
Dragon lord incarnate

Matthew_Ethridge · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs

.2 Chapter 2

After telling my entire story from the beginning to where I am now on the old mans porch I sit back and wait for his reaction. Mr steelhand looks at me quietly for a second then, "so ur from another world and you died only to be reborn here in this body and you've decided you want to become a pugilist and become as powerful as possible in order to appreciate your second chance at life?" I nod and sit forward looking at him " I already have the muscle and the speed I just need training and the knowledge of the pugilist in order to advance what I'm capable of doing with my life."

Axel flexes his arms and thinks for a second before going inside and brings me a small leather book and a key. "Go in the spare room and read that book then sit up ur room and meet me in the basement, I set it up as a training facility." I'm so caught up looking at the book it takes a second to click. W..wait you'll train me!? Axel chuckles and nods "yes boy I'll train u now go inside and get yourself set up" ; Rushing inside I find my room and sit on the bed opening the book titled: Punching without breaking your hand.First edition.. I open the book and my neon interface shows up saying I have 3 skills to choose from after learning the information from the book.


1. Fists of fury - your fists fly at supersonic speed dealing 9 damage a strike for the duration of a fight. this means u have the capability of massive damage over time. requires 5 minutes to cool down.


2. Titan's fist - 5 whopping hits each dealing 50 damage. requires 10 minutes to cool down.


3. slow motion strikes - the world around u slows for only ten seconds but allows u to hit repeatedly before ur enemy can move. requires a 5 minute cool down


I decide on the slow motion strikes being as I can also use it to hit and run before my opponent can recover. As soon as I decide I feel my chest heat up and my stats change to reflect my new level and skill. Leveling up provides some base improvements but I'll still need much better armor before long; My metal gloves that I found will definitely help tho seeing as they are padded on the inside.

I reorganize the room a little and wash my face a little before going to meet Axel in the basement. As soon as I walk down the stairs I am immediately amazed at the amount of training equipment down here: Treadmills, punching bags, ballistic dummies. Basically anything u can think of this room has. Axel looks at me and chuckles again seeing my expression. "Its a lot to take in at once I know but trust me everything here will help u become ur best u. Now pull up ur stats so I can see what we're working with." Nodding I open my stat page and the neon letters appear.


Name:Excer Lvl 2 Dragon lord

Health:300/300 Stamina:450/450

Strength - 12

Charisma - 9

Intelligence -11

Dexterity - 9

Wisdom - 11

Agility - 8

Luck - 8

Unused stat points: 2


Deciding to save my stat points for later I patiently wait while Axel looks over my stats and figures out where we should start my training. After a few minutes Axel points at what looks like a giant treadmill but it has lifts and spins and a bunch of gears. "This Is an agility treadmill. I'll have u do a few hours a day on this to build up ur natural agility and response to unfamiliar movements then we'll start doing strength training after that"

I hop on the treadmill and immediately it starts up at a pretty fast pace so I'm almost running but not tiring myself out. Just as I get my rhythm the track inclines so I'm now running up a ramp then it starts gyrating side to side and up and down. Two hours later I'm soaked in sweat and barely able to walk when Axel throws a quick right hook at me and I'm forced to duck under it as he begins wildly swinging at me while I'm dodging and countering without the ability to land a single hit as I realize he's testing my ability to fight while exhausted; I begin to see a pattern and manage to grapple his right arm throwing him over me and pinning him before rolling away and regaining my balance.

"That was Amazing boy" Axel gets up dusting himself off as he looks at me with a little more respect." Take a break we'll resume this afternoon I'm making spaghetti for lunch but you need to stretch out and drink some water" I nod and catch the water bottle he threw at me as I start doing some of the yoga stretches my mom taught me before I died 'never thought these would actually be useful' I think as I relax and take a drink calming down and I head outside to sit down on the porch appreciating the cool air.

"Time to eat boy wake up" Axel shakes me a little as I stand up with a yawn having passed out on the porch ."Thanks Axel i really appreciate this" I go inside and get a big plate of spaghetti and some breadsticks. After lunch I help with the dishes and cleaning the table then we train some more before I take a bath and pass out utterly exhausted from all the training Axel put me through today.


(Planet Arenus, Axel's cabin, Day 4)

After a second day of insane agility training and sudden attacks I manage to level up again and Axel recommends powering up my strength and agility two points each then tells me some surprising information. "Today there's a open contest at Arena 3 just down the road. 50 copper entry winner takes home no less than 500 gold. (for those who dont know here's a breakdown of currency)


10 copper coins = 1 silver coin

10 silver coins = 1 gold coin

10 gold coins = 1 Diamond coin


" I would love to Axel but I'm broke right now." Axel pulls out 5 silver coins and hands them to me. " Here's the deal boy, if you win you pay me 10 silver coins. If you lose you can work to pay me back the 5 coins ok?" I nod excitedly and thank Axel as I adjust my armor and run for the arena to sign up and pay my fee.


To be continued