

I get up the next day, feeling fully refreshed. I want to quickly go out and kill that nymph soon, then work on getting the spirit rings over one million at the least. I fly towards the forest to where I know the nymph is, it will be a much quicker and easier fight compared to the dragon, since my mental defense is very high.

I fly to a small plains area surrounded by trees, there is a pond as well as many spirit beast of differing ages, they are all currently huddled in front of the nymph offering gifts, I wonder what its spirit ability is to be able to command so many creatures, there has to be around fifty here.

I summon some heavy armor and a halberd, with my winds on my back I jump in and start a slaughter, at first none of the spirit beast react, not even the ones who have been hurt, but then very quickly the nymph jumps up and shouts pointing at me. The spirit beast then charge for me without a care in the world as I slaughter them.

I feel like I am fighting puppets here who do not know how to fight. I quickly dispatch the rest of them, leaving the nymph that is trying to run. I quickly catch up to here and pin it down with the spear tip of the halberd, it looks me in the eyes and its eyes flash. I feel something try to invade my mind before I ruthlessly wipe it away.

I look down at the nymph that seems to have suffered a backlash, its eyes are dazed and it has stopped fighting back. It quickly dies allowing me to absorb its spirit ring. I gained an ability called charm, which lets me subtly influence peoples minds, seeding an idea. Whether that idea can grow, it depends on the type and the mental defense of the person.

I get up and look around, and the first thing I notice is the amount of spirit bones, at least every beast has dropped a minimum of one, some two. I shudder to realize that this is the side effect of the charm ability, all of their minds were in a state of euphoria and happiness, making the drop rate of spirit bones skyrocket.

I look around to see if there is any spirit abilities that are good. I find one surprisingly on a small 1000 year old lizard, it is a poison claw ability, I deem it worth it to add to my golden dragon spirit. after collecting all the spirit bones, I walk back to the nymph and realize it too dropped a spirit bone, the skull!

I am very happy to get this because these types of nymphs are know for their overwhelming mental energy, my only weak point. I go somewhere safe to absorb it and man did it suck. It felt like my brain was itching, making it feel longer than it actually did, not only that, it changed my whole body! If before I could be counted as a second rate handsome man bordering on first rate, now I can be called peak tier handsome! My skin turned more pale and fairer, my eyes gained a certain depth and light like the sun, and my hair seems to glow like moonlight. My muscles become more defined and I think I grew a few inches, in more ways than one.

I sigh at this, I hope I do not have to wear a mask in the future. I start absorbing the spirit bones in their respective areas, putting away any leg bones I have found. Luckily for external spirit bones like the wings I can absorb other types into it, but that makes me wonder if I can absorb more than one, I leave that thought aside for the future if I find a suitable one.

I go back to the inn and am slightly scared, because while I did have a few eyes looking at me this morning because of yesterdays event, now I feel like I am being looked at like a piece of meat, tons of women, and even some men, are staring me down like they want to take me on the spot. I hurry to the room and lock the door, even going so far as to put a dresser from the space in front.

I sigh mentally, think back to my earlier though about a mask, and decide when I go out ill wear a simple white mask. I do not think it is completely because of how I look, but another side effect of the charm ability linking with the spirit skull, giving semi-passive effects.

I sit cross-legged on the bed and enter my person space, I plan to farm the shit out of the spirit ascension platform tonight, getting hopefully every thing over one million, and everything else to ten million if possible, the time I have is much more as I increased in level. I can spend days there now and a night will barely pass here.

As I farm out spirit rings to absorb I find that using charm also increase the drop rate of spirit bones... as I get the ability higher in level, so does the frequency of spirit bones. This excites me because I will finally be able to increase the years of the spirit bones.

I get back to fighting because I have a long day ahead of me tomorrow.

This was supposed to be up last night, but was not posted because there was a publish timer, you would have gotten it an hour after post, but it set it to year 2020 somehow. I got up and realized that it was not posted, so here it is!

Hilerscreators' thoughts
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