Date: January 19, 2020, Sunday
Today's Lesson: Matthew 13: 24-43
* The Parable of the Weeds, Mustard Seed and the Yeast.
1. In today's reading, Jesus compared the kingdom of heaven to what 3 things?
Answer: In today's reading, Jesus compared the kingdom of heaven in man sowe in good seed; in enemy sowe the weed & wheat & went away
2. Summarize the Parable of the Weeds and it's meaning.
a. Can we see this parable in our times? Why or why not?
Answer: The weeds are separated from the plants or crops because they absorb the nutrients of the crops or plants. It is like toxic people should be avoided because they are not good or benefitting us .
3. Explain in your own words what the parable of the mustard seed and the yeast means?
Answer: If we are staying or abiding in faith in God, we would grow in our faith. Our outlook would change. And we know how to solve our problems better
What Lesson did you learn today?
Answer: we should learn to abide our faith in God