
- Baby of the Wolf

Snow drifted down from the sky, layering the ground in a blanket of white.

A dark figure made its way through the snow, its size almost as large as a truck, its eyes a clear crystal blue, its fur almost mimicking the pure snow, a wolf of mythical beauty walked through the vast powdered landscape.

Suddenly it stopped in its tracks, sniffing the air around it. It could smell something new...something...different. Following this smell it came upon a mound of snow, curious as to what the scent was coming from and sensing no danger, it used its nose to move the snow.

As the snow moved, its nose came into contact with something warm, which in this tundra was almost unthinkable. Moving its nose gently it heard a joyful laugh, looking down it finally saw what the scent was coming from as well as this heat. It was a baby?

The wolf looked down at the baby covered in a scarf thinking to itself ~how did a human end up here?~ while it was thinking that the baby looked the wolf in its eyes. The wolf was then shocked beyond belief this child had pure blue eyes almost the same as its own only much lighter fitting the term baby blue ironically well, the second thing the wolf noticed was its pure white hair and skin, so pale it blended into the snow it had just been covered with.

The wolf looked into the baby's eyes and suddenly it's maternal instincts took over, feeling a need to raise this child as her own. She picked the baby up with her mouth, making sure to be as gentle as possible, and took it with her back into the white snow.

~~~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~~~

Three years later the wolf sat along side a frozen river watching a hole in the ice. Suddenly a head popped up from the water, hair as white as snow and skin as pale as a ghost while plastered on its face was a huge grin.

"Aunt Feng, I caught some fish for us" said what seemed to be an adult as they climbed out from the hole in the ice. Now fully revealing its body showing a well built human. Standing almost 1.5meters tall with lean muscles making up its body. In its hands there was a string with a dozen fish flailing attached.

The wolf spoke straight into this humans mind saying ~You always surprise me Coldin and happy birthday boy~ Yes that's right, the human in front of the wolf was non other than a three year old Coldin, one of the mystery of the past two and a half years since the wolf or Aunt Feng picked up Coldin was his abnormal growth rate but due to living in this winter wasteland both Aunt Feng and Coldin didn't know just how abnormal it was due to not seeing a human other than himself.

During these two and a half years Coldin learnt how to speak, crawl, walk, run and most importantly survive. This land maybe filled with snow but that doesn't mean it's friendly. During this time Aunt Feng found a note in Coldins scarf and that is where she learnt his name, Coldin James, as well as some writing from what seems to be his mother. Reading the note she decided to take Coldin in as one of her own and raise him as a son.

Coldin smiled at his beastial aunt and threw some fish over to her, before sitting down and tearing into his own uncooked fish, savouring every bite. After finishing his fish he looked at the pendent around his neck, it was in the shape of a mountain but made out of a blue gem making it seem more like a miniature ice burg, the string around it was decorated with small teeth from Aunt Feng that he was gifted after passing her hellish training.

Aunt Feng sighed and said ~Boy don't be upset, your father is still out there, just wait three more years then you can go find him~

Coldin looked up at his aunt and smiled a melancholy smile and responded with "I know, this world isn't fair and I need strength before I can do anything in it...I will wait...for now" Aunt Fengs eyes shone in a sad light upon seeing Coldins resolution.

I wrote this along with the prelude just to get the ball rolling and game some ideas started.

Let me know what you guys and gals think and stay tuned for the next chapter as Coldins going to go through his spirit awaking and being his journey.

KuxLikesNovelscreators' thoughts
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