
Douluo Dalu: Lucky Star

After Han Li's unexpected death, he found himself reincarnated in the Douluo Continent upon regaining consciousness. Due to his transmigration, unknown high-dimensional information surged in, causing the plane's consciousness to awaken prematurely and bind with him. He realized that he seemed to have become the father of the newly awakened plane consciousness. Bearing a name that sounds the same as a certain celestial being and holding a pair of twin-form martial spirits—a dual scimitar blade and bow—Han Li stood silently, with the gradually awakening plane consciousness behind him. Should he become a celestial being who commits murder and arson, or a companion of justice? As for becoming Huo Yuhao? Ha, don't make me laugh. He was born with stiff knees and could never kneel. What? Guang Ling Douluo himself has come? Han Li, who had wandered for half his life without encountering a wise master, said, "If you do not mind, I am willing to acknowledge you as my master." "Master, please accept a bow from your disciple." ... Many years later, facing an approaching enemy, Han Li floated in mid-air and looked at the intruder: "You can try if you wish, but even if I bear the weight of the entire Douluo Star and have to hold up Wuhun City with one hand, I, Han Li, will still be invincible in this world!" Read advanced chapter at patreon.com/AbsoluteCode https://discord.com/invite/9zUZj5ksxM

AbsoluteCode · Anime e quadrinhos
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130 Chs

[DD]: 2

Han Li didn't choose to approach rashly. Instead, he watched their argument from a distance, waiting until the buzz-cut head emerged from the shadows to mediate before he started observing the child's appearance from the side.

At first glance, Tang San looked exactly as described: dark-skinned, thin, and malnourished, with clothes that could only be considered barely clean. Who could have thought that this would be the future protagonist?

As for Yu Xiaogang, Han Li had already seen him more than once while reading books at the academy. In terms of appearance and demeanor, Yu Xiaogang was not even on par with Su Yuntao, so there was no need to mention him further.

Han Li silently watched the argument, mentally adding the voiceover "You have already chosen the path of death," which he found quite amusing.

It wasn't until Yu Xiaogang appeared, scolding the gatekeeper, that Old Jack respectfully entrusted Tang San to him. Only then did Han Li withdraw his gaze and turn to the maid beside him.

"Sister Xiu'er, ask the shopkeeper to bring us another pot of hot tea. We'll stay a while longer before heading back."

"Yes, young master."

Soon, the hot tea was served again. Han Li alternated between watching the scene outside the window and making casual conversation with Xiu'er.

After waiting until a little girl dressed in pink with a scorpion braid successfully entered the academy, he sat for a while longer, seemingly losing interest, and then left the tavern to head home.

"The wheel of destiny begins to turn slowly from this moment…"

Han Li lay on his bed, looking at the girl beside him who was engrossed in the story, and decided to end the storytelling session for the night.

"Huh, that's it?"

Xiu'er, not hearing the young master's voice continue, realized the story session was over.

Her hands, which were resting on the table supporting her cheeks, made her face look a bit round and chubby. She wasn't wearing any hair ornaments, and with the round bear ears on top of her head, she looked very cute and naive. At this moment, she seemed more like a girl her age should.

"It's already ten o'clock. Time to sleep. We have to go to the Spirit Hall to awaken our martial soul tomorrow."

Han Li pointed at the clock on the wall, smiling at her.

After all, she was just a ten-year-old girl. Despite usually handling her maid duties meticulously, she couldn't resist the allure of stories, a habit that had persisted for over two years.

Their usual mode of interaction was quite peculiar. Although Xiu'er was a maid, she always treated him like a younger brother. Occasionally, when it was just the two of them, she would call him by his name.

Han Li couldn't refuse her care, understanding that this was the only way Xiu'er would feel better. She always blamed herself for causing him to lose his parents.

Of course, Han Li considered her as a sister in his heart. However, being only six years old in this life, he certainly wouldn't say it out loud. But after more than two years of companionship, he had accepted this girl as his family.

"Young master, you should rest early too. I'll come to wake you up in the morning."

Xiu'er glanced at the clock on the wall, realizing how late it was. As a maid, she hadn't noticed the time, which made her feel very unqualified. Her face turned red instantly, and she quickly ran out of the room.

Seeing Xiu'er flee in embarrassment, Han Li shook his head and lay back on his bed, closing his eyes.

