
The Night in Nuptial Chamber

Ye Jian hurriedly went towards his room fearing how angry Xiao Mi will be and how to face her, he peeked into his room to find Xiao Mi but he only saw Song Tingyu sitting on the white bed in a neatly decorated room. He turned around to see if anybody is in the corridor and found no one, with his soul link with Xiao Mi he vaguely sensed her location and made his way to there hurriedly.

Xiao Mi sitting on a stone slab and gazing into darkness without any movement, sensing approaching Ye Jian she said in a cold manner " today is your wedding night, what are you doing here?" Ye Jian did not feel any anger in those words but he can feel sadness and desolation. " I am sorry, I don't know they are going to make my room as a nuptial chamber, come with me I will find a room for you to stay."

Xiao Mi in these four days came to know Ye Jian position in the family, she knows except for his uncle, father and grandfather nobody in the family respected him and his words did not have any persuasive power, he can not go and ask his father or grandfather requesting to provide room for a slave on his wedding night.

She did not want Ye Jian to be humiliated by others because of her, so she said to Ye Jian " don't worry about me, I can sleep on this stone table for this night, you go to your room, she will be waiting for you". Ye Jian cannot accept Xiao Mi staying here in the cold for the night, so he again persuaded her saying " you will catch a cold if you sleep in this open area. Come with me I will definitely show a room for you to stay."

Xiao Mi knows Ye Jian won't go if she didn't follow him so she said in a cold and stern manner "Ye Jian if you don't go to your room now. I will walk out of the Ye family right now." Ye Jian sensed that if he persisted again she will definitely do as she says, so he stared angrily at her and said: "alright, I will go good night."

Ye Jian returned to his room which is neatly decorated. He went to the bed and sat at the side of Song Tingyu by leaving some distance between them. Normally the husband has to remove the coronet and should see the bride's face. The bride should be wearing the coronet until her husband comes and removes it. Ye Jian went forward to remove the coronet but Song Tingyu raised her hands and removed the coronet herself. Ye Jian did not mind it and saw her face charming which is oval in shape with two deep black eyes and red cherry-like lips, she is an absolute beauty with charm and elegance. Without speaking anything she gave the nuptial cup to Ye Jian.

Ye Jian drank half of the cup and passed it on to her she drank the remaining half and gently placing the cup on the table, she spoke in a soft yet firm voice " Ye Jian we are formally husband and wife from on…". She paused for a few seconds to frame her thoughts into words and continued " I have to say some things which may be difficult for you to accept but they are hard facts and you can not change them. I married you for two reasons, one due to my grandfather owe a favor to your grandfather, two you are a trash and is not able to influence or interfere in my matters. I have to make clear to you that disparity between you and me is so large, you are nothing but a trash but I am a genius in martial cultivation in Misty Sky city. I have large ambitions, I want to reach the peak of a martial way. I want to marry you because you don't have the strength to restrict my freedom. I want you to realize that you are not able to meet my standards but I married you mainly for fulfilling my grandfather wish. We act like husband and wife in the public, and not interfere in each other lives. We are not bound to each other and we do what we want to do without the opinion of others. You live your life and I live mine. After eight months there is the entrance exam of profound seven hill sect and I will definitely get into the sect with my talent, after that our lives will never intersect with each other and Until that time I will be doing a huge favor to you by staying in the same house as you and it will elevate the status of you. I think you can understand that."

Ye Jian is dumbfounded at the first and enraged after that, he never has been so humiliated before, she trampled his self-pride as a man and he can not refute any sentence spoken by her because they all are facts.

He as a trash and can only fantasize about her, but in reality, he cannot even touch her. He has no strength and he has to suffer the humiliation, he cannot speak angrily towards her, as he did not know what to speak. This is the first time in his life he faced this kind of utter humiliation. he thought for some time and deeply looked at her and said in a hoarse voice "from now on your life is yours and my life is mine and I won't interfere in your things and you don't disturb me in my matters". he thought for a while sitting on the bed and want to forget about the humiliation he suffered, but he is not able to do so.

After some time he went to the place where Xiao Mi is at, he saw her sitting on a table with arms on her knees supporting her face and dozing off. She wore the white mask he has given to her, Ye Jian felt very sad looking at her. He went to her and woke her up by tapping on her shoulders. She is startled and looked at Ye Jian asking: "What are you doing here now?" Ye Jian just said " come with me" and dragged her by the hand. Xiao Mi can feel a deep sense of anger and pain from Ye Jian. So she did not say anything and silently followed him to his room.

In the room, Song Tingyu is sitting alone and thinking " I might have overdone the things, I no need to humiliate him so much, when he comes back I should explain it to him."

Ye Jian entered his room along with Xiao Mi, by lowering his head he decided to ask Song Tingyu to share the bed with Xiao Mi but when he entered the room Song Tingyu already is laying on the bed, she noticed two of them enter the room and said in mocking manner "is she your slave?", and saw disgustingly at her, as Xiao Mi is being grasped by Ye Jian's hand. Song Tingyu can see that the relation between Xiao Mi and Ye Jian is somewhat unnatural. Noticing her gaze Xiao Mi want to go out of the room, but Ye Jian tightly grasped her hands. Slave girls being used to satisfy master needs is common in the lower classes of the society and people of high status are usually disgusted by it.

