
Douluo Dalu - A Song of Silence [Dropped]

A Douluo Dalu Fanfiction during DD3 (The Legend of the Dragon King) Follow Kai Draken, a reject from the Draken Clan, during his journey in the Douluo Dalu Universe. Watch him grow as he struggles to find himself in a complicated world. Follow him while he makes friends, creates enemies and fights his way to the top. Will he learn the secrets of his family and unlock his true potential, or will he fall to the abyss? --- This is my first time really trying to write a novel. I'm writing this to mainly get better so that I can write a completely original story of mine. Release Schedule: 1 Chapter/day Avg Chapter Length: 2k words

GarglePots · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
52 Chs

Tilstrom Family Library

Everyone split off, going in the direction of their respective registration area. It didn't take long for Kai and Emma to find the Mecha Mechanic registration area. Once informing people their of their intentions and filling out a few forms they were led to a nearby classroom.

Inside there were about 5 or 6 other first years sitting around and waiting. Regardless of the small size, Kai was surprised to see so many others had already decided to become Mecha Mechanics. Kai and Emma found themselves seats together and chatted quietly as they waited.

About 15 minutes later a man entered, the same man who had given the speech during the entrance ceremony. He scanned the room silently before nodding in satisfaction. Standing at the front of the class he began to speak, this time his voice much more casual and aloof.

"Welcome to the Mecha Mechanic faculty! Not only are we the least popular stream, but we are also the most difficult!"

The students in the class were silent, all them understanding what they had signed up for.

"Mecha Designers specialise in the design of mechas and battle armors, as well as the soul circuit formations. Because of this they require both high spiritual power and high levels of creativity to succeed."

"Mecha Makers craft the soul circuits on mechas and battle armors, needing precision and speed to do so. They use a mix between spiritual power and personal strength in order to craft."

"Mecha Mechanics, which is what you'll all be studying specializes in both Designing and Manufacturing. Because of this, most people who go down this path either fail or never achieve a high rank. Regardless, if you do succeed your future will be exceptional."

"High-ranking Mecha Mechanics are necessary and in high demand. Their ability to repair and be added to any production team is invaluable."

The man was silent, observing the faces of the students. Some seemed excited, looking forward to the possibilities while others remained indifferent. Smiling, he continued.

"My name is Kenneth Simmons, the Vice principal here at Heaven Dou Intermediate academy. I am also a rank 7 Mecha Mechanic and the head of the faculty here."

All the students shifted in their seats, surprised by the man's identity. Seeing this Kenneth chuckled before speaking once again.

"Because we are the smallest faculty, I like to make sure everyone is taken care of. Because of this you'll all be assigned a fourth-year student to show you the ropes." As though on queue, a group of older kids entered the room, they lined up at the front of the class with their hand behind their backs. "If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask them."

Kenneth then waved his hands, the fourth years quickly moving towards the first years. Kenneth then swiftly left the room, leaving the students alone. Kai and Emma looked at each other curiously before they were approached by two fourth years.

One of the two, a guy, reached his hand out before Kai. He had messy brown hair and brown eyes, a smile on his face as he spoke.

"Kai, right?" he asked. Kai nodded, shaking the boys hand. "I'm Rick, I'll be your fourth year! Why don't I show you around campus first?"

Kai glanced towards Emma, seeing that she was getting along just fine with her buddy. Kai turned back to Rick before agreeing. The two quickly left the room, Rick giving Kai a detailed description of everything they passed by.

A couple of hours later Rick and Kai had finally seen everything on campus. Kai's mind felt numb and overwhelmed from all the information he had received during the day. Rick chuckled at Kai's expense.

"Any questions?" Rick asked.

"None" Kai sighed, shaking his head.

"Alrighty then!" Rick patted Kai on the shoulder. "I'll see you tomorrow then!"

Kai titled his head to the side.


"Yeah, you didn't think I was only your buddy for the day, right? I'm also your tutor, meaning that we're going to be seeing each other quite often!" Rick said, laughing.

"Tutor? Every student gets a tutor?" Kai asked, surprised there were enough fourth years for this.

"Not every student" Rick said, shaking his head. "Only the early birds, only about 1 out of 5 students actually make I to fourth year- most being those who registered themselves. So Kenneth makes a big deal of focusing on those students at the beginning."

"Seems a bit unfair…" Kai mumbled. Rick just shrugged.

"Maybe, but its not like the others didn't have the opportunity" Rick explained. Suddenly Ricks phone began ringing. Checking who it was Rick said his final goodbyes before walking off, talking to whoever was on the other end.

Kai, wanting to relax before training later, decided to make his way to the school entrance and go home. On his way someone called out to him, turning to check who it was Kai was surprised when he saw Jax resting near the school entrance.

"What are you up to this afternoon, Kai?" Jax asked, an expectant look in his eyes.

"Nothing" Kai said, confused. "Just relaxing before my training."

