
Dragon's soul mate

Yuri was just a normal coffee clerk who lost his lover to his bestfeiend. His life took a huge turn when he met the Dragon Prince Victor. Dragons as sacred most powerful creatures ruled all kingdoms. Married to two beautiful wives he didnt love Victor felt lonely. His encounter with Yuri a fragile commoner who bravely stood up to him filled Victor with curiosity and wonder what life would be like with Yuri beside him. Disgracing the royal household Victor rapped and impregnated a commoner Yuri. With the burden of raising the children Yuri was blinded into marriage. Shion the ex-male wife of Victor, growing up never knew what feelings are. in the company of Yuri, his view of the cold world changed and he fell in love with him. These two day by day grew close, it was one-sided love for Shion. In the midst of a blissful love...old skeletons fell off Victor's shelf. The encounter with an old lover made Victor to lose all that he had. Tragedy befall on the royal household....bonds are broken whilst new ones are created. What is a soulmate? Two lovers fight a journey to save their marriage... Read more to find out how the story goes... Disclaimer...the art is not mine. Credits and thanks to the owner

DaoistvtdATq · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
40 Chs

Volume 5 Missing Yuri

When Yuri opened his eyes, he saw a maid wiping his feet, he had been unconscious for a week. Yuri's mouth felt dry and his voice was crooked. The maid called the royal doctor without further delay, the doctor ran some tests. With a smile on his face he congratulated Yuri, "Congratulations Your Majesty you are definitely pregnant! I shall comply a list for you…" "I am a man how can I be pregnant?" Yuri was startled, his whole world had been torn apart. The doctor dismissed the maids, he held Yuri's hand at first, he flinched but slowly he got used to the soft gentle hand of the doctor, "My name is Mike, if you need a friend l am happy to lend an ear." Yuri with tears on his face asked, "Am I having a bad dream? Can someone wake me up from all this nightmare?" Mike understood the confusion and pain Yuri was going through, he replied, "This is sadly a reality…" bursting the doors opening Nara shouted, "Thank God you are awake! You got me worried Yuri! Do you feel pain anywhere?!" Nara warmly hugged him; Yuri busted out in tears in the warm embrace of Nara. Mike left to give them privacy, after Yuri was calm, "Where am I? I want to go home…" Nara holding his hands replied, "This is Victor's room…" Trembling with fear Yuri recollected the pain he endured when Victor had sex with him. Nara smiled at him, "Yuri…look at me…I am here for you." Clearly Yuri needed time to adjust having a normal conversation, Nara moved him to a different room to clear his head. Victor arrived with Prince Shion; they were busy all day with one meeting after the other. Victor opened his door and saw an empty bed assuming worst case scenario in his head he shouted, "Where is Yuri?!" Nara calmed him down, "Calm down, Yuri is awake, and he is quite healthy." Victor was relieved, "Where is he? Did he not like my room?" Nara cleared his throat, it was hard for him to retaliate the news, "Yuri needs time alone to process the whole situation, and the last person he needs to see is you." Victor was afraid Yuri would hurt himself I he was left alone, Nara showed him the room where he was resting. Standing by the closed-door Victor said, "Yuri…I am relieved and happy that you are awake. I understand how you feel…I am truly sorry for hurting you…even if you slap me a hundred times l deserve it. Please take care of yourself and take care of our baby…" Yuri was listening sitting on the bed; he closed the book he was reading. After a few minutes Nara and Lord Usagi returned holding a tray of food each. Yuri was scared Lord Usagi would torment him or oust him out. Lord Usagi cleared his throat, "It is my pleasure to finally meet you, the last time we met we barely exchanged…" Yuri wanted to pay his respects when Lord Usagi exclaimed, "Please remain seated!" facing down Yuri said, "Before I face my punishment I would like to apologise for failing to…" Lord Usagi laughed out loud, "How can I punish the mother of my grandchild? I should apologise to you for failing to introduce myself holding a gift. Eat and rest up." Lord Usagi excused himself, Nara was surprised to see how handsome Lord Usagi was when he smiled, the wrinkled face would fade. Nara sliced the beef for Yuri, he ate five pieces of steak non-stop. Nara said, "I understand Victor hurt you deeply, but sometimes it is better to face your emotions head on. I fully support you to make things hard for him…but at least hear him out once." Yuri was tacked in to sleep by Nara before he left the room.

