
Ch.1: Entry

After what it seem like, a half day drive, the three finally reach their destination. Jason woke up ten minutes into the drive and just sighed. Akira drill the procedures into both of their heads of what their school's entry exam going to be since the high school that Jason and Skye going to be staying at be a charter school for dragonights and their dragons. Also specializing in sword arts. The charter school they be staying at is the third rank of magic schools in the US, Meridian Imperial Charter based in Cripple Creek, Colorado.

"We here yet?" Jason yawned.

"Pillow be stilllzzzz." Skye mumbled in sleep as she snuggled closer to Jason. Jason just sighed.

"Yes we are here and Skye, wake up and get off of him, we not at home." Akira replied as they pulled into a parking spot. Skye sternly look at Akira then look at Jason's arm.

"And chomp!" Skye exclaim then bite Jason on the arm.

"Ow ow ow ow, Skye, reall...owwWWW!" Jason try to get Skye off. Akira sighed at the scene then pop the two before getting out. The three soon head into the main academy building.


"Alright that's 20 dragonights, 30 swordmens, and 10 mages that's entering the exam, am I correct Clock Tower?" The speaker said as she look towards an old mage.

"Yes indeed, sixty promising lads and 25 promising familiars. One pair look unique though, I smell dragon of the hatchling but she is not of dragon form though." The old mage replied, nodding to the pair with a smile.

"We must meet this unique pair if they pass the entrance exam. Enough said though, student president, a few words of encouragement." The speaker said, stepping down to let an average height, athletic built red head girl step up to the platform. She worn an unique white, red, and gold uniform. A short sword hilted at her waist.

"Welcome to Meridian. Hope you pass the exam with flying colors and I heed you good fortune new comers. As for dragonights. Your journey awaits you here if you pass. That is all and good fortune." The student president boom over the microphone.

"Thank you Claire for the speech. With further onto, here is the entrance exam. First twenty to reach the beacon at Big Bull Mountain be qualified for part two of the entrance exam. You have till sundown tomorrow. Be catch by the student council out of school range and you fail. Let the exam begin" The speaker announced.

All at once, every dragon and person look to each other. Second later, it was a mad scramble.

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