"Tomorrow is the day for Martial Soul Awakening. What will it be like?"

Han Li deliberately cut off his thoughts, wished himself goodnight, and used the meditation techniques he had learned to fall asleep.

He had to admit, before awakening his martial soul, meditation was indeed a great sleep aid for someone who couldn't perceive anything.


Early the next morning, a refreshed Xiu'er woke Han Li. After a much more elaborate washing process than usual, she dressed him in brand-new clothes.

Han Li looked at the mirror, seeing a much more spirited and refined youth, and felt very satisfied.

With black hair, deep brown eyes, a youthful innocence on his face, fair skin, and a set of fitted white clothes, he wasn't particularly handsome, but he looked very clean and fresh.

"Young master, there's also this. It's a blessing from me, something my mom taught me."

Xiu'er pulled him over and carefully used a red eyebrow pencil to dot a red mark in the center of his forehead, gently blending it out. The red dot made him look even more striking.

Han Li didn't dodge, though he didn't particularly like it. It reminded him of a wheelchair-bound doctor he'd seen on TV before. But this was Xiu'er's heartfelt gesture, and he wouldn't refuse it.

"All done. As expected, young master looks especially good."

Xiu'er's eyes squinted with a satisfied smile at her handiwork.

"Let's go." Han Li took her hand and headed to the dining room.

After a particularly sumptuous breakfast, they didn't choose to walk. Instead, they boarded a carriage and headed towards the Spirit Hall.

The carriage stopped outside the Spirit Hall, and Han Li got off.

"Xiao/litte Li, over here."

Turning his head, Han Li saw a familiar figure, seemingly a bit surprised.

"Uncle Xiao."

Han Li smiled and went over to him. Over the past two years, this city lord uncle had taken good care of him. He hadn't expected him to attend today's awakening ceremony.

"How are you feeling? Nervous? I'll go in with you."

Without waiting for an answer, Uncle Xiao took Han Li's hand and led him into the Spirit Hall, ignoring the guards outside.

Han Li gestured for Xiu'er to follow, gave the guards an apologetic look, nodded, and walked in with them.

"Old man, come out and preside over Xiao Li's awakening ceremony."

Lord Xiao's voice was very loud as he shouted upon entering. Although they weren't part of the same organization, his martial soul was also awakened by Ma Xiunuo, and in this small town, no one cared about such distinctions.

"Stop shouting, I've been ready for a while. Come over here."

A voice filled with slight annoyance came from a room. It was Ma Xiuno. Lord Xiao didn't mind and pulled Han Li directly inside.

Inside the room, not only was Ma Xiuno there, but Su Yuntao was as well. Lord Xiao finally let go of Han Li's hand.

Han Li greeted the two politely, "Grandpa Ma, Brother Tao."

The two responded with smiles, looking at Han Li with affection and amusement. They had watched this boy grow up, and now it was time for his martial soul to awaken.

After greeting them, Han Li looked to the side. The black stone used for the awakening was already set up, and the crystal for testing soul power was placed on a nearby shelf.

"Xiao Li, should we start now, or do you want to wait a bit?"

Su Yuntao, noticing Han Li's gaze, asked with a smile.

"Let's start now."

Han Li took a deep breath, watched as Xiu'er entered and closed the door, and then replied.

"Alright. No need for more words; you've seen the awakening process more than once. Stand in the center."

Su Yuntao walked over and patted his shoulder.


Han Li nodded to everyone and stood at the center of the awakening stone, silently praying, "Goddess of Luck, please bless me." Compared to other beings, he felt this one was more approachable.

As Su Yuntao injected soul power, Han Li felt a warm sensation all over his body. Numerous golden light particles appeared around him. In just a moment, a flaming scimitar appeared in his outstretched right hand, casting a red glow on everyone's faces.

"A Super Martial Soul..."

Ma Xiuno and Lord Xiao suddenly stood up from their chairs, exclaiming.

In the next second, Han Li's left hand, beyond his control, lifted, and a cold-emitting scimitar appeared in the same way, seemingly unwilling to be overshadowed by the one in his right hand.

"Twin martial souls?"

Ma Xiuno took an unconscious step forward, muttering.

