
Dragon lord incarnate

Matthew_Ethridge · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs

.4 Chapter 4

Its been 2 hours since I killed the artificer and the other fights have wrapped up .The arena has once again been cleaned, Now there are no areas just a big empty space where the last 25 of us will fight till only one remains standing.

Looking around I notice a pugilist with a mechanical arm attachment and I start to form a plan; kill him first take the mechanical arm and use the improved power to take out at least 5 of my competitors. I slowly move around the arena till I'm about 5 feet from the man and wait for the bell then i activate my ability and tackle him to the ground slicing his neck as I pull the weapon off his arm and attach it to my own; I only manage to kill 3 people with quick right hooks: 2 to the face and one to the throat before time speeds up and I back peddle to a safer distance watching everyone around me.

With a quick dodge I manage to slip under a mages fire ball but it scorches the back of my armor. I stumble and manage to hit the woman in the chest sending her into the path of a juggernaut suit and look away as I hear the sickening squish of steel crushing bone; She's definitely not a threat anymore. Soon all that remain are me, one warrior and two artificers that are both in armor.

Taking a deep breath I activate my ability and drive my left hand into the warriors face before grabbing his sword and throwing it boomerang style into the knee joint of one of the artificers. As time speeds back up the warrior falls dead and the artificer falls to one knee as his opponent kicks him in the face crushing his skull under the steel boot of his armor.

Eyeing the big man I start slowly moving around him as I analyze his armor and try to get a read on how tired he is. "Guess its just you and me now eh big guy?" Instead of responding the man turns on his thrusters and rushes me, I manage to roll aside but he catches me with a side arm and sends me rolling across the arena


Excer Lvl 4 dragon lord

Health:400/500 Stamina:300/650


Closing my stat page I get up and realize he has a gap in his neck armor. I let him rush me again and instead of dodging I embrace the giant, slipping my butchers knife deep into the crack and feeling it bury in his neck as he falls on me I manage to get out from under him; A broken arm and my butchers knife snapped in half but I'll be damned I managed to win it all!

Raising my good arm in victory I limp to the workers and one of them provides me a chair. "Sir?" she says. "would you like our healer to fix your arm? That was an amazing strategy allowing that massive man to run you over so you could exploit his weakness" I nod and allow the healer to repair my arm " thank you for a second I honestly didn't know if it would work but after making it so far I couldn't just give up and die"

The beautiful worker nods shyly as she has noticed me admiring her, at only 5'7 She's quite small compared to me but with Long purple hair, Dazzling blue eyes an ample chest and an ass that just begs to be squeezed Shes quite good looking.

I thank the healer and stand up offering my newly healed hand to the woman. "My name is Excer by the way" She blushes softly and shakes my hand, "I'm Scarlett." I kiss the back of her hand and put the pouch containing 100 gold coins in my inventory. "Well Scarlett may I take you to dinner?" She agrees very quietly and I walk with her to the bar, limping slightly but feeling invigorated at the same time.Scarlett and I enjoy a nice dinner of steak and mashed potatoes before having a few drinks.

Steeling my nerves I look into her beautiful eyes " would you come with me to my place Scarlett?" She looks right back at me and doesn't miss a beat "what do you intend for us to do at your place Excer?" With a slight chuckle I lean in and whisper "I would like to lay you down and make love to you till neither of us is able to walk."


To be continued