
Douluo dalu: God king

A person reincarnate in douluo dalu world and his journey towards God king

Villain116 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs

chapter 5- Battle

"Humph! I will defeat you definitely for sure" said Xiao wu as she is panting heavily and Ray hug her as he put his lips on her neck, kiss her leaving a mark on her neck and use his tongue lick around her neck.

"Ahh Ray stop it, I am sweaty, pervert... beast... idiot" said Xiao wu.

"I like it, it was tasty and a bit salty Bunny" said Ray as he kisses her on her lips. She was shocked from it. He pushes his tongue into her mouth, she tries to resist but under his attack, she can't hold it and put her hands on his head. After some time, both separated leaving a line of saliva as she blushing as a red tomato.

"Someone likes it more than me my bunny" said Ray as she bites his shoulder angrily.

"Ahh, do you want to kill your husband" said Ray.

"When did you become my husband" said Xiao wu.

"Bunny I am going to leave for my first soul ring so, stay here" said Ray as Xiao wu become sad.

"No, I will also come with you" said xiao wu with serious expression as Ray seeing her determination as he nodded. She smiled happily. After that Ray and Xiao wu both have gone to star dou forest and searched for his first soul ring. So many soul beasts, come across as they all defeated and sometimes, they badly injured. After 4 days still Ray don't get his suitable soul beast.

"Ray what year soul ring do you want?" said Xiao wu as they both look in messy appearance because of so many battels with soul beasts.

"I want soul beast with 1000 years" said Ray

"What! Ray 1000 years is so powerful to handle and that much soul ring you can't absorb it" said Xiao wu with concern.

"it's ok I know my capacity bunny" said Ray as Xiao wu become silent but her heart is full of worry about him. As they go to volcanic mountain as Xiao wu confused why they came to fire type soul beast area. Suddenly a soul beast with a large roar appears in front of them. Two horns on its head and full of fire on its body. It is two horned flame lion's soul beasts with 1000 years soul ring base. Ray excited seeing this soul beast because it is the soul beast he wanted.

"Bunny this is the soul beast I want so get ready for attack" said Ray.


As the soul beast throw fire balls towards them. They evaded all the fire balls, Ray takes his sword and attack the soul beast, but the beast attacks him with its paw. He defends it with his sword, but he flows out and hit by the tree. He spits blood from his mouth.


"it's okay Xiao wu you concentrate on battle" said Ray as he stands up and attack the soul beast again. As the battle continues for hours as their attack technique, power maintenance and teamwork increased, and soul beast attack power decreased as both sides become weak but their will to fight did not gone. Finally, soul beast fell on the ground as Ray body become bloody but Xiao wu didn't because ray defended most of the attacks of soul beast on Xiao wu.

"Ray are you ok tell me something" said Xiao wu as she was crying and blaming for her weak strength.

"I am ok it just takes some time to restore my body" said Ray as he patted her head and Li Hua and Luna come out from spatial world.

"Ray! you are fine right?" said Li Hua as she treats his injuries and Luna put a concern face.

"Who are these people and how did they come here?" thought Xiao wu. Ray runs yang God and divine spiritual techniques within an hour he restores his power and body. Ray

"Did you restore, and Ray fire and dark elements are like opposite poles, these elements will conflict to each other, so it is very dangerous to absorb it" said Luna.

"I know but I have to do this to become strong" said Ray as he kisses her and move towards the soul beast and kill it with his sword a purple color soul ring as he sits crossed and began to absorb it. Inside the soul place spirit of two horned flame lion and spirit of Ray are fighting each other, as Ray skin become red in color.

All three looking at him nervously but didn't try to stop him because they believe in him. Every part of his body become heated as Ray holds the pain and continued to absorb the soul ring. After one day he completely absorbed the soul ring.

"As I thought my idea worked" said Ray as he opened his eyes, and Xiao wu directly hugged him as he patted her head.

"Bunny she is my mother Li Hua and Luna" said Ray as he introduced them to her.

"I know but never do this again and you know how much we feared for you" said Xiao wu.

"By bad sorry for making for trouble" said ray.

"What is your soul ability?" asked Li Hua but Luna spotted something on body of soul beast.

"Ray come here you are so lucky there is soul bone on soul beast" said Luna.

"It is left hand bone" said Xiao wu.

"I am going to absorb it" said Ray and start absorbing the soul bone. In his spiritual sea the colorful seed began to shine again. He felt pain and his spiritual sea is expanding as his eyes felt some changes. The soul bone is absorbed, and he opened eyes.

"Now tell me what your soul ability is" said Luna.

"My soul ability is black fire shots- it increases my attack power to 90% I can produce up to 20 shouts as the soul power increases this ability also increases and my second soul ability is fire control- with this ability I can control fire with in 30 meters but only 5 mins" said Ray.

"Well, those are good abilities Ray" said Luna.

"Anyway, thanks for not coming out to help me" said Ray.

"But why did you tell us not to help you" said Li Hua as he just smiled to her. As they went out from the star dou forest.


Name: Li Ray

Spirit: ultimate darkness

Spirit power: level 13

Spirit ring: 1st spirit ring 1000 years- spirit ability- black fire shot, fire control

Spirit bone: left hand bone

Bloodlines: special bloodline(sealed), unknown bloodline (10%)

Powers: Eyes change- immunity to illusion up to 3 mins

Techniques: yang god technique (level 2)

(Yin god technique)

Divine spiritual technique (level 2)

"Well, my bloodline and eyes change are new, it's time for training" said ray.