Betrayed at the hands of his trusted circle, He manipulated time seeking their downfall. Forced to start from the very beginning, he scours The Land Of Luna in search of his lost power. Fighting against waves of tribulation, persecution, and perversities he endures for a single purpose. To fulfill his vendetta by seeking and destroying The Three Kings
"I seek the ritual of Sempitero!"
Boldly I confessed one of the desires that I had long wanted. To obtain something I was never close to reaching in my previous existence.
Sempitero, otherwise know as True Dragon.
The ancient sealing ritual that would allow someone to ascend into dragonhood. I had come across the book ages ago. It depicted the steps to perform the forbidden draconic rite.
When I had found it, I was determined that even if it cost me my life, I would pursue it to gain the insurmountable power needed to leave Luna.
Since then my motivations have changed. Here, unbeknownst to both Ventus and Hel, I was presented with the opportunity to gain strength.
No longer fueled by the desire to leave this dread filled world but instead, empowered by an unquenchable thirst to destroy those who turned!
I planned to take advantage of the situation. No matter how impossible it seemed I needed to succeed. For our safety....and much more.