Song Tingyu wants to explain some things to Ye Jian but seeing him entering the nuptial chamber with his slave completely enraged her. She threw down a blanket from the bed saying " I don't have the habit of sharing a bed with others, you two can sleep on the floor." Ye Jian now came to a new understanding that he is not even comparable to a slave in the eyes of Song Tingyu.

He gritted his teeth and not able to say anything he spread the blanket on the floor, the blanket is small and can only cover one person, if spread on the ground. He stared at Song Tingyu but she slept showing her back towards him. His eyes turned red with rage but is not able to say anything. He lied down the ground and pulled Xiao Mi into his bosom and covered the blanket around them. He tightly hugged Xiao Mi in the bosom, Xiao Mi can feel slight shuddering of his body and through soul connection, she is strongly sensing humiliation, anger, helplessness, pain, and remorse from Ye Jian.

To soothe him she also wrapped her hands around his neck and gently rubbed her smooth cheeks on his face by removing her mask. Ye Jian is not able to control his emotions as he shivered and whispered in the ear of Xiao Mi "sorry" and line of tear fell off his eyes to the sides. Xiao Mi heart twisted with pain as she saw Ye Jian's tears and gently rubbed it off with her hands and tightly pressed Ye Jian's face against her bosom and kept silent.

Ye Jian is not able to sleep, after some time he freed his head from Xiao Mi grasp and said to her that " I am alright" and hugged her in the bosom by pressing her head his chest. Xiao Mi can feel his rapid heartbeat and deep restlessness. It his first time in both the lives, feeling this sort of utter humiliation and disregard. He came to the realization that without strength no one will respect and give consideration to his feelings.

This is the first time he felt immensely the need for power in this world. He felt the tender body in his bosom and wrapped his arms around Xiao Mi firmly, he felt very pained as he is not even able to provide a room in his family for her and he strongly decided to develop his strength to protect the people he loves. He knows that he cannot see straight with is head on at Song Tingyu after this night of humiliation. He wants to prove to all that he is not a trash and wants to regain his lost dignity. He solemnly vowed in his heart that he will return this humiliation of him in the future by ascending heights greater than her.

Ye did not sleep for the whole night, in the early morning before the sunrise, he woke up Xiao Mi and carried her to the garden, they both sat on the stone table. Xiao Mi saw the serious thinking face of Ye Jian and wanted to comfort him but he interrupted her saying " I will go for a bath and after that visit my parents with Song Tingyu then we will return to my mansion in the outskirts of the city. You go to bath after we go out of the room and be ready to depart."

Xiao Mi did not say anything and just nodded her head in compliance. He went to the room and after some time, both he and Song Tingyu left the room to visit his parents and presented them tea as per traditions. Ye Jian acted with a smiling face and completed the process. Song Tingyu also acted Cheerful with his parents. Ye Jian said to his father and grandfather that he is returning to his mansion and got their consent. He together with Song Tingyu and Xiao Mi under the escort of Xing Tia returned to his mansion.

Ye Jian's mansion has twelve large bedrooms for the main persons of the mansion to stay and a number of rooms for the staff. Many of the rooms are vacant and only two of twelve major rooms are occupied, one is by Ye Jian and another by Xing Tia. There is a large garden in front of the mansion and various flowers are maintained there. The area is peaceful and no one would disturb them here. After reaching the mansion Song Tingyu selected a major room of her choice and moved into it. She neither spoke or ask permission from Ye Jian. Ye Jian along with Xiao Mi moved into his room.

He closed the door to his room and looked straight into the eyes of Xiao Mi and said, " Xiao Mi I love you, I never thought of you as my slave and always considered you as my equal, I am extremely sorry that I have violated you and you can punish me in any way you seem fit, I said that I will take responsibility of you and protect you, but only on the first day itself I am not able to give you a room or bed to sleep. All this mansion is not my earnings, I don't have power now but I will definitely increase my strength from now on. It is your wish if you want to stay here or want to leave from here. I have some money that I saved and I will give it to you, with that money you can safely leave the mansion whenever you want". After saying these words without waiting for Xiao Mi reply Ye Jian went to the bed and slumped on it and closed his eyes.

Xiao Mi felt heart twisted as she felt desolateness in the voice of Ye Jian, she dazed for some time and thought all the things happened to till now, Ye Jian never treated her as a slave, he rescued her and gave her a place to stay, he always treated her kindly and did all the things she needed, never got angry with her and there is also her partial involvement on that night as she cooperated with him due to pill effect. Thinking up to here her eyes became moist, she directly went and fell on Ye Jian, while crying she gently whispered in his ears "I love you".

Hearing the words said by Xiao Mi Ye Jian body shivered and he felt drinking cold water on a hot summer day. He tightly hugged her by wrapping his arms around her and whispered in her ears" thank you". Xiao Mi snuggled in his arms and they slept peacefully like this till evening.

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