
Shizuka Hiratsuka

Kuroko has one week for his holiday before the next semester begins.

He practiced hard to increase his stats. He didn't put any stats from daily quest reward to his physical stats anymore, but he put all of them in mechanical skill stats.

Tetsuya Kuroko

Physical Skill Stats: 66 (You have the same physical power as an élite soldier)

Assassin Stats: 50 (You are the élite Assasin)

Computer Skill Stats: 64 (You are the élite hacker)

Cooking Skill Stats: 72 (You are on par with the ninth seat of Totsuki Academy Ten Elite Students)

Charm: 50 (You are so handsome, every girl will like you)

Communication: 50 (Your words can hypnotize ordinary people who heard/read your words)

Writing Skill: 40 (You are one of the top writers)

Art: 25 (Your drawing is just average)

Music: 50 (Your singing will affect ordinary people emotion easily)

Mechanical skill: 33 (Your mechanical skill is average)

Academic Skill: 50 (You are as smart as a lecturer in university)

Basketball Skill: 40 (You are one of the top players in high school).

Teaching Skill: 35 (Your teaching skill is better than ordinary teachers)

Every day, at the morning Kuroko and Momoi exercised together, then worked at Yukihira Restaurant, then both study together at night. Because Kuroko taught Momoi many things, his teaching skill stats increased a lot.

"Tetsu-kun, tomorrow we will start a new day at school. Your class is the same as me. But there is one new transfer student too" 

"Momoi-chan, it is not a problem"

Next morning

After doing a daily quest in the morning with Momoi, Kuroko then cooked some foods. After that, they went together to school.

he took out his phone to look at the time. Suddenly, his face changed, he began to run quickly on the street. After all, this was his first day of school and he didn't want to be late.

"Oh no, this is not a holiday, Momoi-chan," we will arrive at school late."

Kuroko rushed toward Momoi and gave her Princess-carry then he ran as quickly as possible.

Fortunately, Tōō Academy isn't that far from home. Kuroko already surpassed the speed of normal adult as he quickly entered the school.

As the school came into view, they could see a line of students extending in the front door.

"Look, someone is princess-carrying Satsuki, he is so handsome, is he her boyfriend?"

"But I never look him at our school, is he the new student?"

"Boom" a teacher in front of door punched the wall. 

All of the student's mouths twitched a bit, In front of them was a beauty with long black hair down to her waist. She wore a pair of high heels on her feet a white coat which was the teachers uniform.

Although this teacher was an extremely beautiful woman, all students were afraid of her.

Because this teacher had a tendency to violence and she got superb fighting skills. Just knocking her down with his strength without injuring her shows how powerful she was.

She was excellent in martial art and good at using weapons.

She was Shizuka Hiratsuka sensei

"Stop talking, let's resume the security searches"

Shizuka Hiratsuka is from OreGairu.

AndikaIndracreators' thoughts
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