
Dragon Ball: The Wild Boar

A woman was returning from a fight, when she got home she went to take care of her dog, Cupcake. but she did not expect that a meteor would be the cause of her and her dog's death, now in the world of Dragon Ball she has to fight and survive, accompanied by a somewhat crazy system to assist it.

Jack_FrostSMT · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs

Battle in the temple.

I just ran inside the temple; the place was full of traps, but thanks to my refined animal instincts, I ended up having it easier. I let some of these traps pierce me; if I got a skill for resist the cold, maybe I'd win something like that.

[By doing a repeated action, the skill "pain resistance" was created!]

My HP was dropping quickly thanks to all this. I took one of the potions I received in the starter kit and drank it, and my injuries started to heal. In addition to receiving a general increase in my strength, thanks to Zenkai, the arrows from the traps pierced several parts of my body, causing me serious damage, so by healing instantly, I ended up receiving this boost.

[You have received a Zenkai: +1330 BP.]

It's a very low increase if you remember that the main characters received almost 5x, but it's already useful enough for me.

[Would you like to redeem your points received for training?]

Ah yes, after climbing the mountain and going through adversity, it would make sense to gain some status points. I accepted them but still left them limited in their ability to continue training; after all, I will only release them if I face Frieza's soldiers.

[You received: 5 STR, 5 DEF, 5 STA, 5 AGI, 100 BP.]

A general 5 points is a great increase, so I explored the place, starting to dodge the arrows using instincts. I was trusting them for that, but I was still pierced by some arrows, but at least nothing serious.

Arriving at a more brittle part, I could see that the water was taking over this entire part of the temple; the main path was destroyed. Taking the secondary path, I jumped into the water, starting to dive to go there. Even with this resistance to the cold, I still feel as if it were going to turn into an ice statue!

I could hear the system, but I ignored it for now. My arms hurt, but I put even more strength into it so I could swim and get to the other side. I put even more strength into breaking the rocks in the path and being able to continue. When I got to the part with air, I just started to Taking a deep breath, I headed towards the path to get away from something. The sound of their voices was still quite loud.

I let them pass without seeing me. Walking around the place, I could notice the bodies of several people around the place, parts destroyed. The armor was different, so I could imagine that it was a war between the locals and invaders. Near the body was a rusty axe, but he was huge! My MMO fan spirit screamed to use this; maybe Frieza's soldiers will love what this beauty can do.

Taking the route above, I followed the soldiers, and thanks to the system suppressing my strength, their scouters couldn't locate me. Putting strength into the ax, I just waited for an opportunity.

'System, NOW!' I jumped towards the soldier, the system removed the limitation from my body, and in the meantime, I covered the weapon with my Ki to prevent it from breaking just by hitting him. The cut was accurate, causing the soldier's body to be cut in half.

[You killed an enemy: 1300 XP]

"SHIT, ATTENTION EVERYONE!" I didn't wait for him to finish speaking, then, using that ax to chop the soldier's head off, I went towards the scout, crushing him.

[You killed an enemy: 1250 XP]

"And this one stays with me." I took the scouter of the one I killed first, and I looked at it until I smiled. I have a wonderful idea!

"YO FREEZA DOGS, HOW ABOUT COMING TO FIND ME, HUH?" After saying that, I broke the scooter and started running around the place. With my body freer, I started to go everywhere much more easily. After arriving on a new route, the system took away my powers again. I still haven't learned Ki suppression naturally, so let's go with it.


"Captain! We have problems; here is a person who executed two of our soldiers; they were in the south area of the temple; that was her message." The purple alien with strange circular ears ran towards a more human man; he had huge hair and a monkey's tail.

"WHAT AN INSOLENT INSECT! EVERYONE GOES AFTER HER!" He was impatient with this; his patience was at its limit, especially since he had to go to an empty planet with weaklings in search of treasures.

"Captain Raditz, our eastern soldiers detected her, but the signal was soon lost." He hit the soldier's face with his tail, making him fall against a thorn trap. His death was certain there, and he looked at it with disgust.

"Dying to the traps of inferior beings is pathetic." He walked around the place; it seemed like this incident was the last straw for him.


I was running around the place, grabbing everything of value I saw on the way; they had gold and several interesting artifacts. Soon I ended up seeing several soldiers, among them Raditz. Isn't it too early to face them?

