
Star douluo forest.

Ming being tired, slept for that a day. Seeing that Di tian decided to stay there for the time being.

Ziji stayed to take care of Ming. Di tian and Hao, on the other hand, released their aura to release the traces of awakening, pointing towards the village as the epicenter and awakened rest of the kids with Tang San.

After resting for a day, Ming opened his eyes.

" Hmm....water...."

" Here, have some water, Ming. "

Seeing Ming waking up, Zi ji offered some water to Ming.

Ming drank the water as if it were divine nector.

Ming, after waking up, had a feast alone. He had straved for 3 days, and with awakening of his martial spirit, his body was in dire need of nutrienets. He alone ate for 10 grown-up men. Something was telling him he could give Wulin a run for his money in eating.

After the feast, he went around the village. it looked bad. People were living in tents, and the surounding villages have no surivivers. Nuoding city was far away, but little less than half of the city was destroired. Ming was quite sad looking around and hearing about others. There is not much he can do about it. HIs uncle and aunt were rich, but he was not. They were spirit beast, no they are super beasts they have little sympathey for humans. And more over of all the treasures they have given even the lowest quality was a huge waste. Before, he had an infamy between the children, and now even the adults are afraid of him. From afar, he saw his aunt coming towards him.

" Ming, a special guest, has come to see you. I know you are smart, but be humble and be respectful to her." Zi ji said in a dead seriuos tone.

" Yes," Ming was a bit scared of what's gonna happen now.

He knows there is only one who he is gonna meet. the silver dragon king, Gu Yeuna.

Coming in front of the house Ming took in a deep breath and straigtened his clothes.

He looked into Zi ji's eyes and siginaled her he was ready. Zi ji was pleased that Ming was taking her advice seriously.

Slowly, zi ji opened the door. Inside, a small girl was sitting in a chair behind her stood two men and uncle Ditian was in front of her kneeling in one knee in a respectful way.

 Zi ji entered the room and bowed the same way as Ditian. Ming followed the suit and did the same.

The way he presents himself makes all the guests raise an eye at what Ming has done.

The silver dragon king's, her human form was an cute little girl which made everyone both men and women look at her and admire her forgeting everything else, but Ming after his initial look at the three of them did not get lost in thought and payed respect to silver dragon king.

" Ditian, is this the kid you have raised?" asked Yeuna in a quite rude tone.

" Yes, my lord, he is Ming Haoyu , the one I am entrusted with." Ditian replied.

" He does not look anything special to me. Well, whatever kid tell me what martial spirit you awaken? And also show me your spirit."

" My lady, I have awakened a drogon type martail spirit. It is shadow dragon." said  Ming as a shadow dragon phantom came into existence behind him.

The martial spirit was all black, looking like a dragon with glowing red eyes looking at Yeuna. 

The silver dragon king was shocked was the list to say, she a god abiet injuried and half of dragon god a god king level being was feeling bloodline supression. It was the same for the others in the room, too. It is not a game or novel that a high-level dragon will only suprees another dragon or snake. It is a real life, wake up to the realilty. A high-level bloodline will always suprres a low level one irrespective of the cearture wheter it is tree, snake ,dragon or pheonix, a high level bloodline will suppress a low level one. And that's what's happening to all the soul beasts in the room.

" You can take back your martial spirit. " Command Yeuna.

" Yes," Obeyed Ming.

" Is that shadow dragon actually the Dragon God martail spirit ?" Asked one of the body guards after a brief moment of silence.

" Maybe, I can't say. It has a bloodline suppression effect on me, but it has only destruction attributes." Said Gu Yeuna.

" I want to talk with him alone for a moment, myriad demon king and lord bear step aside."

All of them nodded at the dragon king and left the room.

The silver dragon king was injured during the last war and was still recovering, but that is with reference to a god. In douluo star, she is unrivaled, but the existence of God realm stops her from participating in anything before she recovers.

" So, tell me, how is your second life going?" She said plainly as if asking the weather.

But those words sounded like thunder to him. His brain is on overdrive to think of getting out of his placement. For a moment, it seems the world has been frozen in the room with a little beautiful girl sipping her tea and a boy kneeling in front of her.

After a moment, he calmed down. He has no cards to bargain except his memories, which she should have read, leaving him with know use.

" Quite good, I must say." Ming said with a smile.

He had great potential, but that's for the future. The only thing he can bargain is his memory, but it has been read. In thus dealing, he has no cards to play. So ,why so serious?

" You are quite calm. I thought you would at least pretend. But I prefer this."

" So, what can I do for the great silver king ?"

" For now, you need to come with us, but before it, I want to know your thoughts about God realm and soul beast."

" The god realm is my future residence and as for the soul beast, I can say I am willing to be with them."

" You look quite confident. So, there will be someone who will ascend in the god realm in this era. Well then why do not you prefer the human race?"

" I am not from this world if possible I would like to live this world for another in the future and travel.... you did not read My mind or at least all of it right ?"

" Correct. I have not read. Now follow us to the forest. "

" Yes."
