
Douluo: sun divinity

Alucardio · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs

nouding city

1 week later

a week has past since i awakened my martial soul, since then i have been doing nothing but training, but i have been feeling strange i felt as if the sun was trying to give me something.

Sol was walking in the forest towards a mountain, finally reaching the mountain he started to climb up, reaching the peak which was above the clouds Sol sat down staring at the sun.

"what do you want from me?" asked Sol the sun in confusion

minute pass before the sun responded, the sun started to glow bright enough to cover the sky and blind anyone who would stare at it.

"what the fu..." said Sol, but before he could finish an extemely fast light hit his chest.

after Sol sat in a crossed legged position, absorbing what every went in his body, he felt like he was in the sun itself, but it also felt like a warm bath.

his body was changing, becoming stronger, faster, more perfect the longer he absorbed, shaping his body in the image of god.

"*exhale* damn, that felt good, feels like i can do anything" said Sol, squeezing his fist.

Sol stood up, closing his eyes while facing the sun, he spread his hands showing his body that was as perfect as statue sculpted by a god standing at 5'10, unbeknowst to Sol a golden ring appeared around his legs.

[Ding! host absorbed 1,000,000 year old soul ring]

"what, wait hold on, what the fuck?" said Sol in suprise, until he saw the golden ring around him.

[Ding! new item recived, aothers second note ]

"damn, not this guy again, status open the note" said Sol in annoyance

[authors second note: hello again buddy, you might be wondering whats this about now, well ill make it fast,first from now on you get your soul ring from the sun, second i know that a million years gives you more then one soul skill, but im to laze to do all that so your only getting one. goodbye my dear KFC employee](A/N: honestly i really dont want to write the soul skills.)

"what an annoying guy" said Sol.

'status show me my soul skill' thought Sol.

[Ding! first soul skill: The one: Boosts all physical attributes by 5 times.]

"thats cool" said Sol

'first soul skill: the one'

after Sol activted his first soul skill, the area around him started to heat up, his golden hair started to flow up, and he started to grow taller and more muscular reaching 6'2.

"nice, i feel amazing" Sol said, while smiling, he then clenched his fist, and punched the ground.


the mountain peak started to collapse, and Sol started to fall towards the ground, once reaching the ground Sol used geppo and soru to go back to the village and land safely.

once Sol reached the village, Sol went straight home.

back in Sol's room, Sol sat cross legged infront of his window, and started to condense his second sun mark on his chest, which can protect vital organs and increase strength.

once Sol finished condensing the sun mark, he felt a warm current inside his body wrapping around his vtial organs, he stayed crossed legged and started practicing the hecrules method.

Sol finished training, and started to leave until old jack stopped him to talk

"Sol, can i speak to you for a moment" said old jack.

"yeah, whats up old jack?" asked Sol, in confusion.

"Sol, you know the nouding academy registration is in three months." said old jack.

"yeah, honestly old jack tell me what you want to say" said Sol.

"Sol, ive decided to give little san, the only apprentice position in our village" said old jack.

"ok, ill find another way to get in, anyway i got to go train" said Sol, nonchalantly.


3 months later

infront of a large gate stood Sol.

"nouding city, hey pretty nice" said Sol.

Sol started to wander around, until he came infront of a restaurant and went in to eat.

Sol finished eating, and started to wander again but he could not find anything fun, so he used observation haki to find anything, he then found a gambling ring which he went to.

after finding the gambling ring Sol started to gamble, sometime after gambling Sol won 10 bags worth of gold coins.

"hehehe, thanks for the money, you bunch of idiots" said Sol, with a smirk, after he used soru and geppo to leave.


and thats all for today ill try to update it tomorrow, also im going to make one of those character info chapter things cya and hope you enjoy. also Sol is sun in spanish so thats how i got the name.