
Dragon Age: the wishes

Following the beginning of dragon age origins, a man reincarnates into the world of dragon age... as the warden... not mentioning the fact he gets 6 wishes, and the power to travel the multiverse

Tristan175 · Videojogos
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I died… died to truck-kun…

And hence i came here…

In absolute darkness…

When i awoke that was all i saw… Darkness

But alas after a while… a figure appeared in front of me… with a grand glowing beard that lit up this endless abyss…

"Hello there young one… im here to give you an opportunity…"

I nodded towards him… waiting for this guy with a glowing beard that was likely god… or some kind… to offer it to me…

"You have been chosen to be granted 6 wishes, to be reincarnated into the world of dragon age… with the ability to travel the multiverse…. After certain requirements have been met of course…."

Hearing this i became excited… and instantly began to think about my wishes…

I was a die hard fan of dragon age origins, and i have lost count as to how many times i have completed the game…

But still… lets get to the wishes…

1: colossal talnet in everything

2: Logans mutant body, with his admantium skeletal frame.

3: Byakuyas body, powers and memories, including senbonzakura

4: anime system

5: Power of madara uchiha including his eternal mangekyo sharingan

6: the creation of the uchiha clan of shinobi in the world of thedas, situated in the high mountains of ferelden… they are largely respected by everyone, and prized for their combat skills and innate abilities… along with an innate resistance to dark spawn blood… they also have great numbers, and are neutral in all aspects between countries, being feared and loved by man elf qunari, and tavinter alike… unlike most people, uchiha's are elven… who are highly connected to magic, chakra, and have incredibly long life-span… ranging up to thousands of years… just like the old elves… they are also widely known for their 'sharingan' and their mangekyo sharingan that is said to tople cities, they also have great connections to the grey wardens… and have almost legendary renown to the people, being treated like royalty everywhere they go… specially to the grey wardens, and kings. Queens of all empires… however they have a complicated relationship with the chantry…

Hearing the last wish, and the backstory that i wanted implemented into the world… the gods eye brows rose up… he also heard a few bonus's in there, as he would be born as a 'true elf' not mentioning the natural resistance to dark spawn blood etc, fame and glory of being apart fo the uchiha clan…

"Do you want me to make up the rest? How old do you want the uchiha clan to be?"

Clearly he wasnt at all, perturbed at the wish, after all… it was a wish…

"I want it to be just as old as the old elven empire… i want the place witch, the 'royalties' of the uchiha clan to reside in the mountains guarded by incredibly ancient magic and mist… along with three incredibly ancient and powerful dragons, and the chakra beast kurama to be sealed inside me as its jinchurinki. Other than that, i want multiple cities at the foot of the mountain, with large farms and expanses… a 'free city' along with an external clan of uchiha's that rules over that city, as it is a neutral state. As for the fame im sure you can cook something up."

God nodded… and then he went into thought for a moment…

"How about the uchiha's saved the world from the blights multiple times, including dwarves… and had contributed multiple times in keeping the peace between nations… like peace keepers… and advisors"


Then god asked "do you also want resistance to demon possession aswell? Along with demonic influences?"

I nodded…

He smiled… "have a nice life."

Then he snapped his fingers….


A babies cry could be heard in the room… as i awakened…

"Amazing… hes born with so much chakra…" a proud voice spoke up on the side… it was full practrically soaked in pride…

I opened my eyes, and i could barely see, it was blurry…

A tired womens voice witch i assumed was my mothers… spoke up "perhaps, hes the next generation of madara uchiha."

"You mean me? Haha~"

A voice entered my ears, it was a haughty one… but one that had a right to be… MADARA FREAKING UCHIHA IS IN THE SAME ROOM AS ME!

Granted with differences, he was an elf… but that just means he has more abilities…

Since i requested extremely high connection to magic… we were naturally great mages, great shinobis, great everything…

And we were an incredibly powerful clan… with fame to match it.

Then i got a message… in my head…

[ Congratulations on your birth… i just wanted to say, im amping up the powers of this world… to make it more interesting… magic will be more powerful than in the game version of things, and normal people to warriors will have much much more stronger bodies, and skills available to them… your clan is special among everyone… but still… well, you get the picture. ]

My mother awoke me from my revelry… as my consciousness slowly fell asleep…

"Cant you feel it, he already has Chuunin levels of chakra. Once he grows up he theoretically should have enough chakra rivaling yours!"

