In a universe teeming with countless civilizations, a hidden truth emerges: Dragons, once relegated to myth, are not only real but possess a powerful bloodline passed down to some humans – the Dragonkin. Alex Connor, a brilliant but unassuming engineering student from a backwater planet, discovers he may be one such descendant. Thrust into the world of Cadmus Academy, a prestigious institution with a hidden agenda, Alex finds himself evaluated for a clandestine program – the Elite Class Or was it something more? Unknown to them all, an ancient evil stir in the shadows, and the fate of humanity hinges on a forgotten power – the Ascendant Network or Nexus, a shared reality where civilizations clash in colossal games for dominance. Will Alex unlock his potential and embrace his destiny? Can humanity bridge the gap between divided factions and stand against the encroaching darkness? The answers lie within the Novel. Also: [The Presence of Gene-Optimization programs with Super humans.]