Victor barely slept in his room, he kept tossing side to side, in his mind "I want to see him…I want to hold him." the thought kept ringing in his head until he gave in. Nara eating ice cream late at night saw Victor sneaking inside Yuri's room. Victor placed his head on Yuri stomach, he whispered, "Please take care of your mother." He properly covered Yuri with blankets, he kissed him on the forehead and said, "I am sorry for hurting you, I couldn't sleep without confirming that you are alright." Victor kissed Yuri on the forehead before he waked out of the room, Victor bumped into his parents eavesdropping. Lord Usagi tried to console Nara before he got roped into a shameful act, "What are you doing?" Nara looked at Lord Usagi, he lightly pinched him clearing his throat Lord Usagi replied, "We were having…ice cream…" "Forget it, I am going to my room." Victor walked away from his creepy stalker parents. Yuri opened his eyes; he was surprised that Victor was gentle and caring unlike his shitty personality he displayed. The following morning Yuri went back to his old house without notifying anyone, Nara and the whole castle panicked. The guards were punished for letting him leave without security. Nara and Lord Usagi tried to distract Victor from fining out Yuri was missing, Prince Shion was dressed in a white suit looking handsome. Victor after he had finished breakfast said, "Wait for me Shion, I need to see if Yuri has eaten…" "I will serve him breakfast! Hahahaha you will be late for work right my Lord!" Nara blocked Victor's way. Victor frowned his face looking at Nara's odd behaviour, "I will say goodbye to him, I am not leaving without confirming if he is alright." Nara was panicking inside, Victor walked two steps up and froze when Nara blurted, "He ran away!" Victor with a scary look on his face grabbed the car keys and drove away as his guards followed behind him. Nara was afraid something bad had happened to Yuri, he kept pacing up and down. Kim was sitting opposite to Lord Usagi witnessing the drama quietly, Nara bite his lip that it started to bleed, "I was supposed to look after him and l failed, I will never forgive myself if he gets hurt all alone. Please God protect them, I hope Victor finds them safe!" Hugging him close to his heart Lord Usagi assured him, "They are both alright, please calm down."

Victor and his guards spent the whole day turning the city upside down looking for Yuri. Victor first went to his previous house; he knocked several times until he demolished the door. Victor saw how small and clean the house was, he took Yuri jersey and hugged it, "Please be alright, please don't disappear from my side forever…" Several police officers were looking for him, Victor wanted to handle the situation secretly so he didn't approach the news. Nara was continuously blaming himself for neglecting his duty to cater for Yuri's needs. Victor tried several times to contact Yuri but his number was unreachable, for a day he didn't touch a moss of food. Victor returned home at the middle of the night; he was soaking wet from the heavy rain outside. Nara looked at his son who felt helpless, Lord Usagi said, "He needs time with his thoughts, don't assume negative events." Victor threw himself at the couch, "He left his card, and his house is empty…where could he be? I will never forgive myself if a single hair on his head is hurt." Princess Gia tried to keep him company but he turned everyone down even his beloved mother. Nara with trembling fingers took his car keys, "I have to look for Yuri…" Lord Usagi held his hand, "It is rain heavily outside; we shall continue the search tomorrow." Breaking down to tears Nara replied, "What if he is trapped in this cold weather? This is all my fault..."

Yuri got off a bus, he had spent his last penny to arrive at Daniel's farm. When he arrived, he saw Daniel locking up his livestock in the barn yard, as soon as he spotted Yuri, he left all he was doing and rushed over to him. Yuri was soaking wet; he was shivering with cold. Daniel accompanied him inside, he was worried Yuri must catch a cold if he stayed in the rain for long. Yuri took a warm bath, he was given a change of clothes and a blanket to wrap himself in. Yuri barely touched his food, he said, "I am sorry for showing up unannounced but I had nowhere to go." Daniel clearly saw that Yuri was emotionally troubled, "You are welcome here any time you want, you should rest its quite a distance from the city." Yuri was shown a room to sleep in, standing at the doorway Daniel could hear Yuri sobbing. He walked away when he had calmed down. Early the following morning Yuri woke up and started with morning duties. Daniel joined him, it felt like back in the day during summer holidays when Yuri visited his family. Daniel rushed over to the market with eggs and fresh milk to sell, Yuri volunteered to stay home and cook. The whole village was gathered by the tasks force, the chief commander said, "We are here looking for Crown Prince wife, if anyone is hiding an unknown person at their home inform us. His Majesty is pregnant, those who was comply will be greatly awarded." Every city small and big they were looking for Yuri, only the higher up were shown his face and given the details. When Daniel returned home, he saw Yuri sitting by the pond, "I am back." Yuri helped him to carry the goods he was holding inside, Daniel smiled, "I am sorry I took long; the officials are looking for His Majesty. How can the royal family lose a pregnant person? A lot of money is being offered to those who give out details, what's surprising is they didn't even show us the picture? Making me wonder if the Crown Prince impregnated a mistress." Yuri popped his eyes out; he knew with no doubt that the person the Royal household was looking for was him. Yuri swallowed a large gallop of saliva, "Daniel, can I stay here for a while? I need to refurnish my parent's house before l move in?" Daniel knew Yuri didn't want to live on a farm, "Why the sudden change of mind? You recently found a good job that pays well, life at the farm isn't easy." Yuri avoided eye contact with Daniel, "I want to settle here, I can't return to the city due to certain reasons." Daniel didn't want to scare away Yuri but forcing him to open, he drank his iced coffee and replied, "It will be great to have you back." Yuri cleaned the dishes, he prepared dinner for Daniel who was in the fields. When Yuri tuned into the radio all they talked about was the missing Crown Prince mistress. Yuri dozed off on the couch, Daniel covered him with a blanket. When Daniel was doing laundry, he noticed Yuri's phone, the battery was flat. He quickly put it on the charger, Daniel wanted to take a sneak peek of Yuri's pictures when he was at the city. Daniel switched on the phone, before he could open the gallery a lot of messages popped in one after the other. Before he could figure out the password Victor's call came through, looking at Yuri he answered, "Hello?" Hoping the call had been disconnected Daniel looked at the screen, "Where is Yuri?" Daniel quickly hung up, he had goose bumps about the voice. Victor looked at the guy tracing the call, "Where is he?" The guy sent the location to Victor's phone."