So she says, i could feel my father nodding… in agreement…

As i was taken into my mothers arms…

Who wrapped me up in a towel seemingly…

Well… at any rate… im off to sleep…


6 years later…

I was training inside the courtyard.. With Drako… the dragon…

We had three types of dragons guarding our mountains, that connected together the massive fortress that spanned across the mountains inside the surroundings…

Honestly it was terrifyingly massive… sturdy, and downright insane…

It made ostagar and the fortresses in DAI look like childrens play pens compared to this…

Anyway, training the courtyard with draco…

It i was standing in the pond, and preparing myself as i also stuck leaves to my forehead…

It only took me a matter of moments to get the technique down packed…

The dragon spoke… "As expected of you byakuya, it didnt take you long at all, to master water walking. Truly a talent."

Golems were also wandering around the place constantly on patrol of any intruders… we had around… 1000 of them inside this massive expanse of a 'castle' more like a goddamn fortress city in the clouds!


They were a mixture of metal golems and stone golems… stone golems were where they would be seen like statues outside the important areas of the clan… while stone ones would often be seen in groups of two roaming the castle… some outer uchihas would rarely be seen, checking up on places inside the castle, doing routine patrol…

Roughly speaking the amount of outer uchihas witch served the royal family is generally speaking, 10,000 outer clan uchihas… while a mere 1,000 noble uchihas… while merely 100 royal uchihas including me existed…

However the talent between the three couldnt be measured, it was like measuring the difference between the earth and the heavens…

A royal uchiha generally speaking could take on as many outer clan uchihas endlessly in pure skill, nobles were a different matter, 1 royal uchiha could take on roughly 100 noble uchihas… just on basic standards alone… and this is ignoring my uncle, MADARA FREAKING UCHIHA! Who has the Eternal mangekyo sharingan!

Of course i have it too, and everyone knows it, in this world you were either born with the sharingan, mangekyo sharingan as an extra bonus, or the eternal mangekyo sharingan at birth… no fucked up cycle.

There was only 6 including me, with the EMS. however majority including my father had the mangekyo sharingan, very few who were regarded as wastes in the royal uchiha family had merely the sharingan…

Of course, no one really used the mangekyo sharingan due to the issue of going blind! But those of us with the EMS dont need to care about that issue.

Be that as it may, lets turn our attention to draco our dragon friend… i was rather surprised that he had the ability to speak, but he also had the ability to transform into a humanoid creature, similar to a human.

"Draco, when am i finally going to get, some little brothers and sisters from you and Vale."

Hearing this the dragon looked me… and he seemed to cough… "what ever do you mean?"

He seemed to blushing behind his scales… it was quite funny the relationship between him and the others were like a weird love triangle… there him, draco, vale a storm dragon, and finally, minerva… wind dragon.. He was the fire dragon of the three…

In all honesty, i say this to him, as he becomes incredibly embarrassed easily… at the mention of his relationship… with them…. He was indeed, not the wearer of the pants in the relationship… minerva is flighty, yet dominating, vale is dominating yet kind… yet despite draco being a fire dragon he is not to be underestimated, but in the end he is still just a beta dragon, with complexes… but he is a kind yet playful dragon in the end…

"I expect some little brothers and sisters, uncle, please dont disappoint me."

Indeed, i called him, and the other two aunties… because they had been there for me, and keep me company…

Also my chakra level is already at Jonin level.. And i had already mastered various weapons… and fighting styles… it was easy, all i had to do was commit it to memory, with my sharingan, as madara freaking uchiha would train me himself… and give me demonstrations…

My mother was incredibly adept in magic, so i was also training in that… i didnt want to wield a staff, and i didnt need to… as a result, i specialized in lightning and fire magc, of course lets not forget entropy and necromancy…

These four were my specializations…

And due to my talent i surpassed my mother, and absorbed her teachings like a dry sponge…

"Ill ill try my best."

My thoughts were elsewhere draco, but i still teased you…


12 years later