
Chapter 68 Ghost Shadow Perplexing Track? Slow as a Turtle! [First Update]_1


The crowd burst into cheers and applause.

This is tonight's beautiful hostess, Yueyue.

The most gorgeous hostess in the entire Soul Arena!

"Next, we'd like to welcome the protagonists of the number eighteen platform tonight, Thousand Hands Asura and Bloodthirsty Demon No. 3, to the stage!"

The voice of the beautiful hostess Yueyue was very pleasing to the ear.

From the left entrance of the Soul Arena, Tang San walked onto the stage expressionlessly.

As for his opponent tonight, he was feeling somewhat expectant!

He really wondered who would become the first stepping stone for him to obtain the Silver Fighting Soul Badge.

"Brock, Xiaosan is on stage."

In a VIP room in the distance, Flander spoke up.

"It can't be! It definitely isn't! That's the Blue Mask!"

At his side, Grandmaster was muttering.

"What's wrong, Brock?"

Suddenly, Flander noticed that Grandmaster was actually ignoring him.

The man was deep in thought, then talking about impossibilities and about the Blue Mask or something.

It left him completely baffled!

He almost thought his old pal had lost his marbles.

"Nothing, I was just considering how long it would take Xiaosan to defeat his opponent."

That's what Grandmaster is saying now.

"So that's it, Brock, you're still the same as before, not a single change!"

Flander said aloud.

Indeed, his old pal had a grand vision.

Watching his student enter the arena, while he was already pondering how to win and how quickly he could win.

This was the difference in outlook.

Entrusting the child to him, Flander, as the dean, felt much more at ease.


The audience was thrilled, with cheers erupting nonstop!

"Bloodthirsty Demon No. 3? Could it be that fanatical fan's?!"

"Mhm, I think it's possible!"

Upon hearing this name and seeing the person who emerged, some in the audience seat immediately assumed an impassioned and elevated stance.

If it was a zealous fan, they should possess a fraction of the original's strength, right?

Last week, a person named Bloodthirsty Demon swept through the entire Soul Arena!

They created a legend of reaching the Silver Fighting Soul Badge in just a week.

"Bloodthirsty Demon No. 3?"

On the other side, Tang San found this name quite odd upon hearing it.

Why was it called Bloodthirsty Demon Number Three?

Could this be some kind of organization?

Regardless, he'd have to quickly take down this guy in the Blue Mask soon!

The Soul Arena's individual matches end at eleven, and now it's already seven.

He must fight nine matches during this time!

This first match is when he's at his most vigorous; he cannot afford to spend more than five minutes.

"Below, let's introduce our two fighters, Thousand Hands Asura, a level 33 control-class Battle Soul Honor, with the Martial Soul Blue Silver Grass!"

The hostess flew mid-air, introducing them with an extremely excited tone.

"Blue Silver Grass?"

Upon hearing this, the audience below were all faced with question marks.

Could Blue Silver Grass even be a Soul Master's Martial Soul?

And a Soul Elder at that??

Has the world changed??

In the eyes of the audience below, Blue Silver Grass is unequivocally a wasted Martial Soul!

It should be impossible to cultivate.

If someone awakened to Blue Silver Grass, they'd be laughed to death.

"The second is Bloodthirsty Demon No. 3, a level 33 offensive Battle Soul Honor, with the Martial Soul A Scythe."

The hostess, undeterred by the uproar in the audience seats, continued introducing Ye Feng.

Ye Feng, wearing the Blue Mask, waved to the audience.

His 'A Scythe' Martial Soul was obviously made up on the fly, and not just that, even his level 33 Soul Power was fake.

He was using the Soul Power concealment technique taught to him by Xue'er.



For so many years, Xue'er had never been discovered at the Tiandou Imperial Palace, let alone the soul fighting arena being even easier to conceal.

With just a little maneuvering, it could easily be done.

To make this alternate identity more credible, he even set each one with a different Blue Silver Grass Martial Soul and Soul Power level, like his current identity, Bloodthirsty Demon No. 3, with the Blue Mask. Level 33.

No. 4, with a yellow mask, level 34.

And so on.

It wouldn't do for these alternate identities to be too obvious, right?

"A Scythe? This, could this be related to the Bloodthirsty Demon's family?"

The audience went wild!

"A Scythe??"

On the other side, Tang San also hesitated for a moment.

Well, that scythe did indeed look a bit like that person's.

However, the arena was a large platform measuring twenty by twenty meters, and the opponents were each on one side, a full fifteen or sixteen meters apart, and the other party's whole Martial Soul appeared in the palm of their hand, which was simply too unclear to make out!

Besides, it wasn't uncommon in this world to see people with identical Martial Souls, especially Scythes.

Judging someone based on their Martial Soul alone was somewhat hasty.

"Now that both sides are ready, I declare the battle officially begins!!"

Having introduced the two contenders, the host swiftly flew up into mid-air.

"Make your move, and don't say later that I was bullying you."

At this moment, Ye Feng looked at Tang San with a smile.

"Arrogant! Let's see how deep your waters run! Ghost Shadow Perplexing Track!"

Tang San did not release his Soul Power.

A mere level 33 ant; he, Tang San, did not need to use Soul Power.

He could resolve it directly with any of the top ten ultimate skills.

"What's happening! Our Thousand Hands Asura has rushed up without making use of Soul Power! What is he intending to do, defeat his opponent just with technique?!"

At that moment, the host Yueyue expressed her astonishment.

In the Continent, a combat style that didn't utilize Soul Power was referred to as technique.

"What is Xiaosan thinking?"

From the VIP box above, Flander appeared full of confusion.

A Soul Master's duel without making use of Soul Power?

But to charge forward so headlong?

Isn't that too risky?

"He's probably thinking of conserving energy. Don't worry, in terms of melee techniques, my direct disciple Tang San is among the top. For now, nobody can match him!"

Grandmaster quickly understood Tang San's intention,

And immediately explained to Flander.

"Ghost Shadow Perplexing Track? How ironic, then let's go with Chaotic Decision!"

Ye Feng, seeing Tang San deploy martial skills, slightly curved his lips upward.

Although Tang San possessed the Six Ultimate Skills on his person, Ye Feng's Chaotic Decision and Vajra Art covered both internal and external aspects.

They belonged to the most top-tier cultivation techniques.

He could obliterate Tang San in an instant.

All Ye Feng did was gently close his eyes.

The man was still as an ancient pine.

No one knew that along with Ye Feng's execution of Chaotic Decision, a subtle energy emerged, which then extended everywhere!

In an instant, his sensory ability increased tenfold.

Tang San's Ghost Shadow Perplexing Track was like the crawl of a turtle in his eyes!

This was the terrifying aspect of Chaotic Decision.

It was a kind of enhancement from the inside out!

If cultivated to perfection, increases of a hundredfold, a thousandfold, or even ten thousandfold were possible!

"What? Bloodthirsty Demon No. 3 has closed his eyes? Has he given up?!"

Above, host Yueyue became even more flabbergasted.

What kind of bizarre competition was she hosting tonight?

"Bloodthirsty Demon No. 3, what are you doing, hurry up and take him down!"

"F**k, this isn't a place to sleep, get up and fight that kid across from you!"

"Damn it! It's over, I bet on this sleeping god to win tonight, what a loss! Guys, it's a losing bet!!"



Dear readers, the author continues to seek votes for three more chapters today, with the next update before 11:30 PM. Entering the recommendation round tomorrow, for the second round PK, please cast more votes, so we can keep it free to read. As long as we advance, it remains free! Votes! Votes~~
