
Doulou Dalu Rise of the Uchiha

Welcome everyone who is either new or a returner. This story will be set in Soul Land, as the title says but instead of following Tang San like other novels, mine shall walk a different path. Tang San will walk his usual story until the main tournament. The story will follow a reborn protagonist am not an original on a different story he will get wish's, but I will make restrictions on them, so they are not op in the beginning, and he will most likely have a harem not too big, not too small will take suggestions, and instead of twin spirits, he will have three because it's different more info on the auxiliary chapter. Disclaimer I do not own any of the shows or stories I write about; they all belong to the original owners the only thing that is mine is some characters that I create.

TheDaoSon · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
40 Chs

Chapter 31 Year 1 Madara

A/N: Hello Children of Void author here just to say the next few chapters will be about their training and starting the original story plot of Tangy Boí. On another note, I put out the first Aux chapter of my new story the first story chapter will be out soon so if you want to add to your library it's called DanManchi The Gutys Adventurer now back to the story.


Silver "Come, Madara, you'll never reach me at this point."

Madara 'Tsk, great breakthrough'

*soouuu* Puuuuuusss*

Madara swung his gunbai with all his strength, sending forward a massive wave of wind destroying the surrounding area.


As the wind-blasted at Silver, the man himself didn't even blink and merely sent a wave of spirit power.

Silver "Hmph brat you and your wind"

The wave of spirit power and wind clashed, and not even a second later the massive wave of wind dissipated without a fight. But this wasn't the end of Madara's attack, it was merely the beginning.

Madara 'Rising wood dragons, Susanoo.'

*boof* *boof* *boof* *boof* *boof* *boof* *swoosh*

In mere seconds 6 wooden dragons erupted from the ground 3 on each side of Silver. At the same time, a mast of purplish-black mist formed the upper body of a skeleton right behind Silver: this was Susanoo.

Silver "HaHa brat is this it then I'm disappointed."

*Woosh* Silver swiped both arms to his sides, sending two waves of spirit power towards the dragons diving at him. While those waves were rushing towards the dragon Madara sent both fists of Susanoo straight on top of Silver's head. The latter raised both his up, catching the two.

*Boom* As Silver caught the fist, the surrounding area cracked and sunk in from the impact.

Silver "That's a lot of power you pumped into this attack ki-"

Silver stopped talking as he saw Madara appear right in front of.

As Madara appeared he raised his hand time seemed to slow down as purpler-black veins appeared on his arm. Madara then gently placed his hand on Silver's chest.

Madara whispered "~Void Palm~"

Silver "DAMN BRAT!!"

Feeling the palm on his chest, Silver exploded with rage, sending a wave of spirit power all around him.

*BOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!!!* Before Madara's attack could finish, he was blown away by the massive wave of energy while slamming through dozen of trees. The surrounding area was no better as the wave was slowly spreading the very earth itself was disintegrating, trees disappeared. The power Silver released was so arrogant and angry that the surrounding spirit beasts were running away or roaring and releasing their own power.

A few minutes later everything slowly quieted down with everything calming down we can now focus on the destruction. No longer was this a beautiful forest clearing, it was a barren wasteland with all signs of life gone: trees, plants, bugs. Well, all life except Silver, who was angrily standing in the center of the crater. With a flash, he appeared in front of Madara, who was sitting up.

Silver "Damit Madara, what did I say about using that technique"

Hearing Silver, Madara replied nonchalantly.

Madara "To wait"

Silver "Exactly to wait do you really want to be bedridden for another month. A whole month Madara wasted on your recovery it's only been a month since then we can't waste time. Now wait here, well I get Sasaki"

Madara "haah I know"

With that, SIlver flashed away to get Sasaki to heal Madara. While sitting there, Madara looked at his hand that he placed on Silver and went into deep thought.

Madara 'I've made no progress with the fifth form of the void style void palm its powerful but my body can't seem to handle it'

Madara contemplated while staring at the purple-black veins popping out of his arms. The veins themselves were black while the energy flowing through them was purple they looked exactly like the ones that appeared last month. While looking at them he couldn't help but think back to the first time he used void palm.

-Flashback 1 month ago-

We currently see Madara in a lotus position thinking about something.

Madara 'It's been three months, it's about time I practice the new set of moves of the void style I've already reached a good mastery over the first 4 now it's time for the fifth void palm.'

Standing up, Madara looked through his memories about the void palm.

Madara "Hmm, from the description I need to tap into the energy flowing through my back tattoo shouldn't be too hard. The second is I must focus my physical strength throughout my entire body evenly."

Closing his eyes, Madara concentrated on his tattoo. After a few minutes, he felt it now it might be strange how quickly he sensed it but it's easy to explain every time Madara would meditate he always felt the tattoo's presence on his back so now that he actively tried to sense it was too easy,

Madara 'Hmm, now I all I have to do is direct the energy towards my arm".

As Madara directed the energy, he couldn't help but enjoy the feeling of it was so pure and endless he almost got lost in it, but he snapped out of it. Once the energy reached his arm, he walked towards an extremely tall and extremely thick tree that would take 10 men to grab around it. Once Madara was in front of the tree, he gently put his hand on the tree.

-10 minutes later-

Silver "Mad! Madar! MADARA!!"

Hearing someone scream his name, Madara slowly opened his eyes to see a concerned Silver and a crying Sasaki. Seeing Sasaki, Madara tried getting up but was stopped by Silver.

Silver "Stay down boy your body is a damn mess luckily Sasaki here is such a talented healer she stopped your body from getting worse".

Madara "ugh Silver, what happened"

Silver "That's what I want to know, brat one second I'm training Hou Yi next second the entire forest shook. When I checked on everybody, they were fine, then came here."

Silver finished by looking towards the forest. Seeing where he was looking Madara slowly looked towards the same directions and what he saw made his pupils expand the tree he touched gone no scratch that everything was gone the trees, rocks, flora it's like something deleted them. Seeing the results of his attack, Madara didn't expect this much firepower from the just the fifth move.

Madara 'As strong as it is,' *he looks at his body* 'gonna need to adjust it a bit.'

Silver "From the looks of it, you're going to need bed rest how long who knows I'll bring Sasaki once a week to check on you. But what the hell happened here Madara looks like battle happened".

Madara "I was trying a new move put too much power into it won't happen again"

Silver "Yea it better because until I say so you don't use them you must wait to use them the damage to your body is bad real bad the veins in your right arm almost exploded half your body has frostbite. I don't know what technique you used, but it's extremely dangerous".

Listening to Silver, Madara ended up explaining the technique to him and apologizing to Sasaki for scaring her.

'-Flashback End-

During his recovery month, Madara mediated and studied the void palm throughly. Other than that, no other major events happened for him the past 6 months he's done nothing but fight. Next we move towards the siblings and their interesting training.