
The Happening

Leonard,18 year old college student that stays in a rented apartment living off of the scholarship funds and striving to achieve graduation to live a financially independent live, was all that he wanted to have.

Leonard was a nerd and an otaku who was passionate about the fiction and fantasy including anime but not just limited to that.

A dreamer if you ask me rare but determined.

On a normal monday on his daily routine is to catch the transit bus from the outskirts of the city to reach college every day however today he ended up being delayed due to staying up late reading the dragon ball manga and comics .

Unfortunately today was the day of handing in the assignment results which would be the decider in college graduation results and assessment thereby.

Waking up late he scrambled to rush to the transport stop but saw the last bus#99 leaving he knew no matter how hard he ran he couldn't catch up to the public bus. Losing the hope he found himself stranded on the desolate bus station by himself.

On the horizon behind him echoed a honking sound of what could possibly be a bus

Leonard wondered to if the last bus just left what was behind him,turning around he found a terrifying sight 18 ton steel monstrous bus-kun galloping like a mad horse towards him!!

In an instance distance between and bus-kun closed. Where Leonard couldn't find a bus for himself , the bus-kun found Leonard.

AN«Irony isn't it,no it's plot »

It was as if every action of Leonard and this universe was predestined and orchestrated by fate itself to lead to this present moment. One second later Leonard was already done in by bus-kun

Bus-kun'Got one right here, probably so scared that he shat his pants there haha'

Bus-kun quickly made his great escape after leaving the crime scene, the mortals must not come to know of this. Lately the bus-kun has been facing trouble by police officials due to working so diligently. Completing the task bus-kun happily scramed somewhere far into the horizon not giving shit to any traffic or signals.«thug life»

Leonard had many things going through his head before he met his first demise however the last thought was 'when the life gives you lemons,you make lemonade. When the author gives you truck-kun , you reincarnate. With that he was content and curious about the life after death.

Have you Ever felt like when you where going to finally achieve one good thing the whole world just conspired against you? To make seemingly possible series of coincidences that derail you from the accomplishment of the said thing?

..If you want to head north does it feel like universe just conspired to send you south?.Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

kgton60creators' thoughts
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