[Lv 35 Raditz]

[BP: 2200]

He is stronger than the Dragon Ball canon; perhaps he has participated in more battles than anticipated, but I can still defeat him with my new form.

[Lv 29: Freeza Soldiers]

[BP: 1000]

I looked at the situation; it wasn't the ideal time to face him, at least not now.

I was watching them, looking directly at Raditz's tail; if I cut it, he would lose some of his strength and not be able to turn into Oozaru.

I saw him walking around the place, being hidden in a dark part. I took the opportunity to go against him, using the ax to cut his tail off immediately. His scream of pain echoed throughout the temple, and his soldiers turned around in fright, ready to start an attack. battle.

"A-Aaargh!" He started to get up, still feeling a lot of pain. He just saw all his soldiers being massacred by a woman with an ax.

"You will pay for this!" He advanced towards me; he managed to break my ax very easily, so I had to fight hand in hand.

"DAMN IT, WE WERE WARNED THAT THERE WAS NO ONE HERE! KAKAROTO, YOU DID YOUR JOB POORLY!" He took a punch to the face, and before he could react, another one connected, starting to take a barrage of punches without stopping. I was abusing the speed increase from my skill "One Two."

"Enough!" A blast of ki went in all directions; he was using all his strength; even without the tail, the battle was fierce, and I had a minimal advantage.

"Hya!" His kick hit me hard in the stomach, throwing me against a pillar of the temple, completely destroying it; its pieces began to fall on my body.

"DID YOU LIKE IT!?" He laughed like an idiot, and while I was on the ground, I extended my hand, launching a wave of Ki. Because he had his guard down, laughing, he took the attack hard in the chest, making him go towards the water of the place.

"And to think that you're stronger than in canon, but you're still just as dumb!" I got up from the place, cleaning my clothes; it all hurt like hell. I went towards him with a flying kick, and while he was trying to get out of the rubble, he took a heavy kick, making him completely destroy the wall and go to another corner of the temple.

"What was it, big guy? Are you scared to face a lady like me?" Laughing at Raditz's situation, who was on the ground due to the blow, I slowly bowed while still paying attention to him.

[Skill "Provoke": Successful]

This angered Raditz even more, who advanced without thinking. He punched the air, trying to hit me. While I was dodging his blows, I ended up bending down, opening my legs. I put all my strength into my fist, punching Raditz's intimacy with everything I had. Johnny Cage has a powerful move against men!

"Aaa-aa...a..." All the air left his body. He crossed his legs in pure pain, being received by a punch to the face, breaking his nose. He was thrown to the ground, but I caught his foot, starting to spin like Goku in certain games. I threw him to the ground. outside the temple, causing him to fall off the cliff. He would come back but give me time to catch my breath.


• Raditz Pov

I was being humiliated by a woman! How can a Saiyan like me be going through this? All my soldiers died, and I'm having it the worst! If I had my tail, everything would be better.

"KAKAROTO, YOU ASSHOLE, WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY THERE WAS SOMEONE SO STRONG AROUND HERE?" I started flying to get back to where I was. She had the courage to use such a low blow. On top of that, when I was going up, I was only met by another Ki blow, but this time it was golden and spinning. I put both arms to protect myself, but I felt them burning! but it's still not enough to bring me down.

"Are you still alive? I'm proud to be a Saiyan then! After all, even a weak pest like you can do it." What did she say!? This is impossible! The only ones alive are me, Kakarot, Vegeta, Nappa, and Kakarot's son!

"Wake up to life; we are still fighting!" She picked up a stone and threw it in a direction. I just dodged it, looking angrily at it. How dare you attack me with a stone?

I went at her with all my strength, using Ki to increase my speed. She dodged, but I still managed to keep a short distance. I started hitting her a lot, but she also hit me; her hands were covered in Ki, even so she could cut me without even creating a Ki blade!

"Time to show you something!" The ki of the place began to circulate around her; my body did not move! This...is this fear!? She began to grow sharp teeth along with her claws, and two huge tusks appeared on her face. What kind of creature is she!?

She advanced so fast that I couldn't even see; her grandeur was overwhelming me; those huge tusks went through my body; she lifted me up using just her head and them; her fury was rising!

"SEE YOU IN HELL!" She threw me upwards with all her strength, starting to create a sphere of Ki over her palm and releasing it towards me. I tried to use Double Sunday but ended up being overwhelmed by the power! My whole body burned like never before. You will pay for this, and they will know of my death!