
Chapter 84: [Science education is the most deadly]

This day.

Su Mutian built a large table in the Sea God Temple, waved his hand and left sonorous words on the paper.

With soul power as support, the fingers are more flexible and perfect, without shaking at all, and the written words will naturally look good.

Bo Saixi came in from outside the hall with a smile on his face.

Su Mutian looked up just in time to see it, and asked, "What's the happy thing that happened?"

"Young God, do you know?"

Bo Saixi proudly took Rasu Mutian's hand and waved a small notebook in front of him.

"what is this?"

Su Mutian stretched out his hand to take it, but Bo Saixi took it away mischievously, causing Su Mutian to catch him.

Su Mutian couldn't help sighing that he was worthy of being a young expert in training, and it was not easy for Bo Saixi to change from admiring a little fan to a little more playful!

"It's the ledger!" Posey said pretty.

"Ledger, there is still this thing on Poseidon Island?!"

Su Mutian was shocked.

However, after returning to his senses, the scope of Poseidon Island's management is so large that it has an economic system after all.

Sure enough, Bo Saixi said calmly: "Of course, there are thousands of people on Poseidon Island, and these thousands of people manage the vast sea and various areas. Of course, Mr. Bookkeeper, but these things don't need to be concerned. There is no regular report."


If these words were put in modern times, Su Mutian would feel that he was a young puppet god.

The economy is the lifeblood. You don't even have the right to know the lifeblood. That status... Tsk tsk tsk.

Fortunately, this is a world where military power is greater than financial power.

"But what are you doing with the ledger?" Su Mutian was confused.

"Because I'm curious."


Bo Saixi walked along: "What about me, I thought it would be a very financial loss to organize a wedding banquet for Zhang'er and make a full moon wine for the children. Young god, guess what the statistics of Mr. Finance gave us?"

"Stable earning."

Su Mutian said lightly, how easy it is to guess.

"Yes, yes, not only did we have no losses, we actually made a lot of money, which is worth the total expenditure of Shanghai Shendao for two years!"

Po Saixi felt like Cai was fascinated, and bounced around Su Mutian, "Young God, you are really amazing, I admire it so much!"

"Hey, it makes sense."

Su Mutian pressed his hand to let Bo Saixi calm down.

Since it was a happy event, there would be no less ceremonies at the door, and it was a rare thing for Seagod Island to entertain the Quartet waters.

With such a good opportunity to please Seagod Island, can the elders of the clans remain indifferent?

So gift giving is also the original blood.

In fact, they are consuming the face of Poseidon, um...it's the big statue behind them.

But Posey's matter of this aspect belongs to the level of obscure and difficult to understand. She has never participated in other people's weddings, let alone married, so naturally she has no expectation of financial explosions.

This sudden surprise made her feel very surprised.

Seeing Young God's calmness, as if everything were under control, Posey's charm continued to increase with the passage of time!

Let me just add a sentence, the book-chasing app I am using recently, [\Mic\Mic\Reading\app\\] Cache reading, offline reading!

"Young God, what are you writing recently, one after another."

Bo Saixi leaned next to Su Mutian, and she would not question the behavior of the Young God, but she wanted to understand the world in the Young God's heart.

What does every act of the Young God mean? What does he want to do?

"Important educational literature!"

Su Mutian said seriously while holding the pen.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh?" Posey was startled.

You said you wrote a practice exercise, I can understand it.

I can understand you saying you are idle and boring to cultivate your sentiment.

But educational literature? ? ?

"That's it." Su Mutian gestured: "Since I have been in contact with children, I have deeply realized that there is a very serious social problem in our Seagod Island, and even the entire Douluo Continent, and the people's education level is low!"

This is a fact. Otherwise, why did Yu Xiaogang spend his whole life studying several theories? Those theories still have a lot of nonsense, and some are things that modern people can think of through brainstorming. Only very little knowledge is of scientific research value. of.

The world only pays attention to the thriving development of the soul master world, but ignores that basic education is still important.

Su Mu is so innocent?

It's not!

This old selfish bitch.

"Of course, the main purpose is to educate Tang Hao and Tang Xiao in the future, lest he be as stupid as Tang Ying." Su Mutian stated his true purpose.

But he never expected that his flash of inspiration would become an important document in Douluo's education circle after a long time.

It was also titled "The Great Educator".

"Yang'er is not stupid, he is very smart." Po Saixi pouted. Although Tang Ying's talent is not an enchanting evildoer, his cultivation speed is also very fast. Now in his twenties, he has broken through the Soul King and is about to be promoted. The soul emperor!

Her habitual thinking equates quick upgrade to not being stupid.

Su Mutian sighed and rubbed Posey's head: "His stupidity is not the kind of stupidity you think."

Bo Saixi is completely confused. Is there any level of sillyness?


"Education issues must be strictly grasped, not only Tang Hao and Tang Xiao, but the entire Sea God Island, no! The residents of the entire sea area must develop into qualified and well-mannered people. This will not only avoid the risk of crime, but also maintain the harmony of the neighborhood. Category.

In short, it is very useful. "

"Science education is very important."

Although Su Mutian knew that it was ridiculous to engage in science during the fantasy time, anyway, the cultivation of the Seagod Temple had reached a bottleneck.

Why not try to use the identity of the Young God to do a wave of things, in case there is a reward?

Even though this idea flashed, the system prompt popped up:

[Douluo Education Promotion Progress Started! ]

[Currently the average score of comprehensive education per capita is: 30 points (total score of 100)]

[Each time the average score is increased, you can get a phased reward! ]

The pen in Su Mutian's hand crashed and fell to the ground.

Surprised: (°ο°)

Practice the truth!

As soon as the system sounded, Su Mutian knew that he might be a blind cat and a dead mouse. Com accidentally found a way to get rich.

"Xier, what do you think of my thoughts?" Su Mutian asked tentatively.

Ideas belong to ideas, but I still have to rely on my daughter-in-law~ for help in implementation.

Posey thought for a long time,

It's not thinking about the correctness of Young God's plan.

It is worrying that the plan is too large.

What a magnificent and grand pattern of education tasks for the entire Douluo Continent and the Sea!

Suddenly, small stars appeared in Posey's eyes.

As expected of her favorite young god!

"I'll do whatever the Young God orders." Posey was cleverly like a little cat.

Su Mutian nodded in satisfaction and wrote the book even harder.

Six years later.

Poseidon Plaza has become the core place for preaching and teaching.

Poseidon Island called all ethnic groups in the sea area to come to learn sightseeing, bringing back the concepts of life etiquette, how to treat spirit beasts reasonably, and quality education back to all ethnic groups.

In addition, Poseidon Island will arrange for random inspections.

This is a big change, and there will always be people who will oppose it, but with the majesty of Poseidon Island, those people have not been able to make a big wave.

Coupled with these educational measures, civilians and low-level soul masters have gained a better living space, and naturally they will gradually gain support from more people.

Not only that, as the progress changes, the propaganda of literacy education can play a major role in the cultivation of soul masters and economic development.

This is a big event that has completely changed from thinking!

Su Mutian was the only one who suffered.

These things are all from the modern thinking and logic in his mind, as well as the knowledge in the books that he can recall.

After processing by oneself, he dared to speak out to others.

That hair, but one poke and one poke...

Fortunately, his hair volume is amazing and harmless.