"Perfect!" Jax exclaimed, a smile blossoming on his face. "There's something I want to show you! What do you say?"

Kai was silent for a moment, before sighing and agreeing to Jax's request.

"Sweet!" Jax seemed happy about this, peaking Kai's interest over what Jax could possibly want to show him. "Alright, its at the Tilstrom Estate. You ok with that?"

Kai raised his brows hearing this. All this time Jax had done his best to distance himself from his family, yet just as he had escaped, he was bringing Kai to his old home?

"Are you ok with that?" Kai responded, reflecting the question back towards Jax. Jax just rolled his eyes.

"I'll take that as a yes" Jax said, turning around and leaving through the gate. "C'mon let's go!"

It did not take long for Kai and Jax to arrive. Walking through the Estate, Kai was surprised to see the cold attitude everyone had towards Jax. No one greeted him, in fact Kai was sure most were trying their hardest not to look at him.

Kai looked to Jax sympathetically. While Kai had to deal with Draven and Dorian, it was a completely different ballgame compared to being completely isolated by one's own family. Jax didn't seem to mind all this though, having gotten used to it over the years.

They soon arrived before a large building, an old man sitting at the front on a stool. As Kai and Jax approached the man opened his eyes lazily, his glance passing over Jax before landing on Kai. After a moment he gave a slight grunt before returning to his sleep.

Jax grabbed Kai by the hand and led him inside. Kai was greeted with a large two story building, everywhere around him were books. Scattered across the first floor were some tables and seats for people to sit down and read. Jax went off to find whatever it was he wanted to show off, leaving Kai to explore on his own for a minute.

Kai began reading the tittles of the nearby books, finding that most seemed to have to do with Spirit Soul and Spirit Ring theory. Which ones would be the best for respective Martial Souls, as well as theories on how to create self made spirit skills with Puppet Spirits.

Jax soon returned, dropping a large and heavy book on a nearby table and startling Kai out of his thoughts. Kai glanced at the book. It was made of red leather; its pages were old and stained. On the cover was a strange symbol, like an unborn fetus curled up in a pool of blood. Surrounding the pool of blood looked like a series of stakes, pointing towards the fetus.

Kai shivered and looked away, uncomfortable with the strange symbol. Jax only chuckled before opening the book and flipping through the pages.

"This is an old book with records of some of the previous Blood Puppet users in my family!" Jax exclaimed. Kai quickly sat down next to Jax, interested on what the book might have to say. "I found these a couple days before I moved into the dorms. I've come here once a week to read some of the passages, not wanting anyone to find this book and destroy it!"

"Is this all you wanted to show me?" Kai asked, confused over why he needed to see this.

"Not the book" Jax said, finally flipping to one of the last pages. On it looked like a section written out of blood, its writing messy and difficult to read. "I wanted to show you this. It's like a diary entry, and from what I can tell its from the last known user of the Blood Puppet from the Tilstrom Family! It's a couple hundred years old!"

"So?" Kai said, still confused.

"So, this" Jax pointed towards a certain section on the page. "It says that he created a temple, in it was his inheritance meant for the next blood puppet user in the family!"

"Where is it then?!" Kai asked, surprised that Jax had made such a huge discovery.

"It doesn't really say" Jax sighed, closing the book. "There's a codded line, so until I can decode it..."

Kai nodded silently. Jax, however, continued to speak.

"Kai, once I find the location will you go with me?" Jax asked expectantly.

"I'm not sure it's safe" Kai said, hesitantly. "He was an evil spirit master, right?"

"Yeah" Jax agreed. "But this is my best chance to get everything back!"

Kai was silent hearing this. While it seemed like Jax didn't mind being ignored by everyone, it was clearly affecting him more than he let on. Kai thought back to his time dealing with Draven, when he was willing to do anything- even kill- to see his father again.

"Fine" Kai finally agreed to help. Hearing this Jax's eyes lit up as he brought Kai in for a tight hug.

"Thank you!" Jax exclaimed.

"But on one condition" Kai continued, causing Jax to let go of Kai. "Only after we go through the Ascension Platform and upgrade our Spirit Souls!"

Hearing this Jax let out a relieved sigh.

"That's fine, not like we'll be able to skip school anyways" Jax said. "We'd have to go after the semester ends, during break."

Kai's face went somewhat red in embarrassment, forgetting that school had just started. Jax let out a chuckle seeing Kai's reaction before turning his attention back to the book.

"I'm going to keep trying to figure this out, you can just head back whenever" Jax said, his voice trailing off slightly. Kai just nodded before getting up, he had to get to training soon anyways. Kai quickly left the library, the man outside grunting slightly as Kai walked by, soon leaving the Tilstrom Estate and heading to the Spirit Pagoda.

A strange and dagerous inheritance and the Ascension Platform soon? My gosh, so much going on!

Hope you all enjoyed the chapter!

Happy reading ya'll!

GarglePotscreators' thoughts