
Side Quest (Seeking Recommendation Tickets)_1

Chu Qin had long found Yu Xiaogang distasteful!

Bi Bidong was destined to become his woman, if not for Yu Xiaogang, Bi Bidong wouldn't have ended up like this!

Although it had nothing to do with Yu Xiaogang directly.

But if Yu Xiaogang didn't behave, Chu Qin wouldn't mind giving him a beating as well!

That night!

Yu Xiaogang's dormitory.

"Teacher, it was clearly Chu Qin who cursed Xiaowu. You know that's not her character!" Tang San knelt in front of Yu Xiaogang and said.

"Where is your evidence?" Yu Xiaogang asked coldly, "Now, Chu Qin is an instructor at the academy. Accusing him without evidence could get you expelled from Notting Academy! Once expelled, you'd be barred from any other academy, and your life would be ruined! Moreover, Tang San, do you know what it means to be a sixteen-year-old Soul Ancestor? It means his talent is the strongest that Soul Land has seen to date. It means he's got the backing of a superpower! You, Tang San, what do you have to fight him with?"

Tang San was instantly rendered speechless by this!

"Besides, I think Xiaowu looks quite normal!" Yu Xiaogang continued, "It's you, Tang San, you've changed! The old you, how calm and collected you were in the face of problems!"

Suddenly, Tang San felt weak and fell to the ground!

He seemed to feel that everything had changed!

The old him had it so easy, but the road ahead might not be as smooth!

He couldn't accept this, for he was a transmigrator!

But the truth was right in front of him, whether it was Soul Power, appearance, or influence, he was nowhere near Chu Qin!

Left with no choice, Tang San let out a roar of anger.

Meanwhile, in Chu Qin's dormitory.

"So the Soul Power Inner Pill is actually a Soul Power extractor!" After some study, Chu Qin muttered to himself.

The effects of the Soul Power Inner Pill, just as the name implied, stored an abundance of Soul Power that he could directly absorb!

You should know that in Soul Land, Soul Power and Inner Strength were somewhat similar, requiring the conversion of external energy into Soul Power before it could be used!

And absorbing Soul Power directly would undoubtedly greatly enhance his cultivation speed!

At least, by threefold!

And the Soul Power within this Soul Power Inner Pill was enough for him to use until he advanced to Soul King status!

Therefore, once the Soul Power Inner Pill was depleted, he would need to find a way to obtain a new one.

"Bang bang!"

Just then, a gentle knock came from the door.

"Who is it?" Chu Qin asked, puzzled.

"Chu Qin, it's me!" The voice that came from outside was Xiaowu's distinctive, soft voice.


When the door opened, there stood Xiaowu, clad in her pajamas.

"Xiaowu, what's up?" Chu Qin asked with a smile.

"Chu Qin, that... our dormitory ran out of hot water, can I take a bath here?" Xiaowu asked shyly.

Xiaowu's heart fluttered slightly! She was lying. Without seeing Chu Qin for even a short while, she would feel a bit uneasy, so she used the bath as an excuse to come over.

Seeing Xiaowu's bashful demeanor, Chu Qin saw through her lie in an instant! Nevertheless, he indulged her with a smile and said, "Hmm, come on in!"

"Thank you, Chu Qin!" Xiaowu responded with a smile and entered.

"The washroom is on the left!" Chu Qin pointed to a room on the left side within the house and said.

"There's no rush!" Xiaowu replied, "Chu Qin, can I ask you something?"

"Hmm, go ahead and ask!" Seeing Xiaowu with a slight blush on her cheeks, Chu Qin already had a hunch about what she was going to ask.

Indeed, Xiaowu asked softly, "Chu Qin, when you said this afternoon that it was love at first sight, I looked up the meaning of those words. Does it mean... you like me too?"

"Fool!" Chu Qin said with a smile, "If I didn't like you, why would I kiss you?"

"So... so am I your girlfriend now?" Xiaowu asked with an expectant smile and a touch of anticipation.

"That depends on whether you want to be my girlfriend or not!" Chu Qin quirked an eyebrow.

"Xiaowu, you must think it over carefully!" Chu Qin replied, "Once you become my girlfriend, there's no turning back!"

"Then, I'll think about it!"

Unexpectedly, Xiaowu didn't immediately agree to Chu Qin. With that, she quickly dashed into the washroom!

"Still needs to think it over!" Chu Qin chuckled.

In his memory, Xiaowu was the lively and cute type. This shy and timid Xiaowu had a different charm!

At that moment, the sound of water flowed from the washroom! Through that opaque glass door, Chu Qin could still vaguely make out Xiaowu's exquisite silhouette!

"Ding! Goddess System side quest released! Help Xiaowu comb her hair to completely capture her heart! Reward: Hetu Seven Spears!"

"Looks like I need to get ready!"

Chu Qin left the dormitory with a smile on his face.

Inside the washroom, Xiaowu fell into contemplation.

"My mother was killed by humans; why would I like humans?" Xiaowu asked herself.

"No, that's not right, Chu Qin isn't an ordinary human. That's right, it's him that I like!"

Before long, Xiaowu emerged from the washroom with her hair draped over her shoulders, still damp.

"Chu Qin, where are you?" Xiaowu asked somewhat puzzled.

"I'm here!" At that moment, Chu Qin opened the door, with one hand behind his back, and stepped in from outside.

"Chu Qin, what are you holding behind your back?" Xiaowu asked with a beaming smile.

"Guess!" Chu Qin's lips were slightly tilted.

"Hmm..." After pondering for a while, Xiaowu finally answered, "I'm not very smart, I can't guess."

"Well then!"

As Chu Qin spoke, he reached his right hand out from behind his back, holding in it a bunch of an unusual "flower."

Because, this "flower" was made of piled carrots

"Carrots!" Xiaowu's eyes brightened instantly, "Chu Qin, how did you know I like eating carrots?"

"Because you're a rabbit, and don't all rabbits love carrots?" Chu Qin said with a smile.

Xiaowu's face turned pale with shock as she asked, "You, how did you know I'm a rabbit!"

"I asked the Dean! Your Martial Soul is the Soft Bone Charm Rabbit. In Soul Land, your Martial Soul influences your habits. For instance, those with a cat Martial Soul occasionally stretch out their claws, or people with a dragon Martial Soul have a... rather hot temper. You have a rabbit Martial Soul, so of course you love carrots!" Chu Qin explained.

"So that's how it is!" Xiaowu secretly breathed a sigh of relief. She had thought that Chu Qin had discovered her true nature as a soul beast who had re-cultivated into a human!

"Do you like it?" Chu Qin asked.

"Yes, I really like it. It's enough to eat for quite a while!" Xiaowu took the carrots, nodding her head.

"Ah, these are the flowers I gave you, and you're just going to eat them?"

"But, the carrots will go bad if I don't eat them!" Xiaowu frowned.

"Just teasing you!" Chu Qin said with a laugh, "Go ahead and eat; I'll take care of all your carrot needs from now on!"

"Mm-hmm!" Xiaowu nodded contentedly.

Then, Chu Qin took out a comb from his pocket, "Xiaowu, let me comb your hair."

Xiaowu's delicate body shivered slightly, then she obediently nodded her head.

Because, in Xiaowu's heart, only the most important person could comb her hair.