

sorry, dropped

YoanTobing3 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

Just a mere peasant

Confronting their insolence regardless of their status and how strict the law was, Mika's sense of justice kicked in with burning flames, fuming by their immoral actions.

"You wanna piece of us, punk!?" The aura emanating from them was as menacing as their gaze, giving everyone a fright to their skin except Sougo and Mika.

"Yes, I do!" Mika challenged.

The masses stood petrified in shock, their jaws agape, as they watch Mika's stubbornness in the face of a noble. They were powerless to do anything about it, and thus could only bear witness to the unfolding drama with bated breath and wide eyes.

"Let's take this outside, shall we? Let's see how many bruises you can withhold." Mika derisively taunted his opponents, as if facing them required no effort whatsoever.

The three, cowed by his bravado, acquiesced to his challenge and took their quarrel outside, agreeing to make Mika's requested place as the site of his impending funeral.

Confronted with solitude and without the aid of Sougo, Mika exhibited remarkable courage.

Despite his admirable bravery, the two aristocrats recognized his recklessness and forthrightness in seeking a swift death. Nevertheless, Mika chuckled at their unwitting self-reference.

They began to boast of their honed powers, yet nary a marvel did Mika discern. Merely a Syyon, whom Mika beheld each morning, albeit their arcane aptitude displayed some promise, Mika remained unimpressed.

Though they were lauded as extraordinary, in Mika's estimation, they were but feline creatures with mere talons.

"Let's get this over with. I know that Syyons aren't something you see every day, but trust me, you won't be able to touch me even with that so-called "Fancy magic hourglass." Only a scratch would suffice, maybe?" Talking in a scornful way, Mika did not care about their Syyons or praiseworthy powers.

"You asked for it!" One of the aristocrats commenced the exhibition of their vexation towards Mika, as evidenced by the conspicuous bulging of veins upon their forehead.

However, with a gleeful face, another aristocrat advanced toward the scene and extended their open palm, causing water to flow in a fluidic stream around it. As the aqueous mass continued to amass, it gradually metamorphosed into the form of a dragon, an impressive sight to behold.

"Prepare to meet your end, peasant!"

With a forceful throw, the dragon was propelled forward and swiftly set its sights on Mika with lethal intent. Nevertheless, Mika skillfully reversed the situation and redirected the dragon toward the nobles without any physical movement.

Employing a spell that typically affects water, Mika surprisingly found the dragon to be susceptible and easily manipulated, prompting a raised eyebrow in astonishment at their vaunted claims which turned out to be nothing more than hyperbole.

As the battle recommenced, a different noble charged toward Mika wielding a dagger made of ice, intent on taking his life. However, despite their previous failure in unleashing the water dragon, this aristocrat failed to comprehend the reasons for their defeat. Mika effortlessly disarmed and incapacitated the attacker using just his bare hands.

"As you see here, sir Sougo. This is what I meant about craftsmanship. With imagination, you can create pretty much anything. With limits of course." Care nothing about the fight, Mika preferred explaining how the aristocrats had different uses of magic.

One wielded a weapon forged through magic while the other controlled a creature conjured by magic. This technique mirrored Mika's use of solely magically formed arrows in the past.

However, despite its apparent simplicity, comparing the potency of their magical creations to those that were enchanted after being physically crafted revealed that the latter possess significantly greater power.

"Eyes on me, peasant!" The aristocrat came to his companion's aid by invoking a tiger-shaped apparition made of water, and charged forward to rescue him from Mika's grasp.

However, Mika was quick to evade the attack and instead positioned the noble in the path of the tiger, using him as a shield. Despite this, the tiger demonstrated its intelligence by altering its course and approaching Mika from behind, where it clawed at his back, inflicting severe injuries.

"Hahahaha! How'd you like that!?" Rejoiced in joy after his victorious attempt to hit Mika, the aristocrat laughed.

Fortunately, Mika did see this through. He cloned himself as they weren't looking, deceiving them into thinking he had been hit. As the clone was struck, it unleashed a terrifying surge of lightning, delivering a painful shock that left the poor scoundrel incapacitated.

"Now, what shall I do with you? Electrocution can be an option, but that's far quicker than humility." Mika planned to humiliate the aristocrats even further but didn't seem to pay any mind about electrocuting them either.

"What's wrong? You looked hesitant at the moment. Why? Is it because I'm just a mere peasant who's much stronger than you, Is that it?" Mika smirked while he humiliate the aristocrat.

"Why you! Know your place, peasant!" The aristocrat was so furious that he increased the power of his magic, seeking Mika's lifeless body.

"Enough!" From atop a lofty perch, a figure shrouded by the glare of the sun let out a loud shout, commanding them both to desist in their bloodthirsty pursuits.

His face remained hidden, yet his imposing stance conveyed an air of authority that none dared challenge.

"You?" The aristocrat, seeming to recognize the enigmatic interloper, heeded his stern admonitions, bringing an end to the conflict. Though defeated, he refused to accept it, instead helping his fallen comrade to his feet.

"You've won this time, but the next we meet shall be your doom!" The aristocrat promised to end Mika's life the next time they meet.

"Hey! We're not done here!" With no intention of stopping, Mika strode towards the haughty aristocrats, ignoring the stranger's orders to stand down and renounce the impending brawl.

But, from the obscure depths of the earth, the stranger emerged, a harbinger of order amidst the chaos, and stayed Mika in his tracks.

"One more step and I might think about locking you up." The stranger interrupted his progress by conjuring several shadowy chains.

"?" Mika recognized that the stranger giving the orders was none other than the young man he had previously encountered when before traveling to the Salanka River.

"These chains... You're a Syyon user too?" Mika looked impressed at how strong the chains were and it wasn't easy to get free from them.