Just as Su Yuntao's smile could no longer be contained and he was about to let go, a sudden suction force from the awakening stone drained all his soul power. In front of him, Han Li's hands were also drawn together uncontrollably.


A clear sound of blades resonated as the rings at the ends of the two scimitars' handles fused and floated up, then fell back into Han Li's hands.

Su Yuntao, panting heavily, plopped down on the ground, while Ma Xiuno and Lord Xiao stared blankly at the weapon in Han Li's hand — a new martial soul formed by combining the two scimitars, emitting both flames and cold, resembling a bow but without a string.

What was going on?

In all these years, they had never heard of such a situation occurring during a martial soul awakening. Today, they certainly witnessed something unprecedented.

It wasn't just Ma Xiunuo and the others who were dumbfounded; even Han Li, the main character, was somewhat at a loss.

Although he had watched Douluo Dalu before, in his previous life, he could be considered to have mastered the first part and half of the second part (meaning he had watched half of it). He had also read quite a few fan fiction, though not all the way through. However, he had never seen such an outrageous Martial Soul awakening.

Faced with the strange looks from the others, Han Li didn't know how to respond. He simply closed his eyes, focused his mind on the Martial Soul before him, and tried to control it.

After a while, he opened his eyes, and with a thought, the bow-shaped Martial Soul trembled, transforming back into two scimitars that appeared in his hands.

Immediately after, he commanded them to combine again, and the two scimitars transformed back into a bow shape.

Seeing him play around so happily, the other three finally snapped out of it. They rushed to him, and Ma Xiunuo couldn't wait to ask, "Xiao Li, quick, tell Grandpa, what is your Martial Soul? Is it a twin Martial Soul?"

Seeing the usually gentle Ma Xiunuo so anxious, Han Li decided not to keep them in suspense and answered, "Grandpa Ma, I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I don't have a twin Martial Soul."

"You... this... two forms..." Su Yuntao couldn't help but interject.

"You shut up and let Xiao Li speak," Ma Xiunuo shouted angrily at Su Yuntao, then turned back to Han Li with a smile, "Xiao Li, no rush, take your time and explain."

His expert change of expression left Han Li and Lord Xiao stunned for a moment. Lord Xiao quickly recovered and winked at Han Li, signaling him to speak quickly.

Han Li smiled, understanding Ma Xiunuo's excitement. After all, he had spent his entire life awakening Martial Souls for others and was also a researcher in the field. Now, nearing old age, seeing such a spectacle, it was natural for him to be eager to know more.

"My Martial Soul should be a mutated Martial Soul."

As he spoke, the bow separated and turned back into two scimitars. Han Li extended his hands toward the three men and continued, "These should be inherited from my parents' twin scimitars, but they have positively mutated based on their Martial Souls."

The three men leaned in to closely observe the scimitars in his hands. They had seen Han Li's parents' Martial Souls before, so it wasn't hard for them to discern.

It was quite a coincidence. Han Li's parents were from the same small town and had family ties going back generations, though their families had declined over time. Unexpectedly, in his parents' generation, both of their Martial Souls mutated, reverting to an ancestral Martial Soul.

Moreover, they each had a positive mutation—one developed a weak fire attribute, the other a weak ice attribute. Because their Martial Souls involved elements, both had decent talent, with innate soul power reaching 4.5 levels.

This was why after his parents passed away and he returned to Nuoding City, both the city lord and the Soul Hall welcomed him warmly. Along with good relations, as their only son, Han Li had a high chance of having innate soul power above level 3. In such a small place, this was considered a "genius" level, worthy of investment.

"Indeed, it's their Martial Soul, and it's a positive mutation. Xiao Li, congratulations. But what about that bow?" Ma Xiunuo confirmed the Martial Soul and then looked questioningly at Han Li.

"I don't know either, but it's a bow. However, I can confirm it's not a twin Martial Soul, just another form of the Martial Soul."

Han Li spoke, and the two scimitars rejoined. This time, he channeled a bit of soul power, causing a thin white line to extend from the upper and lower parts, proving his statement.

"Even if it's not a twin Martial Soul, Xiao Li, you have still struck gold. Without worrying about your body exploding, your Martial Soul is equivalent to having two—no, with the different attributes of the twin scimitars, it can be considered three. Quick, let's measure your soul power level. Since I awakened it myself, my name, Su Yuntao, will surely be recorded in the history of the Martial Soul Hall."

