

Name: Levitt odinson







Bloodlines: Asgardian (active), shadow Monarch (activate),Death Monarch (active),Snake God(active), Dragon God(active), Dwarf God(active), Asgardian God (active),Blade God(active)

God of: shadows,blades, blacksmithing, dragons, magic,snakes,Death

titles:luck pool, reincarnated,wizard,God of Shadows,God of blades,God of blacksmithing,God of Dragons,God of magic,God of snakes,God of Death,mastery over divinity's.

skills: Sorcerer, knowledge, combat master,blade master,limiter,buffer, status editor,nothingness, artisan,medic,instant transmission, inventory.

system:all powerful

Battle power:?????

(A/N:again with the status)

When we arrive at the training grounds l see my mother Frigga and my father Odin creating barriers around the fighting area so that we do not destroy everything.

As my father takes his spear gungnir he takes a stance and then,l take my swords Muspell and Niflheim and then Muspell is engulfed in fire and Niflheim in ice the hole field is the covered with both fire and ice and l could tell my father felt pain from them which was nice. He then comes charging me but l block it with my two swords and then my father gets charged a few steps back l then throw my Niflheim at my father's chest but it was too late and it hit his lower part of his chest l then heard him screaming in pain as he couldn't remove the sword from his chest, because l am the only one who is able to use the swords, as my father's insides are getting frozen at a quick rate l then called Niflheim back and it landed in my hand just like mjolnir as l see my father significantly weekend l summon a black ball made of dark magic

(a/n: he knows all magic)

Mixed together with fire and water magic it hits my father chest and then he screams in agony,after that my mum stopped the fight and started healing my father luckily she completely healed him l could have killed him.

Odin POV

Levitt had just returned and l wanted to test his divinity's and his swords but then when we went to the training grounds l saw the power his swords released and to be honest l could feel the fire and ice from faraway and it was painful, inraged l rushed towards him but he blocked with his swords that were emitting fire and ice and it was even more painful like my insides were melting and freezing. I then get charged a few steps back but them my son did something l never would have imagined he threw his sword Niflheim at my chest but it was too quick and it landed at the lower part of my chest l then started screaming because l felt my chest start to freeze, the mist surprising part was that l could not remove the sword from my chest, not wanting to kill me he then summons the sword back to him like l do with gungnir. But then he summoned a black ball that had a mixture of fire and water, it hit my chest and l could feel it and it was excruciating as expected of my son, as l was screaming my wife then stopped my son from continuing,and started healing me. l must make sure that he does not become like his sister.


centuries later (age:101)

It's been centuries and the year is 562B.C, since l injured my father in that fight and he has been helping me in training. My father said that he wanted me to come to his throne room currently l am in my bedroom and before l go to my father l wanted to get some skills for my self and maybe an AI like Jarvis but better since l will need it on


"system please can you buy the skills: telekinesis,telepathy, weather manipulation,blood manipulation, life manipulation, death manipulation,reality warping, shape shifting,data manipulation,ice manipulation,Air manipulation, flying,matter manipulation,natural warping,hemokinesis, technology manipulation, marksman,fire manipulation,Death embodiment,nature manipulation,earth based powers,water based powers,fire based powers,air based powers,light based powers,dark based powers,death based powers,evil embodiment,evil based powers.

(a/n:He is the second strongest being in existence and now thanks to Death Embodiment he has a lot more skills)

{all of them have been upgraded to the max and have been put on the status}

"Finally all my skills have been upgraded to the max, please open my status"

Name: Levitt odinson







Bloodlines: Asgardian (active), shadow Monarch (activate),Death Monarch (active),Snake God(active), Dragon God(active), Dwarf God(active), Asgardian God (active),Blade God(active)

God of: shadows,blades, blacksmithing, dragons, magic,snakes,Death

titles:luck pool, reincarnated,wizard,God of Shadows,God of blades,God of blacksmithing,God of Dragons,God of magic,God of snakes,God of Death,mastery over divinity's.

skills: Sorcerer, knowledge, combat master,blade master,limiter,buffer, status editor,nothingness, artisan,medic,instant transmission, inventory, telekenisis, telepathy, weather manipulation,blood manipulation,life manipulation, death manipulation, reality warping, shape shifting,data manipulation,ice manipulation,Air manipulation, flying,matter manipulation,natural warping, hemokinesis, technology manipulation, marksman, fire manipulation, Death Embodiment,nature manipulation,water based powers,fire based powers,earth based powers, air based powers,light based powers, Dark based powers,death based powers,evil embodiment, evil based powers.

system:all powerful

Battle power:?????

"system when you upgrade a skill or power can you also give me mastery over all the skills and power"

{Done l have given you Mastery over your skills and powers and all future skills and power}

"system can you please find me a ring that has a powerful AI inside and can the AI's physical location be the ring,it's data base will be inside the ring,the AI will be stored in the ring and the hardware will be in the ring and can the ring hold infinite amounts of data"

{Yes l found the kind of ring you are looking for it's expensive do you want to upgrade it to the max with this it will be the most powerful A.I in existence}

"yes please can you buy it and please can you also equip it on my right hand ring finger"

{done it has been equiped on your right hand ring finger, goodbye you can name it and talk to it}

As l look at it it is a black and red with engravings of two dragons,after looking l say "your name will be Martin"

[Thank you master my name is now Martin,from now on please tell me if you need me]


As l said goodbye l went to my father

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