stark raised his head, provocatively smiled at Alvin, and said, "I am a tough guy, this pain cannot defeat me."

Alvin looked at Tony Stark with a rotten stomach and a strong and tough man. Alvib was ashamed to stimulate his pain, so he didn't speak.

Seeing Alvin soften, Tony breathed a sigh of relief. After looking at his stomach and its contents, he sighed and said, "Friends, how much do I have to pay for you to forget about this? Please name it."

Alvin held back his laughter, but still couldn't control his mouth and said, "What's up? About your new nickname, damn, hahaha~"

Tony Stark's intact left hand hit the ground hard.

Then Tony was stunned and groped for a moment. He felt very uncomfortable, but his posture prevented him from turning around to see the situation behind him.

Tony Stark asked with a little fear, "Can you see what's wrong with my butt? I feel a little uncomfortable."

Alvin glanced at the creeping plant stuck to his back, with a painful expression, and said, "Stark, buddy, you definitely don't want to know. In my opinion, fainting is a good choice."

Stark listened, looked at Alvin in despair, and said in horror, "Don't tell me, that's what I imagined!"

Of course, Alvin knew what the veteran playboy was worried about.

Alvin said to Stark with the most sincere expression, "Well, you think too much, the situation is not that bad."

That sincere expression was like bidding farewell to the body, sincere and sacred.

Stark was scared, stunned, and said softly with the most respectful and cautious attitude, "Oh my, so, will you underestimate me in the future?" His expression was like worrying about being abandoned by a puppy.

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