While the few were talking, Su Yuntao had already quietly brought over the crystal ball, looking at Han Li with excitement.

"Right, quick, Xiao Li, let's see what level your innate soul power is."

Ma Xiunuo and Lord Xiao also reacted, looking at the crystal ball in front of Han Li with burning eyes. Based on the Martial Soul, it should be at least level seven.


Han Li was also curious about this. He placed his left hand on the crystal ball, and in an instant, a blue light shone, reflecting in the eyes of the few people.

"Innate full soul power!!!" ×3

The three of them were overjoyed, forgetting to control their volume. Fortunately, when Xiu'er came in, she had closed the door, and the room had good sound insulation. Otherwise, it might have alarmed the entire Martial Soul sub-hall.

"Great, hahaha, just great. I, Su Yuntao, am indeed the best Awakening Master in Nuoding City."

Su Yuntao controlled his volume, but his face was twisted with joy. Previously, he had awakened a Blue Silver Grass with innate full soul power, which had been mocked by his colleagues.

Awakening an innate full soul power waste Martial Soul would also be recorded, but it's not the same, is it?

Now, he just wanted to ask, who else?

Seeing Brother Tao more excited than himself, Han Li couldn't help but laugh.

He didn't expect to add another achievement to Brother Tao's record. Considering how Brother Tao usually took care of him, he deserved it.

Seeing the usually steady Su Yuntao in wild joy, Ma Xiunuo also smiled.

Then he put away his smile, looked at Lord Xiao and Su Yuntao, and said solemnly, "Gentlemen, please keep this secret for now. Xiao Li's Martial Soul is too special. Let's wait until I report to Wuhun City and see what the higher-ups decide. Lord Xiao , you should know better than I do how the Heaven Dou Empire operates."

Lord Xiao and Su Yuntao were taken aback but then solemnly nodded. They also realized the implications. The Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect and the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan liked to suppress geniuses not belonging to their forces, and the nobles were the same. This wasn't a secret. With Han Li's special Martial Soul, the three of them alone couldn't protect him.

"Alright, I will contact the higher-ups. As for the documentation, Yuntao, you proceed as usual but don't fill in the soul power level. Make sure no one else knows," Ma Xiunuo said seriously to Su Yuntao.

"Register the Martial Soul as Ice-Fire Bow," Han Li thought for a moment and proactively said.

"Alright." Ma Xiunuo gave him a deep look and did not object.

"By the way, Grandpa Ma, how do you plan to report this?" Han Li thought of something and asked.

"What are your thoughts?" Ma Xiunuo asked curiously.

"You mentioned before that it was Glowing Feather Douluo who handled my parents' matters, right? He even held me and said we were fated. I hope you can add this at the end."

Even with his previous life experiences, Han Li's face turned red with embarrassment as he spoke, but he still bit his lip and said it.

"The Glowing Feather Douluo... you sure have the nerve to think big, kid. But, it's not entirely impossible."

Ma Xiunuo was stunned for a moment, then realized Han Li's intention. His heart also skipped a beat. Although the chances were slim, what if it worked?

Naturally, Su Yuntao and Lord Xiao also realized what was going on. Seeing Han Li's slightly flushed face, they couldn't help but admire him. They wouldn't have dared to think this way at his age.

"Alright, we'll do as you say. Whether it works or not will depend on your luck."

Ma Xiunuo hesitated for a moment but made the decision. This was the only way they could help Han Li; they hoped it would succeed.

"Thank you, Grandpa Ma."

Han Li solemnly bowed to the old man. Today's act would be repaid generously in the future.

Ma Xiunuo patted his head, looked at his serious little face, and said nothing. He quickly walked to another room.

After a while, Lord Xiao led Han Li out of the Soul Hall, with Xiu'er following behind them. The smiles on their faces showed that the outcome was good.

"Han Li, mutated Martial Soul, Ice-Fire Bow, innate level seven."

This was the news that spread from the Soul Hall that day. While the news was disseminated, a letter was openly sent out.

In secret, Ma Xiunuo had already activated special channels. A top-level encrypted file was transmitted through a rarely used communication soul guide device to the Martial Soul Hall in Heaven Dou City.

The file's final note read: This child was held by Glowing Feather Douluo in his infancy, who claimed they were fated.

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